Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for June 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for June


Six of Pentacles

This moonth asks you to consider the word generosity and how it applies to your life and relationships.  Are you generous with your time, energy and resources...or have you been more self oriented lately?  Are there certain relations or activities that you have been giving too generously to and not receiving back in equal measure?  This moonth is a clarity call to be honest with your generosity levels and to balance the places where too much or too little has been the story.  Once this balance is found, a new level of adventure will come online!


Four of Wands

What a glorious moonth of playful rest being called in for you dear Taurus.  A time to pause in making any big decisions and instead trusting that things will work out without you needing to overthink anything.  This would be an amazing time to start or reinvest in an enjoyable hobby such as playing an instrument or working with clay.  This card denotes a time when engaging in things that feel playful and light will best support your mental health and allow more mind space so that problems can be more calmly and readily solved in the future.


Five of Cups

Despite the upcoming Solstice and summer weather, this card suggests you may have a more emotional or discordant moonth ahead.  Don't be taken by surprise if a major miscommunication occurs, particularly within one of your closer or more intimate relationships.  The Fives always speak of unrest or moments of chaos...while these can often be quite uncomfortable, they always lead us forward into greater clarity.  Chaos is Nature's way and these shake ups most often bring new truth and data to the table for consideration.  Don't resist it - look for the lesson and trust.


The Star

What a magical moonth for you! This card is one of the Tarot's brightest and comes with the heartwarming message of good fortune and positive omens coming your direction.  I also read The Star as including our unseen Allies, Guides and Ancestral Supporters from behind the veil.  Let this be the gentle reminder to your Soul that you are never alone and there are so many BEings rooting for your success.  Remember to pray, to request your needs, to soften and quieten enough to feel their presence in the small moments of your day.  When we remember all this support - wonderful new avenues of experience can't help but arrive!


Wheel of Fortune

This moonth is a test for you Leo...the question is, will you stick the landing?  Life always moves and brings us trials and triumphs in equal measure.  This card suggests this moonth will have both and your job is to keep moving, learning the lessons and trusting yourself to find your way.  This can be challenging during the tests - but with a shining attitude and belief in yourself, all challenges can be used for your growth.


The Hermit

It is time for the cave my friend, as The Hermit asks us to honour natural periods of solitude, rest and personal space.  It is in these quiet moments that we find our connection to Source inside ourselves.  This moonth offers your very practical personality a gentle opportunity to go within and find a new layer of Mystery that can guide you in the coming moons and years.  Don't miss the chance by having your calendar overful.


Page of Swords

Time to get back on the proverbial horse dear Libra and rekindle that spark of flame within!  This moonth invites in some fierce fire and action.  Take charge of your airy aspirations and give them some solid aligned action.  Dreaming and doing are two very different vibrations... this moonth marks a phase of doing.  Just know it will be uncomfortable and will challenge your sensibilities that deeply desire comfort, ease and beauty.  But the gorgeousness that will arise from the sweat equity this moonth will be ever so worth it!


Nine of Wands

This moonth has the potential to have you second guessing yourself, your choices or the relationships you are invested in.  Monkey mind sensations.  The remedy of this card is to get very honest with yourself.  Often we lean into doubt because the stakes are getting higher, we are developing deeper feelings or investments into a person or project.  It is helpful to be very clear before committing to things - but once you've done your due diligence and determined things are a yes, doubt can only slow you down.  So gather data, be clear with your desires and then go for it without looking back!


Ten of Swords

This is a moonth of endings and completions dear Sag.  Time to look at the ways in which you are causing your own suffering by being stubborn, obstinate or unwilling to consider the others perspective.  While you are quite intelligent and tenacious - this does not always equate to being correct 100% of the time.  It is good to cultivate humility and a wild sense of possibility... this will be a much more fun adventure for you if you do.  A small loss in ego will return tenfold in delight!


Three of Cups

Let the heART rest easy this moonth sweet Cap.  It has been a deep start to the year and this card suggests a turn of the tides come Summer Solstice.  For now, let the topsy turvy feelings gently come to a pause and simply enjoy the life and relations you have cultivated for yourself.  There is nothing to do, nothing to fix.  Simply BE with your life - the answers will arise from the placid heartspace you cultivate. Let the emotions rest and you will see more clearly next moonth what the next step is.


Knight of Cups

This moonth you would be greatly benefitted by letting your deepest, most sincere feelings be on display for your beloved, family and commUNITY to see.  While you feel deeply, the mental quality of your personality often has you intellectualizing or attempting to justify or make sense of your emotions.  Emotions are not here to make sense or to be logical!  Emotions are not thoughts...they are sensations.  Feelings.  They are meant to be guideposts, red flags and release valves not strategies, documents and plans.  This moonth, practice letting your feelings be felt without preamble and see how the quality of intimacy changes in your relationships.


Great Mystery

Oh the blank card of Great Mystery!  While this can feel uncomfortable to some, this is a space of power for you and your Neptunian influence.  Let yourself lounge in the unknown this moonth.  Follow every impulse, turn down that new street, ask that stranger out to tea, wear something completely new and different and see who or what is attracted to you.  Drive a different way every day.  Journal using your non-dominant hand.  Anything you can think of to cut loose the monotony and open further to Great Mystery and this wise and wild ride will serve you oodles in the coming moons!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs and just released her first book!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

Wyld also just published her first book -
The Transformation Map - available now!  When asked to explain her new book in one sentence, this is what arrived - "I think I have managed to describe the way healing works in terms that are easy to understand for any one aged 13-113 while also offering a clear basic map for any human to begin finding what parts within them are aching to be healed." 

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for May 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for May


Nine of Wands

This moonth is all about really monitoring your mindset, and how you are viewing the world around you. Our mindset drastically impacts the actions that we take. The medicine of this card is to get really clear on where you might be over complicating and over thinking scenarios rather than using discernment and judgment about the current experience. Don't allow negative past experiences to overly influence your action steps moving forward. Let the past be the past and take some big leaps toward your goals!


Ten of Cups

This moonth is captured in the completion of an emotional state of being. This card suggests that you have been perseverating over an old heartache, and it is time to finally let it come to rest. It is OK to let these old stories go! When we do, there is finally enough space for the new to come back into our lives. Let yourself experience the freedom of a new cycle.


King of Pentacles

This moonth is inviting you into a deeper space of safety and security that you provide for yourself. This card offers us the opportunity to reparent ourselves and to become our own solid father figure. Invest in yourself by giving attention and time to your finances, your joywork and your home. You will be deeply surprised at the level of satisfaction that you will receive. Allow this healing to land firmly in your bones.


Page of Wands

This moonth invites you to step outside of your comfort zone and experiment with dreaming bigger than your norm. Often it is the mind that stops us from thinking outside the box and allowing new adventures and possibilities to have space in our lives. What if you are,unconsciously, preventing the life of your dreams? This would be an interesting thing to ponder in your journal at this time.


Six of Wands

This moonth represents a wonderful time where you feel like you've got everything put together and you are finally finding a rhythm where things seem under control. Allow yourself the opportunity to bask in that stability and sense of accomplishment.  Use this time wisely to build better foundations for your passion projects and relationships. As you know, life is dynamic and everything changes, so do your best now to really enjoy what you have created for yourself before the next round of growth and chaos arrives.


The Tower

This moonth arrives with a less than desirable message. This card represents times in our lives when things occur that are unpreferred and outside of our control. This hits your sign the most, as you are quite fond of having that predictable stability and far reaching schedule. However, these Tower moments that arise in our lives are actually quite useful in cleaning out stagnant energy while forcing us to grow and find a deeper meaning in our lives. So, don't get lost in self-pity. Rather keep your eyes open for the hidden gifts.


Ten of Swords

This moonth represents a time of completion for any ways in which you have forced yourself to suffer over past choices and past experiences. The Tens always insist on an ending. Endings occur whether we like them or not. It is our job to choose a good ending and allow ourselves to give the past a proper place in the psyche so we don't have to carry that suffering forward. You are allowed to be free! Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and the grace of being human.


The Chariot

This moonth is an opportunity for you to truly step away from a deeply ingrained pattern that has held power over your life for far too long. Take this opportunity to assess your life and see if there is a repeat pattern that is 'up' for clearing. This can be the way in which you operate in a relationship or in your career or simply around the habits that you use to care for your animal body and your home. Something that has been an unhealthy habit is ready to shift. If you choose to say yes to the release, you will be so very glad to be rid of it.


King of Swords

This moonth is a time for you to take deep self response-ability and step into the power of choice! While it is a huge responsibility to be in charge of our lives, the deep learning that we receive far outweighs any fear you might be feeling about taking the risk or ownership. Be the driver of your own life. If you have been residing in a space of scarcity or fear - this is your sign to take a step forward and really shoot your arrow towards your future goals. No one owns your life but you. It is worth it to take the risk.


Nine of Pentacles

This moonth represents a timer for you to truly allow your mastery and gifts to shine. This card suggests there are groups within your community who are ready to support you in a much more beneficial way. Allow yourself to be seen and to receive the accolades that you deserve for your hard work. This is also a time for you to recommit and reinvest in any of your passion projects in which you hope to develop more mastery. The more attention you give them, the more self respect you will cultivate.


The Hanged One

This moonth represents the time of the sacred pause while something in life transitions. While quite uncomfortable, it is these times of listening that provide us with the deepest wisdom; times that turn us into the most useful of elders along the way. Don't attempt to rush or push through the discomfort of sitting in this transition time. It will take however long it takes. Resistance will only increase your suffering. Allow yourself more space to be quiet and to listen as life shows you what needs to die and what wants to be reborn.


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth is a profound time for you to investigate and become inspired by internal safety work, and in particular with nervous system regulation. This card offers us the sweetness of finally feeling safe in our own skin. This is no small task in this current culture, and requires each one of us spending some time, really listening to our animal body and finding the places where we are overstimulated or activated by our environment and circumstances. Your body loves you and will support you at this time in finding the next steps for deeper connection.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs and just released her first book!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for April 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for April


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth sweet Aries is asking yet again for your maturity...this is the third moonth in a row if I am remembering correctly!  This Queen firmly requests that you get your house in order literally and figuratively.  Time to spring clean!  Time to reorganize your office.  Time to look at the bank statements and create a budget around how you would like to be with money.  The Queen of Pentacles is a benevolent mistress full of gifts if you listen to her...and if you ignore her, whatever stress you have been feeling will simply become magnified. Best to follow the energy here and do the tasks you've been avoiding!


The Chariot

What a lovely card for you this moonth Taurus!  An opportunity to complete an old cycle and begin anew with a fresh perspective.  This Chariot pattern feels connected to the realm of being seen.  What ways have you been preventing yourself from being seen and acknowledged in your life?  What skills have you quietly been developing that wish to shine?  What improvements at work have you made that deserve a possible raise?  The Chariot always says things will change sooner or later - best to be in the drivers seat of your own life.


Ace of Pentacles

A brand new cycle of being more grounded is available to you this moonth Gemini!  This Ace gives you full permission to let go of any immature way of BEing that no longer serves. This is the natural order of living.  We play with certain extreme habits (like partying, being haphazard with hearts and money) or their opposite (being rigid and uptight, not taking any risks) until we feel inside ourselves that they are not giving the reward we once received. So whether you once chased release or control; this moonth invites you to think outside the norm and consider a different road.  The Middle Path.  Perhaps not as exciting or confining - but much more sustainable.


Queen of Cups

Oh dear Cancers, this moonth is a deeply felt one for you.  This Queen holds the heartstrings and insists on giving time and space to the feelings you've been avoiding.  And not only space to feel them yourself, she also really wants you to begin sharing them with those you trust.  This is not always your way but this moonth, you will be sincerely rewarded for your bravery!  Step out of your comfort zone and trust you've chosen people who can hold your big feelings with you.  Give them a chance to really see that sofy gooey center.


Ace of Cups

A new emotional cycle is upon you courageous Leo!  A time to release the old baggage you've been carrying around some wound from the past.  Holding onto resentment is only harming you in the long run.  By focusing on past hurts, we can close off to new experiences and explorations.  Your sSoul needs adventure, and this moonth is an adventure of the heART.  So make peace with old ways you've been misunderstood and make space for new relations, friends or lovers to come in.  Let your chest relax, your belly soften and be open to the invitations that will come your way.


Four of Wands

What a sweet relief this moonth will be for you Virgo.  An opportunity to let go of the thinking mind and let a little more inspired playfulness into your life.  The winter was heavy for you and this card suggests it is time to let the energy of spring in!  Let the calendar be more spacious. Make fewer appointments (unless they are things like sit in sunshine, eat cake, play games).  Stop racking your brain for the 'right' thing to do and settle into just being present.  The next step will make itself known without you needing to worry about it.


Page of Cups

April is an emotional time for you Libra - one that clearly requests you give yourself some major solitude so you can be very attuned to the truth inside your emotions.  This current culture often disparages our emotions.  And it is true- if we are unregulated, our emotions can lead us to dramatic overreactions and heated choices.  But when we gift ourselves solitude and feel the feelings to completion, on the other side is the nugget of truth that sparked the emotion in the first place.  And the piece of data is crucial in making clear decisions that have our best interest at the center.  So don't ignore or repress those feelings anymore - use them wisely to inform the big choices coming your way.


Wheel of Fortune

Of all the Zodiac, you Scorpio have what it takes to work with The Wheel of Fortune the most.  This is a card of Great Mystery herself, and as such can feel very disorienting and liminal.  Just like you!  I am reading this card like an omen for you to keep following the path you have already laid out for yourself - just start paying closer attention to signs along the way.  This is a moonth where unknown obstacles and opportunities will present themselves and often you won't know which is which until much later!  Just keep following your feet and trust your gut.  Things will make sense later...


Seven of Wands

Ok Sag, this moonth is made for you to take the reins and really be the captain of your ride!  It can be challenging for you to apply yourself to things when you aren't immediately good at them...but this moonth you are invited to let go of any self criticism and fully apply yourself to that which calls.  Even if you aren't yet skillful, you will become skilled quickly with the right mindset and direction.  Setting long term goals that take time to achieve is good for you.  Think of shooting that Sagittarius arrow out into the nethers!  You will find deeper life satisfaction when you always have an arrow you are moving towards.


