October 2020 Horoscopes: Outsmarting Mercury Retrograde During Election Season

Hello Dear Readers, 

We’re already a few days into October and all I can say is WHOA.

Here we are. The month before an election with a full moon in Aries on the 1st. I’m not sure about you but it  had me, your humble astrologer, a tinsy bit overwhelmed. So sorry about the late posting.

And it’s not a surprise really, whatever we had going on during the new moon in Aries on March 24th made a reappearance as we ended this cycle with Aries. And for most of us that was about the time the COVID-19 lockdown came knocking on our doors. So it’s alright if things got a bit weird there for a bit. 

On the 2nd Venus, planet of femininity and love, left behind fun-loving and confident Leo and entered a practical and pragmatic Virgo. The zodiac’s earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) will benefit especially well from this transit by tapping into their innate sense of beauty and sensuality. While signs like Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces may have to struggle along a little to tap into that grounded earthy mindset.

On the 6th, Mars, planet of masculinity, passion, primal instinct, war, assertion, and anger will be at its closest point to earth, only 38.5 million miles away. Mars will continue it’s retrograde in Aries until November 13th. This Mars retrograde may slow the process with which we pursue our goals. Tempers may flare. And motivation may evaporate when things aren’t going our way. External conflicts which have already become heated will struggle to be resolved during this time making this a good time to lean on diplomacy as opposed to kicking our way through the crowd. 

On October 13th-Nov. 3rd, Mercury, the trickster planet, and planet of travel and communication goes retrograde in Scorpio...just in time for election day. So this year, make sure you’ve planned your vote ahead of time. Don’t let this retrograde get in the way of making sure you exercise your right to make your voice heard.

Also be careful out there—MercuryRx can cause us to feel defensive, sometimes even to the point of paranoia. Be mindful of the impact your voice has on the world during this time. Too many spoons stirring the pot makes for some pretty sad pancakes. Keep the big picture in mind. The best pancake batters are a little lumpy. So stir that batter softly. Speak up as an act of love instead of fear. When engaging, act as if you were making pancakes for the whole family. You don’t have to beat the batter to death, just make it taste good. No force-feeding required. Be soft with yourself and others. Re-read your texts before sending them-they may only take two seconds to type and send but the results can be lasting. Maybe even try a phone call of facetime instead. Keep messages simple and clear. Now is not a good time to muddy the waters. 

On the 16th the new moon in Libra will have us all a bit lighter and make us dig a bit deeper to find balance in our lives. And transit of vesta into Virgo on the 22nd and the quarter moon moving into Aquarius on the 23rd and the start of Scorpio season brings us opportunities to look a little closer and feel a little bit more. Childlike adventure is implied. Shifts are possible, adventure into nature and see what it says. Breathe fresh air, take a breath. Take a journey. Be diligent in your practicality without losing a sense of whimsy. Strive to do something excellently by being excellent to one another.

The quincunx on the 29th may have us between a rock and a hard place but the second full moon of the month, yes you read that right, on the 31st will be in Taurus, allowing us to take some of the emotional journey we’ve carried with us and apply a grounded understanding to it. There may be something of a reality check like nature to this-but keep in mind reality doesn’t always have to be hard either-we can find ways to take care of ourselves and push through. Practice mindfulness eating, walking, talking. Be present with the person you’re speaking to in order to be heard. 

As always, I invite you to remember that astrology is a tool for reflection and self-awareness. It is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. Horoscopes allow us to reflect on ourselves and our world. It helps us pay attention to our moods and relationships and opens us up to finding new ways to navigate our thoughts and actions. It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as such a tool and not as a prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

Find you personalized Mercury Retrograde advice for your zodiac sign below.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Things are tough right now sweet Aries. Keep the peace by keeping your promises. Give your attention to your commitments-even if it means facing your debts head on.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion

This Mercury Rx: Think twice before granting a second chance to any  ex lovers who might come your way this month. Diffuse the drama by being clean and concise in your communications. 

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion

This Mercury Rx: You’re pretty good at being on the go and going with the flow but staying organized is going to be a challenge this month. Clear the crap from your calendar and take plenty of time to focus on your physical well being.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Sentimental Cancer, sometimes good things don’t last. Embrace new opportunities and experiences that come passing through but be ready to let go if the joy dissipates.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion

This Mercury Rx: You’ve got a flare for the stage so it’s no surprise that you’re sometimes the star of the family drama. Take the time to engage with your emotions. Try to untangle what you feel from the facts.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Try not to project your own intent on to other people’s words this month. Focus on listening before speaking, especially when it comes to gossip. 

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Luxurious Libra, hold on to your bank statements this month. Although it’s tempting to shop away your blues, you might find that it becomes a less celebratory occasion when you overdraw. When the retrograde ends splurge on something you’ve had your eye on for a while.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: You’re going to be double affected by this retrograde Scorpio. If you find yourself holed up feeling vulnerable make a point of using the time to your advantage. Refine your plans before choosing a new path.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Truth seeking Sag, sometimes you’re surrounded by so many people that your subconscious feelings become very hard to access. If you find yourself feeling disconnected from you, take some time to slow down and give yourself the space to process your emotions.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Capricorn, you’ve got a tendency to “be in the know” about things. But, dear Capricorn, be careful you don’t accidentally overstep and reopen old wounds.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: Technology may decide to completely drop the ball in your court this month Aquarius. Plan ahead and double check that important client has received your email before wondering why they haven’t responded.

Artwork: Denae Manion

Artwork: Denae Manion


This Mercury Rx: As the dreamer of the zodiac, it can be easy for you to empathize and imagine other people’s world views. Try not to get so caught up in other people’s opinions that you lose sight of your own. Try writing things down so you remember how you feel and take everything with a grain of salt.


November 2020 Horoscopes: Scorpio Season Reminds Us to Look Inward


September 2020 Horoscopes: Envisioning a More Empathetic, Diplomatic Future