All in History

Update on The Ruins - The Mystery of SC

The Ruins: News Update from facebook and Friends

Dianne Espy informed CCC News that her friend, Steve Curtiss, was the gentleman who carved his initials into the stone foundation. Look for an updated story on Monday once we get the chance to sit down and chat with Steve. Many folks on facebook also had the following interesting facts to add about the ruins.

Curious about ruins below Brewery Grade when getting off at exit 85?

Overgrown and dilapidated stone buildings sit in the hills of Brewery Grade - they are at the front entrance to The Dalles when taking the Interstate 84 exit near the Sunshine Mill. What were they? Columbia Community Connection serving Wasco, Gilliam and Sherman Counties, The Dalles, Dufur, Tygh Valley, Maupin, Goldendale, Wishram, Dallesport, Lyle, White Salmon, Hood River

Taking Stock

The recent issue of the P.E.O. Record features a nice piece of history where local Chapter Q contributed to the health of our community back in 1919 during the Spanish Influenza epidemic. International Chapter President Brenda Atchison used the history to point out the “bonds of sisterhood” that has endured to our current time of struggle.