Eight of Swords

This is a moonth of getting definitions straight.  Time to take stock of life and be really honest with yourself. Dear Caps, you are so hard working and responsive to life.  Such an admirable quality that can sometimes lead you to taking on more than your fair share.  So this moonth, you are invited to make a list of all the things you have on your plate.  On this list, make three columns.  Commitment, responsibility and obligation.  Commitments are precious tasks that you feel strongly about like writing a book or building a home.  Responsibilities are tasks you've taken on that you will complete because it is correct for you - like raising children or doing your laundry.  Obligations are things you've said yes to in order to please others or to be seen in a certain light but now they feel like a slog.  Fill this list in full honesty - then do what you can this moonth to release as many obligations as possible!



A potent moonth of rebirth awaits you sweet Aquarius if you are willing to let go of the things that aren't correct for you anymore.  Often The Death card feels heavy because we are unaccustomed to seeing loss as the grand gift it can become.  Yet the truth is Nature dislikes a vacuum, and whenever we let go and make space, that space will become filled with new energy.  So what wants to die in your life?  An old idea. habit, relationship or job?  Perhaps an old way of talking badly to yourself?  Or an old pattern of being disorganized, lazy or negative?  Whatever it may be, the quicker you release your grip, the faster your blessings can arrive!


Nine of Wands

Sweet Pisces, this moonth is characterized by feelings of anxiety and unrest.  The mind wants to keep you on your toes, questioning every little step and progress.  Yet your way is the way of the heART.  No sense in pretending you are built to think your way through obstacles - you are designed to feel your way through.  Any time the mind gets overactive and you feel yourself looking over your shoulder questioning the past or the viability of the future - pause.  Slow down.  Come back to the heART.  How does she feel at this moment?  What is the next small step that feels correct?  Follow the small heartbeats and you will find progress arrives in ways your brain could not have predicted!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 
Visit her website at
www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more…

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for March 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Join Wyld in person for a truly enJOYable play shop in The Gorge - MOONIFEST 2024 on February 10 from 11a.m.- 4p.m. to moonifesting your desires mind, body, heART and Soul. Details at www.wyldfempyre.com/moonifest

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for March


Three of Wands

This moonth represents yet another clarifying time to get raw and real with yourself Aries.  You've had this message previously in recent moonths and it is continuing...this time in the suit of Wands.  So even as we move into your sign in March, you are being asked to expand into maturity just a wee bit more.  Particularly regarding your work life and how what you do relates to your mind and your creativity.  Do you feel mentally stimulated by what you 'do'? Are you feeling engaged in the efforts that bring you income and sustenance?  We each own the script of what we experience during our working hours - this moonth take ownership of your mental experience of work.  You are the only one that can decide if you feel stimulated, focused and creative in ways that bring satisfaction!  And you are the one with the power to change it if the answer is no.


Seven of Wands

Sweet Taurus - this is a moonth of trusting yourself and your way of doing things.  Especially in the way your brain works.  We can often get sucked into the narrative that there is only one 'right' way to do things...but in truth there are as many ways of doing things as there are humans on the planet.  Your way may look different; may take longer or might include naps and snacks and flowers... but that doesn't mean it is any less viable than the over productive, hyper focused, adrenaline driving way we have trained to adhere to in capitalism culture.  In fact, your way is the very antidote we desperately need in this stressful modern life.  We need more people modeling slowing down, resting, bringing beauty in as a major value.  YOUR way gets to be the right way...for you!


The High Priestess

What a glorious moonth indeed for you dear Gemini!  This card delights me for you as it shares a potent time of coming into alignment with your inner voices.  You have such a skillset at seeing both sides and navigating nuance...yet often this creates periods of inaction because it's so hard to decide what path!  Yet for this moonth, you are being given a clear sign to follow the first intuitive nudges that pop up and don't second guess your inspirations.  This is a moonth to trust the deep abiding wisdom that lives in your bones.  Stay out of the head as much as possible and tune in to the body.  Follow the innate Yes. Honour the clear No without question.  You will make quantum leaps this moonth if you stay true to that inner knowing!


Page of Pentacles

We have an important request from the Universe for you this moonth.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but have faith that it will serve you so well in the long run!  This moonth is about taking a deep dive study into what makes you feel grounded, what risks could bring more support and the space between these two.  It may be that you've been avoiding some very healthy risks in lieu of a perception of safety that actually isn't serving you.  This is the time to review your old habits around money, investing, education and career expansion!  What worked for you ten years ago is no longer relevant.  Who are you today? What do you need 10 years from now?  How are you going to get from here to there?  Let it be an exciting time of education and getting a wee bit risky!


The Sun

It's your moonth Leo!  This card is your absolute happy place and you should take full advantage of the energies being in your favor.  Let yourself SHINE!  Publish that podcast, write that article, apply for that position, ask that person out on a date... whatever edgy and exciting thing you've been dreaming about all winter - now is the time to GO.  Flow with the Sun card and open yourself to all the amazing possibilities and connections available to you as the Sun supports your success and spring tiptoes into view.  Plant the seeds of your deepest dreams and desires and then take the next inspired action, and the next and the next.  You can make big jumps towards your most creative goals this moonth so plug in and surrender to the urges already blossoming inside you!


Ten of Wands

Ok dear Virgo, it's completion time yet again.  The 10's always usher in an opportunity for closure.  Our culture maligns endings as sad horrible things... but in actuality they are wondrous!  Without endings, we can't have beginnings.  Without endings, we literally don't have time and space for anything interesting and new.  While often uncomfortable- closure is compost and fuels our next spiral of thriving.  So lean IN and take a good hard gander at your mind space and inner monologue.  This is the place of closure being invited this moonth.  Can you narrow in on unhelpful ways in which you speak to yourself and let them go?  Can we focus on reframing how we think about ourselves?  The words we use about ourselves (whether beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb, fast or thorough) - these words LITERALLY define how we experience the moment.  How we talk to ourselves matters. Choose those words wisely and say NO to the ones that simply don't feel good.  Let that negativity come to closure and see what takes its place!


The Star

Keep your eyes up high dearest Libras - I know the times are especially tough for you who can see and understand both sides of the scales.  This moonth promises better, brighter things as long as we can attune our focus to what is working, what feels good and of most import - who is supporting us (both seen and unseen).  You do not have to hold it all alone... you have Guides, Allies, Well Ancestors and worldly helpers in the animals, plants, trees and stones.  Let yourself widen your perspective as far as the stars to truly get a glimpse of how loved and supported you are.  Open to receive miracles, inspirations and all the beauty of this mysterious ride called life!


Knight of Cups

This moonth is an exciting adventure into the world of emotions and your relationship to emotional energy.  You have a natural depth emotionally by default Scorpio - yet from our culture you may not allow yourself the fullest expression and experience of this part of yourself.  This moonth is seducing you back home to your heART.  How fully can you feel your feelings?  We have a weird cultural narrative that says feelings are 'irrational'- yet they are ever present and offer really clean data if we allow them to flow as they are.  Just like children - we are meant to sense a feeling, let it flow and collect the data which is being shared.  If we get intimate with our feelings, they tell us what we need moment by moment. Whether we need food, water, a nap, a boundary, a hug or a listening ear - our feelings show the way. Get curious and see where you've been denying yourself this valuable information.


The Moon

This moonth invites you ever further into trusting the mystery. Can you practice following the very next step without getting overwhelmed or lost in all the future possibilities?  You Sagittarius absolutely thrive when shooting your arrow towards your future desire - but sometimes you can get tripped up along the way if things don't go exactly just so.  That level of rigidity isn't doing you any favors!  The Moon asks you to trust as you walk in the dark; move by feel and instinct, not just logic.  Where's the big hurry anyway?  The fun part is actually these steps, moving towards inspiration.  Often it can be disappointing once achieved - let the process hold your fascination more than simple 'success'.



The message this moonth is patience, patience, patience.  And not only patience but choosing to enjoy the pace that patience affords.  How slow can you become with the goal being pleasure?  EnJOYing the feel of the tools in your hand rather than a single minded focus on finishing the task as fast as possible.  Luxuriating in the scents of the soup pot without indulging in the pressure of trying to cook fast so you can get back to work.  Is it possible to make witnessing your work a new level of mastery just waiting for your attention?  This is a mastery that will serve you well until your last breath.


Knight of Swords

This moonth is about taking action towards something that makes you uncomfortable but you know would be good for you.  That seems counterintuitive but listen... There is a special tissue (the corpus callosum) that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  This connective tissue has been proven by science to thicken in the brains of humans who commit to doing challenging but healthy activities like mediation and cold plunging.  This thickening equates to evolution and having more access to our capacity!  And it isn't the activities themselves that account for this brain evolution - it's actually that these humans feel the resistance to the activities, yet choose to override their inclination towards comfort and push themselves into the short term discomfort in exchange for the long term gains.  It is the CHOOSING of the path despite discomfort that creates this brain evolution.  This is your quest for March sweet Aquarius.  Find your edge and go beyond...you will be well rewarded.


Two of Wands

Oh Pisces, you have some big choices to make this moonth. And this card says it feels hard mentally because all the choices you are facing have merit.  Meaning the mind can find value in every direction and can get stymied by directions that run opposite each other.  But you my dear are driven by water, by the heART.  Any decisions requiring your attention will become more clear once you drop the energy from your head down into your heART.  Instead of fixating on what makes sense - focus on what feels true.  Imagine one door closing so the other path comes into view and check in with yourself...does this path feel best?  Then do so for the other choices until you find the path that feels true. THEN tap back into the brain to make logical next steps for the path you have chosen!  You tender Pisces must always lead heART first.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Your Horoscope for February 2024

Half the sky’s planets are in Aquarius this month. What does it mean? Well you’re about to find out.

What’s going on with the planets this month?

Pluto is in Aquarius.

Hold onto your hope friends. This coming fall the U.S.A. will elect a new president, and we will once more be faced with the uncomfortable realities of power, wealth, government, injustice and journey through our country’s shadow.

Pluto takes us on a generational journey through the darkness and shows us the power of regeneration, life, death, and transformation. Aquarius wants to save the world. They show up on the front lines of the revolution bearing the gift of water, of life. When they pour it upon the earth, new ideas spring fourth. That which is hidden is revealed. Unjust systems collapse. And the social order is getting shaken up.The earth is quaking, the climate crisis continues to rock us and the powers that be play at power, wealth, and gamble with the lives of millions. 

So groups of like-minded innovators are being formed. Collectives of people are gathering together to organize. Some are organizing life around a new interest. Others are organizing in order to disrupt, innovate to enact social and governmental change. We all bear the ability to nurture life on this earth and envision alternative ways of living in relationship to the land and each other. 

But not everyone is working towards the same vision of the future. Nevertheless….Pluto in Aquarius brings revolution, rebellion, genius, break-neck speed technology production, climate crisis, and a shift in local and global consciousness. Changes both big and small are inevitable. 

Life is never the same and neither are we.

Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius.
The planets of ego, communication, and relationships are charting alien territory this month. Get ready for things to be shaken up. Embrace ground breaking out of the box thinking, communication methods, and relationships.

New Moon in Aquarius.
Life is never the same and neither are we. Go with the flow. 

Sun in Pisces.
The sun moves into Pisces on the 18th allowing us to see life through a more intuitive and poetic lens.

Full Moon in Virgo.
Get serious about what you’re accomplishing and manifesting with your habits.

Your January Horoscope

(March 21 - April 19)

Say yes to socializing and building up your community this month.
Venus, goddess of Love and your ruling planet Mars, God of War meet on the 22nd to mark a fresh start in your relationships. Passion is running high and so is the drama…it’s a good day to deepen your friendships…or tur them into enemies. 2024 is a money conscious year for you, so it’s worth noting that February is also a good month to review your finances and reflect on how you’ve grown.

(April 20 - May 20)

Take the leading role in your life. Know your worth.
The new moon in Aquarius brings career and public image shifts. Use that Aquarius rebelliousness to rebrand and reinvent yourself. Your ruling planet Venus, goddess of Love meets up with Mars, God of War on the 22nd, passions run high as does the drama. Do opposites attract or do they hate each other’s guts? You’re about to find out. If you’re looking to relax and have some fun this month, the Virgo full moon has you covered.

(May 21 - June 20)

You’re learning and expanding…but where are you focusing your attention?
Your ruling planet Mercury in Aquarius brings out your inquisitive nature and your desire to improve. You’d be well served to invest in your mental and spiritual health this month with some meditation, travel, or deep research into topics you care deeply about. Mercury helps you lead with compassion  when it enters Pisces on the 23rd.

(June 21 - July 22)

Love, money, and power are on your mind this month. You want control…the illusion of stability and simple right and wrongs. But life isn’t making it easy. And with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars crowding your shared resources, things are a little tense. Try to remember as you argue your way through yet another group decision that even though it would be nice to have your way all the time- deep down you don’t want to have to bear all the responsibility alone so it’s better to not cut too deep with your words. The full moon in Virgo on the 24th and the movement of the sun into your fellow water sign Pisces on the 18th offer some relief to the tension. Make the most of it. 

July 23 - August 22

This month you are more like the moon than the sun. You are reflecting your light and your shadow back at yourself and noticing the path on which you have traveled. Your mind is especially interested in reflecting on those that have walked beside you. Time to take stock of your relationships and the gifts and traumas you may have received from your time spent with them. Set intentions for your relationships this month. Mars stirs up drama on the 13th but Venus comes to your aid on the 16th to help you heal any conflict.

(August 23 - September 22) 

Rise, rinse, repeat. Aquarius season has you on the grind. Your carefully curated routines can help carry you through the busy but gray days of February. If something in your routine isn’t working for you, the 9th is a good day to initiate a change. Despite the grind of daily life, your heart is set on love this month. Be open but don’t lower your standards. The full moon in your sign on the 24th shifts your focus to cultivating your inner glow, caring for your body, and aids you in your romantic pursuits. The 28th brings a big relationship related decision.

