City of TD should encourage and promote a tree program

To the Editor,

The Dalles City forefathers had it right about planting large shade trees years ago. Many of them arrived in The Dalles from the east coast and other locations and knew from their past experience of the importance of trees in a community. (Especially in our semi arid climate) They planted trees along our main streets, in neighborhoods, (parking strips) choosing a well known species at the time, the Sycamore. (A prime example is the tree at The Dalles library where the bears hangout.)

Large Sycamores and other large shade trees were planted throughout the City. Some of these trees can still be seen specifically in the 400 block of E 8th street and other side streets. These large trees once lined 8th Street, 4th Street and 12th Street for many blocks but were removed.

While we understand some trees cause damage to sidewalks, we all know of past accommodations made by the City to prevent removal like the giant Elm located near 4th and Lincoln Street. There are many varieties which could provide the canopy so well needed in this community. I am using the Sycamore variety only as an example of what could come with a program that changes the way we think and understand about the importance of trees by encouraging a city wide plan for owners to keep their trees when possible and plant new ones.
I encourage the City hire an individual to develop a program, as modeled by other communities. This person would work with all stakeholders to develop a plan so there would be more consistency of agencies. I believe Urban Renewal, Parks and Recreation, Main Street, The Dalles Chamber, City Public Works, along with ODOT and others have an interest in developing a comprehensive plan. . . Our tree canopy is critical for economic development and all the myriad of benefits as outlined in a wonderful link “ The Large Tree Argument”. We all marvel and enjoy other communities who have a healthy tree canopy. Our city will soon loose the few majestic trees we have. The time is now for developing a City wide program to encourage and promote a tree program.
Please explore for an example of the kind of community program which could be establish here in The Dalles.

-William Lennox


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