Death Notices: Sharon "FISH" Ann Cloud, Diane Sharon Sexton, Sandra Yvette Garrison Geiser
Sharon "FISH" Ann Cloud, age 68, resident of Lyle, Washington passed away August 22, 2020. Funeral and burial services have been held. Spencer, Libby & Powell Funeral Home in care of arrangements.
Diane Sharon Sexton, age 73, resident of The Dalles, Oregon passed away August 24, 2020. A memorial gathering will be held at a later date, details will be posted on Spencer, Libby & Powell Website once they are finalized.
Sandra Yvette Garrison Geiser, age 85, resident of The Dalles, Oregon, passed away August 15, 2020. A Service to celebrate her life and remember God's promise of resurrection will be held 1:00 September 19, 2020 at Gateway Presbyterian Church, 1111 Dry Hollow Road, The Dalles, Oregon.