(September 23 - October 22) 

Right now it’s all about following dopamine.
What’s not adding joy to your life then why are you allowing it to take up so much space when you could just be having fun? With so many planets in your fellow air sign this month you’re brimming with energy so put it to good use by doing a hard reboot and allowing yourself to seek out what really lights you up in love and in money. Venus and Mars meet up on the 22nd to highlight your passion and drive. 

(October 23 - November 21)

You’ve been keeping things to yourself. In the age of social media and oversharing, you’re setting boundaries around who gets to know what goes on behind your closed doors and who doesn’t, especially where love and money is concerned. Keep your secrets for yourself then Scorpio, but once Pisces season hits you’ll be feeling more invitational again. And Venus and your ruling planet Mars meet up on the 22nd, bringing in some spicy passions.

(November 22 - December 21)

Substance is important to you this month. 
Your calendar may be full but is it feeding you?
Prioritize the connections that leave you feeling like you ATE.
The new moon is a new start in your social circle giving you the opportunity to gracely decline connections that are draining your energy. Clearing away some of the old for the new creates opportunities for new connections this month. The arrival of Pisces season on the 18th invites you to enter your bed rotting era and spend some time recharging at home and keeping in low key. Take advantage of it because the full moon in Virgo lights up the sky on the 24th bringing recognition, networking, and maybe even a career swap and you’ll want to be looking your best when you take to the spotlight.

(December 22 - January 19)

The fruits of your labors towards your long term goals are resurfacing this month.
You are like a comet in flight, others see how far you’ve come and take inspiration from you. Make the money flow by keeping your options open to more unconventional methods of making money. Keep it high vibrational this month and you’ll easily attract aligned relationships into your midst. The full moon in your fellow earth sign Virgo marks a joyous commitment to expanding your horizons. This could mean travel, a move, or a serious relationship depending on what’s going on in your life right now.

(January 20 - February 18)

Happy Birthday Aquarius!
You are the center of attention right now.
How are you handling it?
Half the sky’s planets are in your sign this month and all eyes are on you. Pay attention to who around you has your trust as you move forward through the crowd. It might feel like a crushing weight of expectations but know you are not beholden to anything but your own integrity. If you’re feeling like switching things up, the new moon in your sign on the 9th is a great time to set intentions for your health, personal brand, and aesthetic. Helping you to push you in the direction of that which lights your inner fire of passion and drive is Mars and Venus this month. 

(February 19 - March 20)

Happy Birthday Pisces!
Time to go with the flow Pisces.
Your subconscious is doing a lot of heavy lifting right now as your birthday approaches. 
You may want to just hermit out and spend some time reflecting and considering the last year. Remember it’s okay to think about your purpose but be careful to not let yourself ruminate to the point of existential dread causing you to forget about the little joys in your life. The full moon in Virgo on the 24th will bring reality to your doorstep in your relationships and give you an opportunity to get some clarity.

Want more astrology?

Check out what’s happening right now

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator.

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Create your Birth Chart to get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for February 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Join Wyld in person for a truly enJOYable play shop in The Gorge - MOONIFEST 2024 on February 10 from 11a.m.- 4p.m. to moonifesting your desires mind, body, heART and Soul. Details at www.wyldfempyre.com/moonifest

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for February



This moonth represents a time where life is demanding balance and better boundaries.  Not always your preference sweet Aries, yet you will be so well served if you say yes!  Find balance in your relationships, where you place your energy and your resources.  It’s not always fun, but the long term satisfaction you gain will be well worth the effort!  This is not a time to spread yourself thin.


Ten of Cups

This moonth asks for your heART to give up the old stories of hurt and allow yourself to move forward.  It is time. Feel the feels and then offer yourself freedom. The only one harmed by bitterness is you…and the frequency of bitterness is very damaging to your animal body. Deep breath, feel and let go… the energy that returns if you do will be deliciously nourishing!


Six of Pentacles

This moonth asks that you investigate where you might be over giving out of a desire to belong. Are you saying yes too often when it benefits others more than yourself?  It’s beautiful to be oriented towards to benefit of others - but not if it depletes you.  You are worthy of your own care and attention and your wellbeing must be a priority before taking care of others.


The Magician

Oh what a lovely moonth for you dearest Cancer!  This moonth says it’s time to get creative, to think outside the norm and to let your moonifestation powers out of the box.  Do you know how powerFULL you are??  Let yourself dream, imagine and take inspired actions towards something that feels juicy and alive.  This moonth offers quantum leaps for you if you choose to step into your innate creativity.


The Emperor 

Dear Leo this moonth invites you to take up space which is one of your talents! The caveat- taking up space with leadership in ways that benefit everyone. So wtf does this mean? It means getting clear about what issues and improvements you feel passionate about and begin implementing your influence towards the greater good.  You’ve got rich skills and the world could truly benefit from you taking up some space!


The World

This moonth may feel challenging dearest Virgo, but if you trust the process, you will feel so enriched!  This card suggests a period of deeper non attachment.  This is not your norm - but a beautiful opportunity to practice a new skill!  Where are you rigid? Rules? Physical stuff? Schedules?  Where you experience rigidity; instead practice some softness and flexibility. It will be challenging but oh so good…


The High Priest

This moonth asks you to honour and accept your powerful influence dear Libra.  It is so natural for you to hold a balanced perspective and to see all facets of a situation.  This is an amazing gift that when shared benefits the whole.  Don’t hide the way you see the world - we all need the influence of your balance in these times. Share the dark, the light and how to dance between.


The Fool

Sweet Scorpio, this moonth asks you to take a leap! The Mystery is available and listening and responds most readily to those who jump in full trust.  Can you soften your armor of worry and concern?  Can you trust yourself and life to guide the next right steps of your journey? The softer you can enter this next phase of your spiral, the more you will be surprised! Curiosity is the key.


The Empress

You deserve to feel comfortable in your body, home and space.  It can be easy to minimize our discomfort in deference to the desires of others- but too much leads to becoming a martyr or victim.  This moonth is an invitation to take ownership of your own needs and develop authority in requesting what you need.  Remember every time you honour your needs- you offer permission for others to do the same.


The Star

What a glorious moonth for you!  Step up into possibilities and give yourself permission to dream big, to hope wide and to believe that it can actually be easeful.  You are so attuned to efforting dearest and while lovely; what might it feel like to accomplish as much from a space of ease? Might that be a fascinating experience to try on?  Play with the idea and see what happens!


Knight of Pentacles

This moonth is an adventure in the realm of finances, resources and exploring what risk means to you. An opportunity to develop deeper courage, resilience and faith in life.  Your Soul Work this moonth is to explore and commit to what you have, what you need and what you desire… and then charge forth bravely into the future with positivity and expectation of success.  You are a visionary leader and your example of trust is a powerful gift to the collective.


Seven of Wands

Lovely Pisces, this moonth is time to hold your head high and begin the path forward.  You have been experiencing some mental confusion and disparity lately but now the energy flows smooth - give yourself permission to follow the flow.  You have some unique opportunities arriving this moonth that will propel you towards more prosperity and peace… Say YES!  

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

Vibe Check: What's 'IN' and What's 'Out' for Your Zodiac Sign in 2024

Your January Horoscope

(March 21 - April 19)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s showing itself OUT:
Who you used to be.

(April 20 - May 20)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:



What’s Showing itself OUT:
Attachment. to make everyone pleased with you.

(May 21 - June 20)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:

(slow down to flow with life)

What’s Showing itself OUT:
The past.

(June 21 - July 22)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Caring what other’s think.

July 23 - August 22

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:

(August 23 - September 22) 

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Black and white thinking.

(September 23 - October 22) 

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Demons of your past.

(October 23 - November 21)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:

(November 22 - December 21)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Attachment to the past.

(December 22 - January 19)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


Simplify & Streamline


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Struggling though the journey. We’re learning how to enjoy this Type 2 fun now!

(January 20 - February 18)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:
Comfort zone.
Fear of sharing talents.

(February 19 - March 20)

Your In’s and Out’s for 2024

What’s manifest-IN:


What’s Showing itself OUT:

Want more astrology?

Check out what’s happening right now

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator.

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Create your Birth Chart to get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Support the creation of content like this by donating today.

Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Tarotscope JANUARY 2024: A Year of Magic Begins

his is not just Tarot Card Readings - this is creating a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's First Tarot Reading for 2024


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth holds the sweet nectar of maturity for you dear Aries if you so choose it. While this vibration of maturity is not the natural forté of your sign - it IS a subject your Soul wants to learn about in this lifetime!  While we are born with certain personalities and personas (you included!); ultimately, our Soul calls us forward to becoming the greatest expression of ourselves in every imaginable way.  So get uncomfortable, get gritty and make some efforts this moonth to get responsible, reliable and rooted!


Ten of Swords

This moonth offers a significant completion for you Taurus if you choose to let go of playing the victim or the martyr and instead focus on what you are moving towards.  Let the past GO...especially the actions and choices that you regret now.  It is over.  nstead, consider how those lessons can impact your life NOW.  No more wallowing in the past.  What are you desiring? Creating? Dreaming? Turn towards the future and what you want to contribute to the collective!  This is the quickest way to change those regrets into wisdom.


Four of Cups

This moonth, we ground down into our feeling body dear Gemini. Not in the perhaps more practiced way of being overtaken by our emotions...but rather in the gentle way of observing our emotions and the stories our brain tells us that get these emotions flowing!  You might discover that a good percentage of those overwhelming feelings are actually your brain's way of keeping you distracted from doing hard things! Or that your brain is bored and instead of being creative, there is a pattern of ruminating and triggering feelings to fill in the gaps of life. Let yourself get curious and clean about your big feels.


King of Cups

January represents an opportunity for some much needed emotional space and recharging for you sweet Cancer. This King knows how to take space, how to process feelings and most importantly how to share those feelings with the right people in the right way. As in how to express feelings in ways that can be easily understood and received. This is your superpower this moonth! So use it wisely - who have you been needing to have a heart to heart with? Make a date to do so...


Seven of Pentacles

You are stepping onto a precipice of exciting times dearest Leo! There has been some inspiration and dreaming happening in the background and now it is time to take some steps towards manifestation! It can feel chaotic when we say yes to the creative spirit that lives inside us and you will feel the intensity of that YES this moonth. That's great!  Feel the chaos and then do the thing anyway.  You are here to shine, to be seen, to be bold like the Lion and the Sun himself.  Stop playing small and step into the sunshine.


Six of Swords

Grounded Virgo, while you might have your proverbial sh!t together most of the time, this is not the moonth to get complacent. It is crucial that you stay the course with whatever goal or project has your eye right now even if it feels mundane, boring or painful in some way. You will thank yourself six moons from now that you stayed focused despite a desire to just let go of feeling attached to the completion of this goal. Creative fire will return I promise - but for now, keep doing what needs doing.  


Eight of Cups

Dear Libra,  this is a moonth of closure, of completion, of finally letting go and moving forward into the new chapter of your life.  There is grief in this card, yes that is true.  But there are also bright prospects, unknown possibilities and the path that is meant for you.  Stop holding onto that relationship, job or project that literally does not feed your Soul.  That way is not for you and simply makes that suffering greater.  What IS for you is waiting just around the corner...waiting for you to have the space and capacity to accept the blessings!


Page of Wands

This is your permission slip to get curious and see if some rigid thinking and old ways of looking at the world might be preventing you from experiencing more joy!  Do you have some solid reasons why you can't change things in your life that you don't prefer?  Have you had the same friends for so long doing the same things that you don't even know what you like doing?  Do you remember what adventure feels like?  This moonth is a time to let the imagination wander and let yourself dream about how you'd like to feel and what you would like to experience in the coming moons.


Nine of Pentacles

This moonth represents a delicious time of rebirthing onto solid ground.  It's been a ride for you these last few years but you are coming back into your stride Sag!  The key for you is focusing on what you've mastered, what skills you have cultivated and getting excited about how you might apply these skills in new and innovative ways.  An excellent mental picture for you would be the anvil and fire of metal smithing.  How can you use your natural fire alongside your skills to reshape your life in ways that please you?


Queen of Cups

Your season here is wrought with deep sensations of review and you will be best served by surrendering to the process.  Review and digest all the previous plans, goals and inspirations and let yourself feel it all.  The disappointment, the excitement, the agitation, the satisfaction... feel it all and then get super clear on which pieces are complete.  Inspiration sets us off on a journey, but we are not meant to complete every dream or project as originally imagined.  Often the inspiration simply gets us onto the path and then wildly morphs into something else.  It's ok to accept incompletes - they are not failures; merely turns on the path.  Give gratitude for the inspirations and then let the feelings go!


Two of Swords

This moonth is all about choices, friend!  I know you want to find the "right" choice... but the actual course to take is making the choice and moving on.  In essence, the choice itself doesn't matter.  The power that is present for you at this time is just trusting yourself and getting momentum moving in a direction - any direction - in order for the blessings to be received.  Stop thinking. Stop rationalizing. Stop stalling.  Just choose and watch how easefully the problems of yesterday become the pathway of tomorrow.


Five of Wands

This moonth represents a time of conflict and confusion sweet Pisces.  The mind feels a bit befuddled and clarity is so desperately desired.  It will come soon enough... the invitation is to lean IN to the confusion and chaos to find the data.  While very uncomfortable, chaos holds all the pieces needed for success on the other side.  Chaos occurs when there is dissonance or discord between two or more entities.  It is the space of conflict and conflict occurs when Holy Boundaries are not communicated or known.  Begin to train yourself to see chaos as your friend, as your signpost that something is out of alignment.  Then ask yourself, what do I need to feel more clear and understood?  Follow that question over and over again until you lead yourself back into clarity.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

December 2023 Horoscope: Clarity, Responsibility, and Chaos

December is here, and truth seeking Sagittarius and plan oriented Capricorn season are here to help you ring in the holidays and the new year.

Hello dear ones, 

December is here, and truth seeking Sagittarius and plan oriented Capricorn season are here to help you ring in the holidays and the new year. It’s a time of clarity and responsibility, but it can also be a lot of fun…and more than a little chaotic.

Let’s do a quick run down of this month’s major transits:

December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn, giving us a clear path to self expression.

December 4: Venus enters Scorpio, making relationships go deeper and more intense this month. Face the shadows together!

