Obituary: Tristin Cole Baker, 15, Hood River

Tristin Cole Baker was born February 24, 2008, at 3:35 p.m. at Hood River Memorial Hospital to Scott Lawrence Baker and Chelsey Mae Elliott. Tristin has been a fighter since birth, having been born nine days late, delivered by emergency C-section after 19 hours of labor, with his cord wrapped around his feet. Tristin passed Monday, January 22, 2024, in Hood River, OR.

Obituary: Russell Ray Collie, 57, Hood River

Obituary: Russell Ray Collie, 57, Hood River — As a youngster, Russ enjoyed cars and airplane models. He loved spending 􀆟me with his grandfather, Maynard Ward, who introduced him to the exciting world of electronics. It wasn’t long before Russ received his Ham Radio License and was talking to people all over the world! Russ was also a talented musician and enjoyed jamming on the piano and guitar.