December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius means it’s time for fun new beginnings! Take a risk! Shift your perspective, and expand those horizons!

December 12: Mercury Retrograde begins in Capricorn, this is a rough time for communication so prepare for clashes. :(

December 21: Capricorn season begins, make peace with your responsibilities, make a 2024 vision board, and accept what the new year will bring.

December 22: Mercury Retrograde enters Sagittarius bringing moments of clarity and chaos. 

December 26: Full Moon in Cancer brings a wave of nostalgia and reflection. This is an intense day, be honest with yourself about what you are manifesting in your relationships. 

December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius switching up the vibe in your relationships from a watery to a fiery intensity.

Your November Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

A new season has arrived for you daring Aries, time to plow forward one small step at a time. Whether you’re planning a trip, an adventure, or a big life move, be sure to pack a wide angle lens with you to help you keep an eye on the big picture. You may discover that some people are testing your boundaries a bit this month, and the full moon in nostalgic Cancer brings family stuff center stage on the 26th. It’s a good opportunity to practice being embodied and stay grounded and present, even when the big emotions come into play. 

DIY Festivus Gift Idea: popsicle stick art: make a picture frame, an ornament, bowl, doll house, jewelry box, bookmark, mini hexagon shelf, or coaster! The options are endless!

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This month your focus is turned inward. Time to reflect on your relationships to yourself and others. Your loyalty is fierce, but it takes more than loyalty to sustain connection. Take a look at your most fulfilling relationships and the secret sauce that makes it all work seems obvious. If there are relationships in your life that are giving barren blandness or more spice than substance, it’s time to let it go. You are a generous soul, so be giving this season in the ways that matter to you and be sure to give to yourself too. You choose how to show up in your relationships…so if you gotta choose, you might as well show up well dressed, well rested and well fed.

Your DIY Holiday Gift Idea: Cute mushroom garland made from acorn caps, paint, and sticks.

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Emotions are running high at the start of the month. You’ve been in an intense phase of life recently and communications are only going to get messier this month with your ruling planet Mercury about to go retrograde. My advice? Get grounded. Get practical. It’s time to tie up loose ends, double check your work, edit the first draft of your novel and get real about the hard work it takes to make real progress. Remember to make time for romance this month though, as your love life can be a welcome escape from the pressure in your career and financial sectors this month.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Make homemade cards this year to make our loved ones holidays especially warm and bright!

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

While you’re still putting together the pieces after last month’s drama, the world is continuing to spin regardless. Take it easy in your personal life because the new moon brings some uncomfiness to your career sector. Cue a ‘get-down-to-business-to-defeat-the-Huns’ style work montage that might leave you feeling a bit burned out but..at least you’ll be able to pay your bills? In the middle of all the holiday wildness, mercury retrograde comes to stir up trouble. It’s going to be a challenge to communicate, so just try to remember to be honest with yourself and your emotions about what you are capable of handling this Christmas.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Make a DIY snowglobe as a nostalgic keepsake for someone you love!

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Your fellow fire sign Saggittarius is here to light up the skies this month with fire, fun, and festivities. While it’s tempting to drown out all the complexity of the last year in holiday fun, just be careful you don’t end up too strung out on ‘nog. Come Capricorn season later in the month it will be time to get down to business and put your ambition to work setting realistic goals for yourself in the coming year. Analyze your daily routine and see what’s working- or not working in terms of building your dream life. Also, thanks to Venus’s placements it’s also an auspicious month for relationships and romance for you. Make time for a meet-cute with someone special!

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Make a custom advent calendar filled with all your loved ones favorite things!

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Sagittarius season has you feeling merry and bright, while Mercury in your fellow earth sign Capricorn is allowing you to express your truth and stay grounded in your authenticity. Be on the lookout though, mercury retrograde tries to start up a whole host of trouble on the 13th and the full moon on the 27th exacerbates last month’s drama a bit. Accept that no matter how meticulous, sometimes in life we have to backtrack, we’re only human after all. Mistakes will be made, so don’t stress it too much, just learn to accept it, learn from it, and keep going. Also…now is probably exactly the wrong time to be texting your ex. 

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Everyone loves baked goods for the holidays! Try your hand at some cookies for fudge for your loved ones!

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This month is all about taking the longview. Time to plan for the coming year, get your resolutions for yourself, your health, your business, and your financial goals all set and ready to go. The key to making good goals is balance, be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses. The full moon in Cancer on the 26th is a great time to manifest some of what you hope to achieve in the new year. But look out as things could get emotional or defensive and you may be called upon to play the mediator in your friend group. In terms of romance, this month everyone is scrambling for the holidays, so best to keep it fun and casual until after the new year.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Make an advent calendar of savings! At the end of the month, collect your savings and buy yourself something nice!

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Tis the season to treat yo self! Enjoy some cake, candycanes, hot cocoa, and just kick up and relax this month. You've been hard at it and it’s now time for a well deserved break. It might also be a good time to take a little break from retail therapy for the sake of your wallet and your relationships. (In other words this month is all about personal finances and relationships.) Instead of scroll-shopping for another hour why not call your mom or best friend on the phone instead? Venus is on your side this month, making your relationships stable and easy going, take advantage of the calm to heal old wounds, and take some epic Christmas card photos.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Epic and over-the-top Christmas card photos as gifts.

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Happy Birthday!

Your birthday season usually heralds an energizing time for you fiery-folk and this season is no different. Spend time stoking your creative and social fires this month. Mars is in your sign lending you confidence and drive to be a freight train charging down the track! But be sure to take off some time alone on the new moon (the 12th) to process any tricky, sticky emotions that are coming up around the beginning of your next year of life and how you want to spend it. Remember you have the right to say what others don’t want to hear in the name of setting your boundaries. Mercury is retrograde on the 13th, which throws a wrench into some of your plans, but it’s alright, even if it’s frustrating now, remember that things can always be picked up again later down the road. The full moon shines on your finances, so maybe keep an eye out for a phone call from a wealthy relative or if you’re less lucky…a debt collector.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Have a pot-luck party and invite people to participate in a cook-off or bake-off as a part of your holiday party!

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Happy Birthday! 

While everyone else seems to be out partying, Sagittarius season is your time to reflect, plan and get serious about your future. Time to bust out those wikipedia searches, start a spreadsheet, a vision board, and get clear about the next big thing in your future, whether that’s planning your birthday party or your launch to stardom. You are worth investing your time and energy in. Pay that energy forward to yourself this month and you’ll be glad you did. Single Cap’s will likely be in their ‘working on myself’ phase this month but if you’re partnered this month- be sure to schedule some quality time in with your boo, especially around the full moon. Just keep it thrifty if you can-your birthday month can be spendy but you’ll feel much better about your long term goals if you keep it all in the budget. 

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Make yourself a little vision board stocking and fill it with all your favorite moments from last year, whether it’s pictures, ticket stubs, or your favorite journal entries, or focus on the things you want in the future!

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Keep your cool this holiday season by finding your personal balance between burnout and having a blast at work and at home. Your money and career sectors are being highlighted by the stars, but with the way the economy has been, there’s no way I’m going there as an astrologer. Still, it’s supposedly a good time to start a new business or a new money making venture! So do with that what you will. My advice is err on the side of being a bit more economical and then if things go really well this month you’ll have a great chance to celebrate the welcome surprise! Once Capricorn season starts later in the month the urge to hibernate on the couch with your favorite tv show will be very real, so stock up on your favorite snacks and get ready to relax a bit.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Buy or make some cool customizable patches for your favorite snugie!

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This month it’s time to think about how you want the world to see you and how to capitalize on your public image to achieve your goals. Take time to reflect on your public image, your social media brand, and your reputation. What is it you want to see in the mirror tomorrow? A year from now? Take the long view as the busy holiday season coupled with mercury retrograde could slow the launch of your plans. Some former romantic drama might rear its head mid month, try to keep your cool. Remember if you can’t be with the one you love, find reasons to love the one you’re with. And be sure to take your rest days now because once your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct on the 30th, the pace of life will start to pick up faster than you might expect.

Your DIY Holiday Idea: Have a spa day at home with face masks, an epsom salt bath, and an at-home mani-pedi.

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

Want more astrology?

Check out what’s happening right now

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator.

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Create your Birth Chart to get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Tarotscope: Your December 2023 Tarot Card

Find out what the cards have in store for you this December…

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com.

Currently, A Year of Magic is underway!  5 rhythmic, seasonal sessions to support you throughout 2024 - it is scheduled self-care done for you!  You can learn about the details HERE.



This moonth invites you into a deeper exploration of your inner boundaries. This is often a place where you struggle being in the first sign of the zodiac! Yet when we have clean clear boundaries and are rooted in our practices, we build resilience in the face of difficulties that inevitably arise in our lives. Now, while I know you prefer to leap without looking, you would be most benefited this moonth by taking time to get clear on what practices, routines, and rhythms would really serve you in living life sustainably.  Especially those rituals (or routines) that are between you and you - like exercise, diet and the health of your environment.



This moonth should feel really good for you as it is in the element of earth and is inviting you to get curious about how you might like to evolve your home space and your physical routines.  What cozy improvements can you make to truly create spaces and systems that support you fully in the body that you have been given? The Knight always suggests taking some sort of risk and stepping out of your comfort zone. What are some things you've been curious about, but haven't yet implemented because they are not currently in your wheelhouse? This would be a good moonth to explore them!



This moonth is an opportunity for you to do a deeply personal study around what allows you to feel grounded. As an air sign, this is not an easy task for you! Yet, we all come into these bodies with different lessons that need to be learned and this is one of your tasks. So how do you currently ground yourself? Do you even understand what the concept of grounding means? If not, this is your cosmic invitation to explore this concept and begin calling in support to people who can help you learn what is not a natural skill set!



This is a moonth of water and learning how to rest in your emotional capacity. You, dear Cancer, are led by your soft insides; and this can often be a challenge for you, particularly during very social or highly activating times around family. You can rest this moonth in your feelings, and allow yourself to soften. This is a universal permission slip for you to say no to any events or activities that feel as though they would be draining for you. You don't owe anyone anything! So choose the people and the places that allow you to relax as this is going to serve you best in preparation for 2024.



Hey Lion, this moonth is made for you to shine in mastery around something tangible that you create.  What do you like to make with your hands?  How do you like to create in the world?  How do you leave your mark in your commUNITY?  If you are sitting there thinking, "I don't know" then this is your formal invitation to begin!  You are meant to inspire, to shine and to follow your passions with gusto...take time this moonth to discover what that passion is!



This moonth is an emotional one for you sweet Virgo, which means some discomfort.  It is not always easy to feel our feelings.  This moonth is your opportunity to practice letting the feelings flow - and not just the crunchy ones like anger and sadness.  Joy can be equally uncomfortable if you have been out of practice!  Accept this permission slip to explore all your feelings and to let them seep out from your methodical inner world and out into the relationships around you.  It's okay to feel your feelings - it's how we are designed to be!



Despite the mind saying otherwise - this moonth is actually a time to take a break from making big decisions.  Rest.  Gather data.  Work on simple rhythms of self-care.  This is not the time to pivot the business, change your hairstyle, move to a new town or end the relationship.  It is time to pause, play and reorganize around simplicity.  What needs to be simplified?  What needs to be cleaned?  What needs to be released?  This is a gathering for the bigness of 2024.



This card portends surprise, unusual possibilities and being open to the graceful arrival of blessings from unexpected places.  It's been quite a year and your mind might want all the answers and clarity right now...but the Great Mystery card says hold your horses!  We can't know what the outcomes will be.  But with practice and patience, we can begin to trust the process of our lives unraveling.  We begin to see every obstacle as an opportunity and every pivot as a blessing.  Lean into the unknown this moonth and get curious about what new experiences might be awaiting you...



This moonth represents a challenging time for you dear Archers.  A time of feeling like too much is at stake, too many things to do, too much on your plate.  I invite you to take a deep breath...ahhhhhh....  The fire of your time of the year is in opposition to the slowing down happening in winter here in the Northern Hemisphere.  When the mind gets overwhelmed like this - it is time to move the body.  Dance. Lift heavy things. Sweat in a hot bath.  Get out of the head and into the body.  It will make all the difference!  



This is a moonth made for you! The stability of the 4 and the element of earth should feel delightful!  Use this energy to focus on your finances and wealth-building activities.  Not from a place of shame but from a place of grounded curiosity.  How could you create more abundance?  How could you save more money?  How could you find even more stability in the resources of your life from a feeling of fun and clarity?  This is about making wealth a game that you can play and win!



This moonth asks you to really assess whether you are being generous or overgiving. Are you sharing in reciprocity or are you giving way too much to the people and projects around you? You have such a big visionary gift and it can be so easy to get caught up in the future instead of right now. This is your permission slip to always maintain what you need for yourself first before giving your access to those around you. If we do not take care of ourselves before others, we eventually burn out, and then everyone loses.



This is the moonth of a brand new cycle for you sweet Pisces! This has been one heck of a year for you and this card tells me you are about to enter 2024 with new ground, security, and a sense of just rightness. You deserve this feeling of security and safety in your skin. This moonth is all about planning and setting the proper foundation for what you wish to create for your future! Give yourself time to consider the 1,3 and five-year plan. How would you like to feel five years from now? How would you like to feel three years from now? And next year - what is it you would truly like to experience? Always remind yourself that you deserve to feel good, especially as you go through this process.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

November 2023 Horoscope: Intense Scorpio and Truthseeking Sagittarius Make a Dynamic Duo

November is here and with it comes intense Scorpio and truthseeking Sagittarius season. Are you ready for what this dynamic duo is unveiling in your life?

Hello dear ones, 

First off I want to say congratulations on making it through last months Solar and Lunar Eclipses! You did it! But as the hard times fade away into something new and shining, it’s important to be grateful for what we have and to stay present with the life we want to create for ourselves.

November, starts off with some intense Scorpio deepening energy before transitioning into fiery and adventurous Sagittarius season starting Nov 22nd. 

Some key things to keep in mind this month: 

When Headmaster Saturn finally exits retrograde and goes direct on the 4th it will be a make or break moment for your goals, projects, and desires: it’s time to put up or shut up so to speak.

On the 8th Venus moves into Libra, bringing harmony to our relationships. 

The new moon in Scorpio on the 13th invites us to access the deepest depths of our emotions in order to connect to our authentic selves. 

The Gemini full moon on the 27th brings everything full circle, literally, allowing us to communicate clearly what it is that we have been manifesting in our lives.

Your November Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This month the hard, sharp edges of life that you’ve been delicately avoiding being sliced open by are softening a bit. With Saturn going direct you’ll find yourself opening up to a world of joy and humor again. Also supporting you this month is Venus in the air sign of Libra, bringing about harmony and igniting your romantic and platonic heartfires. Time to redownload Hinge or take your partner on a date because for the first time in a while, the light is shining on you in a way that allows you to be fully seen for who you are. Things might even get deep around the Scorpio new moon, when you receive some clarity around what it is you really need to feel emotionally secure financially, spiritually, and romantically. When the sun moves into your fellow fire sign Sagittarus, it will be time to turn that clarity into action by expanding your horizons

If there are moments of darkness, try to keep in mind that Chiron, the wounded healer, is in your sign this month, illuminating the parts of you that need your loving attention to heal.

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The last lunar eclipse ended a two year cycle for you, and now that you’ve released the things that were holding you back it’s time to embrace a new beginning and turn your feelings into actions that help you build the relationships you want and prioritize the people in your inner circle that really matter to you. Supporting you in accomplishing this, is Libra in Venus, which brings a sense of harmony to your relationships this month. Also showing up for you this month is Saturn in Pisces which helps you to embrace your creativity, and your intuition. Meanwhile Jupiter in retrograde and the Scorpio new moon shine some light on repeating karmic lessons in your life and encourage you to reflect on what you’ve learned.

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Scorpio season is ramping up the intensity of your emotions this month. It also has you reflecting on where you’re spending your energy in terms of your commitments, responsibilities, obligations, daily routines and your habits. It’s time to assess where you are spending your energy, and prioritize the things that ignite your inner fire as opposed to raining on your parade. Don’t overthink it though. Trust your gut and be honest about what you really want and need to feel fulfilled at work and at home. Supporting you in initiating any changes you want to make is the new moon in Scorpio on the 13th. Once fiery Sagittarius season begins later in the month, some of that deep emotional intensity of Scorpio will let up and you’ll be more focused on moving forward in your relationships.

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You’ve been undergoing some big changes in your life but now that you are emerging from your cocoon into a full blown butterfly, things are taking a lighter turn as you embrace a new mindset. For you, the depths of your fellow water sign Scorpio offer fated moments, karmic connections, opportunities for true love, and light hearted fun. When your ruling planet the moon goes dark in Scorpio on the 13th it is an ideal time to let your inner idealist take flight and take a deep dive into imagining and setting intentions for creating your dream life. When the sun moves into truth seeking Sagittarius around the 22nd you’ll start to see the path to adventure and expanded horizons beginning to take shape. 

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

This month shines a light on your family, both chosen and given. Dirty laundry may surface, causing painful or dramatic fallouts. Do your best to weather this by acknowledging and doing your part to heal any past hurts that may still live inside of you. You are a born leader, and others look to you for guidance, so do your best to show up as the person your inner lion cub needed when you were little. And mid-month when the Scorpio new moon rises on the 13th, there is an opportunity to add a new addition to your family unit, whether that is a new pet, plant, or even the deepening of a close relationship with a new friend. It’s also a good time to let things go and set new intentions for how you want to show up (or not) within your family dynamic. When your ruling planet the sun moves into your fellow fire sign Sagittarius on the 22nd some of the heaviness of the month will be released and you’ll have a chance to have some fun, flirtinesss, and laughter back in your life again. If you’re feeling up to it than it’s a great time to plan a dance party!

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Scorpio season in combination with your ruling planet Mercury journeying through Scorpio is inviting you to assess and transform your inner dialogue into a source of support this month. Regardless of what is happening around you, you have the ability to cultivate a chemistry of peace within you. It is up to you to make your internal landscape a beautiful garden of your own making.  When Venus moves out of your sign and into relationship oriented Libra on the 8th followed by Mercury’s move into Sagittarius some of the tension you’ve been feeling around a need for perfectionism will be released, giving you a chance to be more honest with yourself and others about what it really takes to connect with you and what you offer to connection. The second half of the month reignites your independent streak, offering you a chance to expand your horizons and maybe even do something spontaneous.

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This month brings harmony, independence, communication and creativity. When you’re ruling planet Venus, the goddess of love moves into your sign on the 8th you suddenly find yourself in the spotlight as everyones favorite diplomatic darling. And when Mercury enters Sagittarius your throat chakra will be feeling cleared adn ready to support you in speaking your truth-even in rooms that don’t want to hear it. Even though you are the relationship oriented sign of the zodiac, the planets are aligning to push you into a more independent, and carefree state of mind in the public sectors of your life like career and outward appearance. And once the sun moves into Sagittarius at the end of the month you’re creativity will be getting a cosmic boost to help you move in whatever direction lights your creative fire.

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

The sun, mars, and mercury are in your sign this month sending you on a deep dive to discover what lights you up, what drives you, and your inner dialogue. This new moon in your sign offers a moment of rebirth for you. Take what has died, light it on fire and send it sailing off into the sunset so that you can build the dreamboat life of your dreams. Remember to be honest with yourself about your limits, set healthy boundaries and focus on prioritizing what actually matters to you rather than spreading yourself too thin. If you’re not happy with where you live-move. If you want a new job-go get it. Focus on making one thing happen at a time and the rest will fall into place once the sun moves into the life longer learner Sagittarius on the 22nd.

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

All the Scoprio energy at the beginning of this month takes you on an inward journey to the center of what motivates you, where you are placing your energy, and what habits might be holding you back. This time spent assessing will help equip you to make changes in your life when the moment is right (probably when Jupiter exits it’s retrograde in December), but for now it’s alright to just ruminate for a bit. When the sun moves into your sign on the 22nd you’ll be shining brightly and leaning into what brings you joy. And the Gemini full moon will bring you to increased clarity about what you want to bring with you into the coming year.

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

This month Scorpio energies combined with your ruling planet Saturn, in Pisces, is bringing some intensity as well as some watery flow into your life and opening you up to deep gazing into the wise wells of intuition and dreams. The new moon in Scorpio gives you a chance to assess your social circles and prioritize the real ones who loyally show you love while taking a step back from those who don’t see you or support you in your dreams. When Sagittarius season begins on the 22nd you’ll be opening up to a period of spiritual healing.

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your ruling planet Saturn is ending is it’s retrograde this month, giving you the forward momentum you’ve been waiting for in terms of your financial goals, public appearance, and career. Retrograde has had you deep in rumination, but now you’re getting ready to make moves and you’re starting to understand that taking action is what helps you build up your self-esteem and confidence. Let the Scorpio new moon be your jumping off point to a new way of relating and earning money. Best to lay the foundations for your life now, as Pluto will be entering your sign in January, opening up a door to mystery.

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Saturn is finally, finally, finally ending it’s retrograde in your sign on the 4th. This means you’ll get to use all the juicy downloads, intuitions, and reflections you’ve been receiving to get soem forward momentum going in terms of loving yourself, self confidence, self esteem and motivation. Use the Scorpio new moon on the 13th to set an intention to explore new opportunities, modes of self expression, and communication. There is also an opportunity for you in the coming days to receive some kind of recognition. When Sagittarius season arrives on the 22nd it will be time to celebrate your accomplishments and give yourself a chance to unwind and take life a little less seriously for a while.

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

Want more astrology?

Check out what’s happening right now

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator.

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Create your Birth Chart to get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Tarotscope: Your November 2023 Tarot Card

Find out what the cards have in store for you this November…

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre.  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).  Also offering A Year of Magic....



What are you looking to master in your life right now? This moonth is about giving yourself permission to follow your passion and your curiosity and to get really really good at the things that fascinate you. This is a time to let go of anything that feels like an obligation, and to instead really lean into the sensation of commitment for the pleasure of commitment. What would it feel like to consider your commitments a gift in your life rather than an obstacle?



This moonth is all about surrender. This can be a challenge for you earthly, sensual types as you really prefer knowing what you are getting into and being able to see it and touch it and feel it. But for this moonth, what might it feel like to just let go of those expectations and allow life to carry you forward onto the next part of your path? Sometimes the best things in life can't be seen with the eyes or tasted with the tongue. Sometimes they are fully in the Spirit, and cannot even be described in words.



It is time my dear to enjoy the gifts of a solid mindset practice! How are you speaking to yourself inside your brain? If the words you are telling yourself are not positive, helpful or hopeful, then this moonth offers an opportunity to re-write the script and begin funneling all of that delicious energy into your life in a different way. It may feel like effort at first, but the rewards will be beyond what you can imagine! Give yourself permission to do the work and feel better.



This moonth you are invited to take some action towards your vision in ways that you have been procrastinating on suss far. I know it can feel scary to step outside of your comfort zone, but sometimes we must take the risk in order to receive the discipline and reward for our efforts. The medicine during such times is to remember to breathe deep and wide. Regulate the body to the risk and do the thing anyway.



Oh Leo, you have a glorious opportunity this moonth to move through total transformation during Scorpio season! What an exciting time for you! I know people often see the Death card and feel overwhelmed, but truly the way you decide to see this experience is the way in which you experience the death process. Instead of thinking you are losing something; Focus on what you are gaining. Whenever we let go of an old version or piece of our life, it makes space for a new version and a new opportunity or gift to arrive. Death must come first before we have the new path we are searching for. Let this be an exciting time!



This moonth is going to feel delicious for you as it is focused on home, security and getting our finances in order. You would be well served by cleaning out the closet, starting to gather the tax paperwork that you will need in January and in general taking time to reassess all your previous structures and routines. This would be an excellent time to shake up your exercise regime, and in general, put an eye on all the things that you may have taken for granted, in case they could be more efficient with a few little tweaks.



I take this moonth as a grand permission slip to just let go! Let go of everything you have been attached to that you possibly can and you will receive so many blessings in the space that is left behind. This can be challenging for Libra because they love beauty, and often enjoy collecting beautiful things with which to surround themselves but sometimes those things can become a gilded cage. Liberate yourself this moonth! Let it burn and see what happens.



This moonth offers you a strong choice that needs to be made. Where are you putting your energy this winter? Where are you giving your precious exuberance and excitement? Where will you be investing and spending your precious life force energy? This is an investment that we never get back, so place is it wisely in people, experiences and pathways that are in full reciprocity for you and your heart.



Time for a fiery rebirth, my friend. This moonth calls on the power of making peace with our previous actions and choices, and choosing which ones we may need to repair and which ones were exactly just right. It is a time of great reflection, and giving yourself the gift of reassessing some of the bolder choices that may have been made in haste. You are offered an opportunity to walk your talk and allow your actions to meet up with the way you wish to move in the world.  It's okay to say you are sorry; and it is ok to hold up your boundaries as well.  Sometimes the lines get blurred between the two when emotions are involved!



Choice time for you! As we move into winter, you are being invited to get really clear on which projects and physical spaces you are going to dedicate your time and energy to. I know you want to accomplish and do all the things, but this card suggests you will be best served by simplifying the task list, and truly focusing on the items that move the needle forward and give you the greatest return on your efforts. Often simplifying is the thing that saves the most time in the long run.



This moonth ushers in a time of greater emotional expression and experiences that tug at the heartstrings. The medicine of this card is to allow yourself to ride the waves of feelings without stopping the flow of energy. It is easier to feel the feelings in real time, then to attempt to suppress them and deal with the pressure of them later. This can be challenging for an airy mental personality such as yourself, but you will be supported this moonth in this emotional experiment if you choose to dip your toes into the feeling waters!



November marks a time where the wounds of the past surface and are finally ready to be looked at and given space to heal. You are the biggest feeler of the zodiac, and this can often feel overwhelming to your body. Please make sure to take excellent care of yourself! Salt baths, connecting with friends, and writing in your journal are simple and profoundly grounding ways to stay in your body while letting these old memories surface and clear out of your space. If you allow them to rise, they will make more room inside for joy and other feelings that you so deeply desire.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Tarotscope: Your Tarot Card for October 2023

Find out what the cards have in store for you this October…

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre.  

Let the energies of these cards guide you this month.

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).



This moonth asks you to take a break...September took it outta you.  It's ok to rest.  It's ok to not throw yourself into another exciting or shattering or intense situation.  What might it feel like to pause?  To play?  To be slow?  Is it possible that always going full tilt might make you less intuitive or efficient because there is more chaos to filter through and more messes to clean up?  Just something to ponder...



Let yourself feel this moonth; but don't get lost in fantasizing about what was or what isn't actually here now.  There is so much goodness available once you can see the feelings for what they are - guidance to the people and circumstances that most serve YOU.  It is far too easy to be the one that makes things feel better for others...this moonth, focus on what pleases you and grieve what needs to be let go of.



This moonth brings up an old heartbreak that wants to heal.  It will be best for you if this time you allow the lessons to land without resistance.  Every relationship has two people. Every ending has a beginning.  Even when people do us wrong, we still have responsibility for how we react or respond and how we think and speak about the situation later.  This time, you have an opportunity to take in the whole situation and let go of the stories that only hurt you or keep you in the role of victim or martyr.



It is emotional adventure time sweet Cancer!  You are no stranger to the feelings...yet this moonth suggests an opportunity to become even more nuanced, even more deeply feeling in ways that support your inner growth rather than overwhelm your system.  This might mean even more solitude, baths and sappy movies to support the flow of those feelings...full permission to indulge as needed!



This moonth represents a time of commitment to your craft.  What are you pouring yourself and your energy into?  What lights you up and gets your inspiration moving?  This moonth invites you to remember that "work" isn't just about money...its supposed to include some satisfaction and meaning as well.



Time to go inward and get clear on how your heart feels right now sweet Virgo.  This time of year is often fraught with deadlines, social engagements and prepping for winter all of which you are quite skillful at planning and getting nitty gritty with!  But how do you FEEL? You can too easily be caught up in the details and wander away from the feelings just beneath the surface.  You might be due a good cry.



This moonth is all about balance, dear Libra for the sake of longevity.  We do the disciplined thing NOW to serve your future self even if it feels like an irritant to your current self.  We reap what we sow, and the cosmos are asking you to look at the seeds you are sowing...are they going to provide ripe fruit ten years from now?  Is the way you are treating your body going to serve you in the next two decades?  These are the inquiries...



What a glorious time of year for you!  As we enter your season, the powers that be want to know- What are you proud of yourself for?  What have you accomplished in this last solar year that feels yummy and noteworthy?  Give yourself the gift of a life review and reorganization of where your energy is flowing.  There will be places that need pruning in order to maximize the energy available to you



This is a deep and magical time for your Sag.  The request is to go inward and follow the call of your heART.  You may have become too stagnant lately, too comfortable in the routine of day to day.  The Moon reminds us the magic of life comes from the unknown, the mystery and allowing life to lead us somewhat blindly towards our future.  You often get caught up with your arrows and goals without enough space for surprise - let some of the energy of the darkness have room in you this moonth and follow where it takes you...



It's time to start a brand new cycle with your feelings!  There is a story that is played out and old that causes you suffering.  Maybe a story from childhood, from a past lover or a co-worker.  A story that causes irritation or downright angst!  The energy is ripe to release that old perspective and allow a fresh more encouraging story to take its place.  



This moonth is an invitation to focus.  Your mental health will benefit greatly from some clean choices around what you allow into your mind and your field.  You would benefit most from clearing out any media, apps or social channels that most garner your precious attention and time.  You are asked to bring more of that crisp visionary energy to your present moment- the world needs you to be focused on what we collectively are moving towards.  Your perspective is requested!  Clean out the mental clutter and you will see...



This is a moonth to complete any projects you have started or held onto.  This is a time of completion...either by fully completing the project or by choosing to lovingly let it go.  It does not serve your creativity to have things left undone.  Better to simplify and devote to that which is calling you than to keep holding on to projects that were attractive to an older version of yourself.  It feels scary but trust - you will feel a huge relief when you make space for that which is truly meant for you now as you are!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

October 2023 Horoscope: Some of ya'll are going to love this...some of you...

October is here! Time to cozy up to weather the Libra solar and Taurus lunar eclipses and figure out what you're going to be for Halloween! Keep reading for this month’s horoscope and to find out what your costume should be based on your zodiac sign!

Here’s what’s happening in astrology this month:

Libra Season: Striking a Balance in Our Relationships

The autumnal equinox on Sept 23rd brought the Libra season into crystal clear view.
Now is the time to meditate on the yin and yang of life, and cultivate an internal balance between light and darkness. It’s a good month for taking the middle path, or just absolutely leaning into your villain era and embracing the chaos or being both light and dark. Lay low, go off, or do a little of both. It’s up to you babes.

The Sun and Mercury host a meet cute in the sign of Libra on the 20th, shining some charm and a bright light on your relationships and lines of communication. The Sun in Libra also trines retrograde Saturn in romantic Pisces this month, allowing us to look back on past relationships with a nostalgic lens. 

Venus wants you to love yourself. 

Supporting you this month is Venus in Virgo. Time to jump on that self love and self care routine and prioritize health, wealth, and happiness for yourself, because you deserve it Queen! Find some bomb affirmations to dance to in the mornings and get your body and breath into a dynamic state!

Hold on to your hats! Eclipse season is back. 

Things turn climatic and cinematic during the new moon and solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. Expect BIG shifts in your relationships and partnerships.

Scorpio Season

Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, causing us to play our cards a little closer to the vest, hiding our motivations, and potentially all out ending some shit that is no longer aligned to us. It then trines Saturn in its fellow water sign Pisces on the 13th, widening your perspective to span the oceans of time and consider the long game. 

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, amping up the intensity of just about everything. And then of course, Mercury transitions from Libra into Scorpio soon after, making us crave soul deep conversations over flirty small talk...which is right on par as as you’ll be getting a big second helping of that climatic eclipse energy on the 28th, when the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus brings big feelings from the deep dark bubbling to the surface, allowing for deep self reflection, clarity, emotional breakthroughs, heightened intuition, and new beginnings. 

Your October Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Last month revealed truths about your relationships and your true desires. This month, your ruling planet Mars, planet of action and aggression enters super intense and often misunderstood Scorpio making you a force to be reckoned with. You’ll be drinking deep from that “I’m gonna do what I want” juice this month. Let your passions lead the way and go get ‘em tiger! This is the time to act! Just uh…be aware this energy has also got you primed to scorch some bridges to the ground and release some big hecking emotions during the upcoming eclipses. Embrace the cycles of life, death and transformation.

Your Halloween Costume: Tourist/Your Dream Vacation

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

For better or worse, last month nostalgia crept in hard. But if you f’d up because of the Mercury retrograde it’s getting well past time to own up to it. Luckily you also have been feeling creative as heck recently, and your ruling planet Venus is headed into Virgo this month giving you a shot at channeling that energy into patching things up, feeding your close relationships, and rejuvenating your energy and your health. Just uh…take note that there is a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign this month…that is destined to intensify whatever it is you got going on emotionally. So…maybe try amplifying the good vibes with a bubble bath or get going on that shadow journal everyone is talking about on TikTok.

Your Halloween Costume: Witch/Animal Onesie

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

AH YEAH! Last month brought you to a crossroads and the transition into Libra season has really given you a good solid base for your relationships and for the next stage of your career. Romance, relationships, and sales proposals have been sparkling and easy breezy thanks to your ruling planet Mercury in your fellow air sign Libra. But when Mercury moves into enigmatic Scorpio this month it’ll be time to turn all that talk into action. Whether it’s in romance or at work it’s time to seal the deal! Get that commitment! Deliver on your promises and get that cold hard cash! 

Your Halloween Costume: A spooky t/shirt/Something edgy or ridiculous

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Last month your intuition took you on a journey through vulnerability and empowerment. And thanks to Venus in Virgo and Libra and Scorpio season, your romance, relationship, and healer game is strong right now. Time to take action in your relationships to mend fences, rebuild bridges, and deepen commitments. Also take note that Scorpio season can amplify your protective and possessive tendencies, so be clear with your boundaries and show yourself a little grace if jealousy comes knocking. 

Your Halloween Costume: Witch/Knight

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Reinventing yourself is a process that spans a lifetime. A peacock can’t regrow its feathers in a single day, and neither can you. But you can bet you’re going to style the heck out of those feathers while they are in their grow out phase–no matter what. This month it’s all about striking a balance in situations by taking the action you know you can take and leaving the rest to the universe to decide. Any secret passions and pain are bound to come bubbling to the surface thanks to the solar and lunar eclipses, be courageous, and bold in facing these big emotions. And bring that Libra energy (fairness, charisma) in to help you with those big conversations. 

Your Halloween Costume: Characters with big hair/big wigs (think Hairspray, Margie Simpson, etc)/Cat

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

This month your ruling planet transits through Libra and Scorpio, sharpening your thinking, your sense of justice, confidence, and your boundaries. Supporting you this month is Venus in Virgo. Time to jump on that self love and self care routine and prioritize health, wealth, and happiness for yourself, because you deserve it Queen! Take practical action now towards your goals. Clarity and big shifts come around the eclipses. You know what is best for you and you have good ideas about how to make things happen. You know what you want. You know what you need. NOW GO AND GET IT.

Your Halloween Costume: Nurse/Doctor

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Happy Birthday!

You are a star and this month is your time to shine, be a whole ass aesthetic, romanticize your life, and charm the freaking pants off everyone you meet! 

The autumnal equinox on Sept 23rd brought the Libra season into crystal clear view.
Now is the time to meditate on the yin and yang of life, and cultivate an internal balance between light and darkness. It’s a good month for taking the middle path, or just absolutely leaning into your villain era and embracing the chaos or being both light and dark. Lay low, go off, or do a little of both. It’s up to you babes.

The Sun and Mercury host a meet-cute in the sign of Libra on the 20th, shining some charm and a bright light on your relationships and lines of communication. So get out there socialize, be enchanting, pursue your interests, learn something new, and have some fun! The Sun in Libra also trines retrograde Saturn in romantic Pisces this month, allowing us to look back on past relationships with a nostalgic lens. 

Your Halloween Costume: Barbie/Ken

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Happy Birthday!

The autumn equinox has awakened in you the power of light, darkness, and human connection. 

Time to let loose in what remains of the light, take your boo out on a date, make party plans with your inner circle, and wholeheartedly bathe your heart in the creative depths of the darkness. The solar and lunar eclipses bring whatever’s been swimming in your emotional depths floating to the surface.  Show up authentically, to have those big conversations with yourself and others about what it really takes to connect with you, please you, and satisfy your heart and soul. Get comfortable serving 100% compassionate realness that ain’t afraid to be cringe. Be your most natural self and make a dopamine menu of your passions, interests, and self care routines to keep your mind, body, and soul well fed in the cooler months to come.

Your Halloween Costume: Favorite Food/Anime Character/Special Interest

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

What’s it like being able to overcome any obstacle? Kind of wild right? Like, no matter what life throws at you…if you have a target in mind…it doesn't matter where that target is placed, around a distant corner or just beyond the horizon, you can see it in your mind's eye and you know you are going to get there. You just seem to have a ‘I got this’ mindset this month and everyone is showing up to witness your supercharged vitality and determination. Things are shifting for you this month-the eclipses bring big moves. Bring your exploratory nature to conversations around boundaries and abilities. Get your passion and your blood pumping and set some BIG EFFING GOALS this month! You are unstoppable!

Your Halloween Costume: HULK/A RAGING FIRE/Superhero

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

How do you climb out the looking glass and up the ladder? Are you backbending over to crawl up the stairs or are you climbing on your witch’s broom and manifesting straight to the top? This month it’s all about getting out of the funk, clearing the water, and jumping into the thick of the action. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio are practically yelling at you: Go get it! Lay the foundations of your next building phase, whether you’re building connections, a career, or finding a way on the property ladder. Your ideas are worthy of the world, dust off the cobwebs and bring them to fruition! Take part in your life by embracing your creative ability. 

Your Halloween Costume: Grrl Boss/Bad B*tch

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Sometimes the best ideas strike us after we’ve settled in for the night. Start keeping a journal by the bed cause this month your mind is going to dream up all kinds of wild and innovative pursuits. You’re the rebel thinking of the zodiac, so honestly I’m not even going to pretend to know what goes on up there. But… I know you’re gonna be thinking some big hecking thoughts  that are 100% uniquely yours and thanks to the Mars and Mercury in Scorpio vibe, you’ll be delivering those ideas into action this month. It’s time to embrace a redesign, get that research in, take the next step and fly my friend! You were made to flow in time with life, not get hammered about in the rocks and weeds. Get your flow mojo moving! And get into those conversations about what matters to you!

Your Halloween Costume: Starseed/Wednesday/Adams Family/Something obscure I’ve probably never even heard of.

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dear Pisces,

Your subconscious is delivering note after note to the doorstep of your real life this month. Fall is here, the veil is thin, and it’s time to embrace akashic records, universal wisdom, travel into nostalgia, indulge your joy, and just enjoy the creative and messy human process. Get social and reconnected with the people in your life. And get connected to yourself on every level. Time to pick up the paint brush, cook your fav foods, bust out the ouija board, the dowsing rods, and get into the spirit of the fall season. 

Your Halloween Costume: Fairy/Spirit/Quantum Entanglement

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your September 2023 Tarotscope: Navigate the Dance of Reflection and Transitions with the Tarot's Wisdom

September's celestial ballet is a cosmic waltz between introspection and action. As the days grow shorter and the leaves prepare to turn, let the Tarot guide you through these transformative moments. With every card pull, align with the deeper cosmic rhythms and navigate the big astrological themes of September.

From The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre: 

By Wyld Lee

September's celestial ballet is a cosmic waltz between introspection and action. As the days grow shorter and the leaves prepare to turn, let the Tarot guide you through these transformative moments. With every card pull, align with the deeper cosmic rhythms and navigate the big astrological themes of September.

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).



This moonth you are invited to investigate what patience means to you. How do you move with this idea - patience? How do you regulate your impulsive nature so that you make decisions that are more sustainable for your future? This is the medicine for you this moonth if you choose to take it.  Slowwww down...


Seven of Wands

This moonth you are invited to begin adding some mental strategy in your life! You have a tendency to be more present in your body, which is wonderful; however, if we wish to truly moonifest something in our lives, it requires a map and the direction in which we are going. Now is the time to consider where you wish to end up in the future!  What is the goal of your creativity?


Four of Wands

You are being invited into some playful recreation at this time, particularly Play of the imagination. This is your moonth to dream big, and in ways that excite and fascinate you! These dreams should not be about making money; they should be about living out your deepest desires.  Who did you want to grow up to be as a child?  How can that energy be alive in your world today?


Ten of Pentacles

This moonth calls you dear Cancer to come to completion around anything causing stress in your sector of home and finances.  You're ready for next-level maturity in these areas and it’s absolutely nothing personal- just time to uplevel!  How are your investments, your future planning, and your savings... its your opportunity to make these offerings of safety a priority!


Two of Cups

Emotional moonth for my friend and one that comes with some big choices.  The curiosity from the cards is this - where are your feelings not being met?  What relationships need to have some convos about respect or reciprocity?  Where are you wearing your heart on your sleeve and finding that you get hurt?  It's the time to make some protective adjustments for your own benefit.


Ace of Swords

It's a brand new cycle for you Virgo - one of action!!!  You are so good at planning things you love... what might happen if you plan the things you avoid this moonth instead?  And better yet, start taking action toward that strategy!  What parts of life do you ignore? Relationships, money, career, power - whatever it is, give it your full attention and take a step in a new direction!  You will be so glad you did 6 moons from now.


Queen of Swords

Librans, this is your time to uplevel your personal disciplines and practices.  For yourself.  It doesn't matter what others say or think!  You are diving deeper into this realm for YOU.  Start the yoga practice, write in the journal, cut out the caffeine - whatever things you know would be supportive, this is the most sublime time to commit!


Nine of Wands

While you often feel intuitively skeptical for good reason...this moonth invites you to consider the mind and how it may be overreacting sometimes.  Not everyone is trying to scam you or break your heart.  This skepticism might be keeping you from some genuinely intimate relationships and people who could inspire you to a new way of living...if you can soften enough to consider the possibilities.


Five of Swords

Crunch time dear Sag...you've been procrastinating on taking action on something in life.  Maybe for good reason, but now the pausing is no longer serving you.  It's time for action!  Time to stop mind mapping, time to stop blaming, and just Do The Thing.  It feels heavy to begin, but once you shoot your arrow and decide the goal, nothing can stop you!


Eight of Pentacles

What are you building this winter Cap?  Literally or metaphorically, this moonth is actively inquiring about your plans to complete this year.  What have you built?  What projects need completion?  What direction are these projects taking you?  And do you still like that course??  If not... the time to shift direction is now before the Equinox.


Ten of Swords

This moonth holds the medicine of completion for many signs and this includes you.  It is time to complete whatever is currently in motion and plan a celebratory pause.  You are being called in the coming moonths to deeply envision the next 5 years of your grand plan...so cinch up the loose ends now and make space for the new!


Queen of Cups

This moonth will feel deep, emotional, and possibly challenging for you sweet Pisces and the Wheel turns and the light starts to dim.  But that's okay because you know how to tend your big heart and big feelings!  Get in the water, drink soothing teas, walk in the morning, cry whenever needed, and just keep the energy flowing so it doesn't get stuck!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

September 2023 Horoscope: Navigating the Cosmic Ballet of Change

September's celestial choreography is unfolding, and it's a performance you won't want to miss! Dive into your September 2023 horoscope to discover what the universe has in store.

Hello Dear Readers,

As we embark on this September journey, we're about to navigate a cosmic dance of reflection and intention. September 2023 holds the power of transition, beckoning us closer to the year's finale. As we stand on the brink of the final quarter, the Universe invites us to restore, reflect, and find solace within ourselves.

The firmament above narrates a tale of balancing acts this month. Even as the pragmatic Virgo Sun prompts us to refine our health and organize our ambitions, the universe offers a gentle reminder: amidst the orderly, expect the unexpected. With Uranus in retrograde within sturdy Taurus, foundations might quake, but it's within such tremors that we unearth life's humor.

Love and abundance seekers, rejoice! Venus, after her passionate sojourn through Leo, concludes her retrograde phase on the 3rd. As her shadow recedes, our magnetic pull strengthens, drawing love and prosperity closer. Yet, as one celestial body finds its path, Jupiter begins its retrograde dance through Taurus, whispering ancient lessons we must heed and grow from. The Virgo New Moon on the 14th stands as a cosmic ally, urging us to re-evaluate and craft new paths to coveted results.

Mars, our fiery planet of action, waltzes through harmonious Libra, emphasizing relationships for all the signs. A word to the wise: with a grand total of seven planets spinning backward, communication can become a loop of echoes. Under Mars' Libra influence, opt for gentleness over conflict. Let its balanced energy guide your interactions, especially as we usher in the calming breeze of Libra season on the 23rd – a time where openness and tranquility might just become our best friends.

Speaking of retrogrades, as Venus steps out of hers, Mercury concludes its own on the 15th. If you've felt like you're deciphering riddles in communications, anticipate clearer skies ahead. Post this date, the mind sharpens, allowing insights to piece together seamlessly. A call to action: harness this clarity, presenting your diligently worked-upon projects to those who’d appreciate and resonate.

By the 23rd, feel the scales tip towards balance and beauty as the Sun enters Libra. This time heralds not just the golden hues of fall but also a celestial equilibrium. Let romance and personal harmony be your guiding stars. Yet, brace for a crescendo of passion as the Aries Full Moon on the 29th infuses the collective with fervor and fire.

Strap in, dear ones, for a month of contrasts, lessons, and growth. Lean into the wisdom of the stars, find humor amidst chaos, and embrace the love that the universe showers upon you.

To a September steeped in celestial wonder,
Cole Goodwin

Your September Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Greetings, spirited Aries,

As you cast a glance back at the month gone by, you'll recall the winds of destiny filling your sails. The Lunar North Node in your sign directed you along your destined path, while Mars in Virgo had you immersed in a world of introspection, focusing on wellness and refining daily routines. With such a foundation, you're primed to embrace the magic September has in store.

The spotlight this month is the Full Moon in your very sign on the 29th, which feels almost like the universe is calling you home. The closure of Venus Retrograde on September 3 invites introspection: What have you learned about your relationships? Where do your true desires lie?

Chiron's soft whispers have perhaps resonated louder within, challenging you to embrace vulnerabilities, while Jupiter and Uranus herald retrospection, pushing you to confront your shadows. Embrace them; for in these shadows, you might find undiscovered strengths.

September 14's New Moon, graced by Virgo's meticulous energy, nudges you to place well-being on a pedestal. Mercury's retrograde bowing out a day later brings clarity and an unclouded vision, fortifying your journey towards better health and mindset.

With the Sun's diligent march through Virgo, your observational prowess shines. Be gentle, dear Aries, especially with loved ones striving to do their best. The dance of the Sun and Neptune on the 19th might bring past regrets to the forefront. Use this time to focus on what can be influenced, letting go of what's set in stone.

The onset of Libra season on the 23rd is a serenade of love and relationships. Nurture bonds, both platonic and romantic, with the care they deserve. The Full Moon on the 29th, a mirror to your fiery essence, amplifies this sentiment, bringing a culmination to a month of introspection, love, and growth.

Embrace the month ahead, Aries, continuing the journey of self-discovery and love you embarked on last month. Remember, your 2023 journey is all about healing, striking a balance between the celestial and the mundane.

To-Do's for September: Journaling, relationship check-in, wellness regimen, self-care ritual, date night.

Crystal Allies: Carnelian (supports fiery energy), Rose Quartz (love and stability), Clear Quartz (clarity), Black Tourmaline (grounding, warding).

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Dear Taurus, Earth's Patient Bloom,

As August's curtain fell, the whispers of introspection played like a soft, meandering river through your heart. The silvery glow of August's full moon had planted seeds of creativity, and now, as September dances in, golden sunrays breathe life into those seeds. A cosmic dance commences: Jupiter, moving backward through your sign, drapes you in the velvety memories of 2012. Imagine delicate, forgotten pages of journals and sun-faded photographs leading you down a nostalgic path, flanked by the towering trees of your past.

Bathed in Virgo’s meticulous sun, your canvas this month shimmers, waiting for bold strokes of passion and whispers of imagination. Venus, your guiding star, concludes her retrograde waltz on the 3rd, washing over you with waves of cerulean calm. Embrace this, but also let the pinks and reds of dawn remind you of the lessons learned about intimacy's intricate dance.

On the 14th, the Virgo New Moon descends like a silver, silken scarf, urging you to ink the first lines of your passion project's poetic sonnet. As Mercury strides forward again, let the celestial quill in your hand draw ideas from the very constellations.

Libra season sweeps in on the 23rd, its balmy breezes carrying the fragrance of fresh blooms, urging a rebirth of your wellness rituals. Like intertwining vines, seek the embrace of comrades in shared dreams. But, as the ember-lit Aries Full Moon rises on the 29th, retreat to your personal sanctuary, a grove where moonbeams dance and solitude sings, to rejuvenate your spirit.

To-Do's for September: Wander down memory lanes, paint your passions, create sanctuaries at home, weave new health tales, embrace moonlit solitude.

Crystal Allies: Emerald (for self-reflection and memory), Rose Quartz (love and calm), Citrine (for creativity), and Amethyst (for tranquility and peace).

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Twins of the heavens, Gemini, where one star ends, another begins in your cosmic dance. As the gossamer threads of summer's end gently weave into September's tapestry, memories of last month's challenges and triumphs linger like faded petals in a long-forgotten book. Saturn's retrograde shadow might have danced on your career’s horizon, but now you find yourself at a crossroads. Think back to August's lessons: patience was your mantra, transformation, your constant companion. And now? The universe writes a new chapter for you in the storybook of stars.

As Virgo's meticulous energy bathes your domestic realm, it's a call for introspection; an invitation to unearth the roots, to tenderly handle fragments of the past, both radiant and shadowy. With each sigh of the old floorboards or the soft whisper of aged photographs, there's a story waiting to be retold. Embrace the embrace of nostalgia, and let the melodies, literature, and fashions of bygone days color your world once more.

Venus, with her harmonious dance, finds her stride on September 3rd, weaving a silken thread of balance and clarity through the complex labyrinth of your heart. When the equinox pushes the sun into Libra's embrace on the 23rd, you’ll feel the gilded touch of creativity. Imagine golden leaves gently floating down, each one an invitation, a chance for connection, romance, and renewed zeal.

But ah, Gemini, as the wind sings and moonlight drapes the world in silvery gauze on the 29th, let the Aries Full Moon guide you towards community. Wander the streets of local artisans, savoring the aroma of nearby cafes, cherishing the simple joy of togetherness. However, a word to the wise: amid the celestial dance, some stars twinkle with mischief. Be prudent, especially in professional realms. Not every secret is meant to be shared, not every hand extended in friendship.

Reflecting on August's pauses, let September be the melody after the rest, the upward sweep in your symphonic journey. Dance with the universe, but remember, balance remains your sacred song.

To-Do's for September: Revisit old memories, cultivate home harmony, express creativity, cherish community connections, and practice discernment.

Crystal Allies: Selenite (for clarity), Amethyst (for introspection), Citrine (for creativity), and Labradorite (for protection).

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Dear lunar guardians of the heart, Cancer, as the sun retreats from the zenith of summer, your tides ebb and flow with amplified intensity this September. Last month's silvery moonlight bathed you in nurturing glows, whispering secrets of self-care and gentle financial cautions. Now, Virgo's season beckons you, pulling at the edges of your consciousness. The details, once ignored, are petals unfurling under the gaze of the sun, revealing deeper textures and colors. There's a call for vigilance, a gentle reminder to tune into your intuitive compass when confronted with situations that send ripples through your still waters.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 14th encourages you to find your voice, an eloquent echo of strength and candor. A dance between vulnerability and empowerment awaits, but fear not, for your shell is both your sanctuary and your armor. When Libra season arrives on the 23rd, it drapes your home in velvety warmth. Envision golden afternoons awash with the fragrances of home-cooked meals, the tactile joy of rearranging spaces, and the comfort of familiar faces gathered around a hearth.

Yet, as the cosmos spins its tale, deep reflections will surface. Embrace them, for every disappointment and scar is but a testament to your resilience. Talks of shared spaces and future dreams may bloom with a special someone, painting promises of tomorrow.

Then, under the fiery gaze of the Aries Full Moon on the 29th, your professional realm ignites. Opportunities rise like phoenixes from ashes, yet, a word of caution: amidst the blaze, Venus and Uranus may play a mischievous game, challenging your sense of worth. Stand tall, dear moonchild, for every wave that crashes only reinforces the majesty of the shore.

Recalling August's luminous guidance, let September be the voyage into newer horizons. As you have nurtured, so too must you embark, expanding and innovating with each step on the sands of time.

To-Do's for September: Hone your observation, find your voice, indulge in domestic joys, reflect on past lessons, pursue professional goals with vigor, and safeguard your self-worth.

Crystal Allies: Moonstone (for intuition and emotional balance), Fluorite (for clarity and focus), Carnelian (for courage and motivation), and Rose Quartz (for self-love and inner healing).

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Greetings, lion-hearted spirits of the celestial savannah!

The end of summer transitions you from the blazing spotlight of your season to the meticulous eye of Virgo. With the reflection of last month's Venus retrograde fading like twilight, your personal reinvention unfolds its petals, revealing the vibrant heart within.

Ah, dear Leo, Virgo season tugs you into the world of plans and pragmatism. Your bank account becomes a living entity, whispering in numbers and percentages, urging you to be its wise steward. Eclipsed by this month's New Moon on the 14th, any long-overdue negotiations around pay or terms can be rekindled like old flames. Be your own advocate, but like an eloquent statesman, prepare your case well.

As the equinox brings autumn and the sun sidesteps into Libra on the 23rd, your words become silk threads weaving tapestries of connection. From romantic whispers to creative expressions, a gentler aura settles upon you. Beware, however, of the double-edged sword of indecisiveness. Do not let your roar become a mere murmur.

Mark the 29th in gold; the Aries Full Moon inflames your ninth house of spiritual and intellectual expansion. It's a day that fans the eternal flames within your soul, urging you to honor your core beliefs, listen to ancestral whispers, and dare to see beyond the horizon. Majestic visions may arise, like the Serengeti sun on a misty morning, guiding you through life's complexities.

You step into September with lessons learned from the retrograde murkiness, but with Mercury direct on the 15th, your love declarations or those you receive take on a clearer, more resonant tone. As you wade through these cosmic energies, remember to converse with the most important entity in your life: yourself.

Building on the theme of this year, continue to seek profound connections and address any lingering uncertainties. Become the curator of your own soul's museum, adding pieces that are as meaningful as they are beautiful.

To-Do's for September: Review finances, be assertive in compensation talks, revel in communicative exchanges, practice decision-making, engage in spiritual self-discovery, express your creativity, and continue to nurture inner dialogues.

Crystal Allies: Citrine (for financial clarity), Blue Lace Agate (for articulate communication), Garnet (for passion and conviction), Lapis Lazuli (for spiritual wisdom), and Clear Quartz (for overall balance and clarity).

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Blessings of the harvest season, Virgo!

As you emerge from a month of quiet introspection, the cosmos is alight with the glow of your sign. The universe’s efficiency expert, you navigate the waves of September with the precision of a maestro, deftly wielding your conductor’s baton.

Bask in the warm embrace of your sun sign; it bolsters your abilities, making you a magnetic figure in the celestial play. Problem-solving becomes as easy as breathing, and your popularity soars like the autumn leaves on a windy day. But ah, conscientious Virgo, avoid the siren song of taking on the burdens of others, lest you lose sight of your own path.

As the New Moon makes its entrancing appearance on the 14th, close your eyes and make a heartfelt wish. It's a golden moment, shimmering with promise and potential. The skies further clear up as Mercury, your ruling planet, steadies its course on the 15th. Breathe out any lingering confusions from the retrograde and welcome newfound clarity, a gift wrapped in silver starlight.

When the sun gently tiptoes into Libra on the 23rd, grounding energy envelops you. Nature beckons, a healer and muse in one. Let the crisp air clear your mind and the rustling leaves sing songs of prosperity. Financial matters come into focus, hinting at forthcoming gains and perhaps, a beneficial review of joint budgets. As the Aries Full Moon dawns on the 29th, embrace transformation's dance, and let it lead you to realms unknown.

Libra season may pivot your thoughts towards material gains, but Saturn retrograde in your partnership zone suggests collaborating creatively. Your endeavors could ascend to dazzling heights with the right partner.

Building on this year's theme, deepen your commitments, foster mutual support, and embrace the delicate dance between mind, body, and soul, paving the path for continued career evolution.

To-Do's for September: Prioritize personal goals, set intentions around the New Moon, welcome clarity post-Mercury Retrograde, spend quality time in nature, review financial strategies, be open to transformation, and explore potential collaborations.

Crystal Allies: Amazonite (for clear communication), Green Aventurine (for prosperity and growth), Amethyst (for spiritual insights), Citrine (for self-assuredness), and Malachite (for transformation and heart healing).

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Greetings, gracious Libra!

The cosmic scales are tipping in your favor, revealing a dance of introspection and expression. As the leaves prepare to turn, you too are on the cusp of change and revelation.

The soft beams of the Virgo Sun pierce the veil of your house of introspection this month, urging you to journey within. Seek the whispers of your deepest truths and let them guide your steps. Patterns may emerge, some entwined in shadow. But fear not, the Virgo New Moon on the 14th provides a potent opportunity to break free, aligning actions with transformative intent.

As Mars sweeps through your sign, a rush of vigor invigorates you, fueling your urge to reinvent and evolve. Channel your inner thrift queen or king – explore secondhand havens, de-clutter, and perhaps monetize those once-loved treasures. Money-making aside, there's a deeper invitation here: to redefine your essence without the pressure of excessive spending.

With Jupiter and Uranus in their retrograde dances, the spotlight is on depth and discernment. It might feel natural for your generous heart to share abundantly, but the cosmos gently advises discretion, especially in financial and mental matters. As you work diligently behind the curtain on passion projects, remember that the right moment for their debut will arrive.

And arrive it does! As the Sun embraces your sign on the 23rd, heralding your birthday season, the world beckons. Feel your energy amplified and let yourself radiate. Venus and Chiron’s celestial union on the same day promises healing, making it a sublime time for romance and rejuvenation.

By the time the fiery Aries Full Moon illuminates the night sky on the 29th, passion will reign supreme. Love’s tender allure beckons, yet remain discerning. Watch for red flags, and ensure that love's glow isn't merely a mirage. Emotions may urge you to sprint, but tread with mindfulness.

Building on this year’s theme, let self-acceptance be your compass. Prioritize wellness, embrace the depths of intimacy, and refrain from hastily judging those who walk beside you.

To-Do's for September: Prioritize introspection, embrace transformative opportunities around the New Moon, declutter and explore monetizing unused items, practice discretion in sharing, work diligently on projects, and approach relationships and emotions with clarity and caution.

Crystal Allies: Rose Quartz (for love and self-acceptance), Lapis Lazuli (for introspection and clarity), Bloodstone (for vitality and transformation), Moonstone (for balancing emotions), and Sodalite (for clear communication and truth).

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Dear mysterious Scorpio,

As the waning days of August carried you through a transformative passage, you discovered your burgeoning strength amidst the cosmic dance. The universe whispered tales of change, urging you to not just be an observer but a fervent participant in your own evolution. With August's challenges carving out a diamond-like resilience in you, September unfolds as a symphonic sequel, echoing with the songs of dreams, love, and introspection.

In September's dawning light, you're bathed in the silvery remnants of the dream-laden Pisces full moon from August's end. Like a moth drawn to a mystical flame, you're beckoned towards romance and sensuality. With Venus awakening from her retrograde slumber on the 3rd, embrace the allure, letting love's gentle tendrils weave around your heart.

But, not all is a dreamy waltz, with Jupiter and Uranus retrograding in Taurus, emotions may be tumultuous. The realms of partnerships stand at the epicenter of these planetary shifts. As your desires sway, take solace in nature's embrace. Leave the digital realm behind, even for a short while, and immerse in the healing bosom of Mother Earth.

Virgo's energies this month spotlight social consciousness in your chart, invoking a drive to make lasting, positive impacts. Scorpio, the world beckons your profound touch. Join forces with like-minded souls, share your vision, and amplify your digital presence during the Virgo New Moon on the 14th.

Yet, as Libra season begins on the 23rd, you're beckoned to retreat, transforming from a social butterfly into a reflective sage. Dive deep into passion projects, pouring your emotions into your craft, and gear up for what the future holds.

By the Aries full moon on the 29th, health and well-being take center stage. Simultaneously, a competitive aura may brew in your professional sphere. While rising above pettiness is key, confronting issues head-on, with calm and clarity, is equally vital. Embrace the unforeseen and learn to dance with the unpredictable, for by month’s end, the unexpected will be your newfound ally.

Drawing from the year's overarching themes, embrace growth, expand with integrity, and let your unwavering devotion shine through every endeavor.

To-Do's for September: Immerse in nature's serenity, collaborate with like-minded souls, update your digital presence, allocate quiet time for introspection, focus on health and well-being, and handle professional challenges with grace.

Crystal Allies: Smoky Quartz (for grounding and detoxification), Malachite (for transformation and heart healing), Labradorite (for intuition and protection), Citrine (for clarity and abundance), and Obsidian (for grounding and confronting truths).

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Dear celestial Archer,

As the golden beams of August began to wane, your heart was filled with whispers and lessons of patience. Now, September calls, painting your heavens with deeper hues of introspection and connection.

Your guiding planet, Jupiter, decides to tango backwards starting September 4th. It's akin to a gentle rain after the vivacity of a summer's day, a reminder that there's serenity in introspection. Life is not always about shooting arrows towards the sun, sometimes it’s about resting your bow and relishing the gentle glow of twilight.

On the 14th, under the New Moon's Virgoan gaze, you’re beckoned to revisit, reassess, and rejuvenate. Dust off the forgotten corners of your life, and in the process, you may unearth long-forgotten dreams or relics of joy. And as Mercury awakens, rejuvenated, on the 15th, these rediscoveries might shape themselves into delightful tales or ventures.

But as you tread the path of dreams and ambitions, tread lightly. With the scales of Libra blessing the skies from the 23rd, balance becomes key. Seek genuine connections, yet hold your quiver close; not every extended hand brings with it kind intentions. However, true bonds forged now will shimmer, reflecting genuine golden hues amidst the sea of fleeting sparkles.

By the month's end, under the Aries full moon's bold gaze, your soul feels a tug—a call to revel, to dance, to celebrate the myriad experiences, both tempests and tranquil breezes, of the journey so far. Embrace it, dear Sag, for in every moonlit dance, there lies the promise of dawn.

In alignment with 2023's theme, remember: This year is not merely about the horizons you chase, but the tapestry of stars you illuminate with your radiant essence, inspiring the world.

To-Do's for September: Cherish the pause between actions, declutter your mind and space, cherish true connections, showcase your rediscovered treasures, dance in the moonlight, and honor your heart's whispers.

Crystal Allies: Amethyst (for dreams and balance), Tiger's Eye (for clarity and discernment), Citrine (for joy and rediscovery), Rose Quartz (to nurture self-love), and Selenite (to channel lunar energies).

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Whispered tales of August's blue moon still linger, tenacious Capricorn, coloring your memories with hues of growth and transformation. The cradle of Virgo's embrace this September is a gentle reminder of life's simpler joys, pulling you into a dance of roses and sunlight, illuminating your undying efforts.

Drift back for a moment, to childhood echoes and untapped desires, as Jupiter's retrograde waltz in Taurus, starting the 4th, nudges you to unearth activities and passions once forgotten. Those innocent dreams hold messages for your heart, beckoning you to remember there's a rhythm beyond the constant drumming of work.

The soft glint of Venus turning direct in Leo is like a shimmering coin found in the sun-kissed sand — a promise of financial growth and prosperity. But, it's also a time of introspection, dear Capricorn, of looking into the looking glass of your past, and understanding the shadows cast by old fears and long-held traumas.

As you journey forward, the scales of Libra on the 23rd beckon you towards the unexpected. With Mercury's muddling retrograde behind you, paths once hidden now open wide. Wander into new terrains and embrace invitations from fate; after all, adventures are life's way of applauding your relentless spirit.

That luminous Virgo New Moon on the 14th? It's a celestial song just for you, a testament to the boundless possibilities that lay ahead. Harness its magic to chart your aspirations, with the universe as your most ardent supporter. And as the winds of fall rustle, Libra's entrance signals a dance of balance in your professional world. Embrace the twirls and dips, for they're steps towards grander accolades.

Come the 29th, the Aries Full Moon paints the sky, stirring softness within your bones. The world will see your gentler side, one brimming with nostalgia. Let that moonlight lead you home, to the embrace of dear ones and the comfort of old tales.

Remember, determined Capricorn, as you dared to grow and change last month, this September is your time to bask in life's sweet symphony. Every note, every pause, is a testament to your journey. Embrace the melody, for it's composed just for you.

To-Dos for September: Rediscover a childhood hobby. Revisit financial plans with optimism. Prioritize balance in professional endeavors. Schedule a reunion with childhood friends. Plan moments of solitude at home to reflect.

Crystal Allies: Malachite (emotional healing), Clear Quartz (amplify your intentions), Garnet (reignite passion and connection to your roots).

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

As August's cosmic dances fade and the winds of September beckon, dear Aquarius, the universe invites you to a renewed canvas of self-awareness. Virgo's nurturing rays cast a spotlight, prompting you to discern the harmonies and dissonances in your life. As the earth turns and paints nature with autumn hues, you'll find the space to recalibrate and embrace both evolution and dissolution.

Uranus, one of your guiding stars, drifts in a retrograde ballet in Taurus this month. With its occasional steps that might seem out of sync with your Aquarian rhythm, the cosmic music suggests a respite, especially from the digital cacophonies of our age. Consider embracing the quiet, if only for a while, detoxing from the virtual and tuning into the tangible. Let Mercury's and Uranus' combined retrograde dance be a gentle reminder to avoid the trap of overstimulation.

Now, with collaborators and ventures at the forefront, Virgo season beckons you to seek balance. With the energies of the Virgo New Moon on the 14th and Mercury's direct turn on the 15th, it's a celestial nod to evaluate and fortify, ensuring mutual growth and harmony. With finances and partnerships under this lunar magnifying glass, gear up to step into the final quarter of the year empowered and assertive.

Libra's entrance on the 23rd is like a soft, uplifting breeze for your airy nature. A call to dreams and aspirations waiting in the wings, and perhaps, a nudge to manifest them before the year concludes. As Mercury and Jupiter dance in alignment on the 25th, they weave a tapestry of deep connections and soulful exchanges. Embrace conversations that pierce the surface, for in truth, lies transformative power.

The Aries Full Moon on the 29th is your stage, Aquarius. It promises flashes of genius and moments of profound clarity. As if flipping through a book of insights, pen them down, for they might be the stepping stones to newer learnings and intellectual pursuits. And while this moon might instigate a playful challenge, remember to avoid getting caught in the whirlwind of unnecessary disputes.

To-Do's for September: Embrace a tech detox. Assess collaborations for mutual growth. Plan your Q4 finances with precision. Create and start ticking off your year-end bucket list. Dive deep into soulful conversations. Harness insights from the Aries Full Moon.

Crystal Allies: Lapis Lazuli (for enhanced intuition and wisdom), Smoky Quartz (for grounding amidst change), Green Aventurine (for luck in ventures), Aquamarine (for calm communication), Labradorite (to tap into cosmic insights).

August might have steered you to navigate the complexities of relationships, Aquarius, but September sings a tune of clarity, vision, and spiritual depth. As you tread this month's path, let each step be an expression of your most genuine self, anchored in both purpose and passion.

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dear Pisces,

As September arrives, memories of the August moon that bathed you in its shimmering silver are still alive. The gentle ebb and flow of dreams that this moon provoked in you continue, and they have secrets to share. Keep that dream journal close; Venus’s dance ending its retrograde in Leo might just illuminate those nocturnal messages with rays of clarity.

September is about relationships and evolution. Recall the soft touch of the Virgo moon during your season six months ago? Now, as the Virgo new moon rises on the 14th, it whispers of partnerships, beckoning you to set intentions that foster growth. With the shadows of Mercury retrograde casting truths on matters previously obscured, you're invited to see anew, to re-approach situations with the wisdom of hindsight. Sometimes, dear Pisces, the universe retraces its steps to show you what you missed the first time.

Virgo season also beckons a symphony of love, balance, and wellness in your life. As the world hustles, you're reminded to find peace. Venus, on the 3rd, reignites routines, infusing both work and home with a sense of order. When the Virgo New Moon breathes life on the 14th, relationships bloom afresh. If solitude is your companion right now, this is a gentle nudge to introspect on your own desires and standards.

As the winds of autumn play, Libra season on the 23rd tempts you with transformation. But while the allure of reinvention sparkles, the Aries Full Moon on the 29th cautions restraint, especially when it comes to financial ventures. Instead of seeking outwardly, dive deep within. Gratitude might just be the key that unlocks your heart’s true desires.

In closing, this month promises spiritual, financial, and professional revelations. By September's end, you'll marvel at the journey you've taken, and the personal metamorphoses you've undergone.

To-Do's for September: Document your dreams diligently. Reflect on your relationships—past and present. Prioritize wellness in every form. Embrace gratitude over grandeur. Seek balance amidst change. Relish in personal pampering.

Crystal Allies: Moonstone (to connect with your dreams and intuition), Rose Quartz (for nurturing love and relationships), Amethyst (for grounding and tranquility), Citrine (to manifest abundance and avoid financial impulsiveness), Aquamarine (for clarity during transformation).

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

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Your August Tarotscope

Your August 2023 Tarotscopes from Wyld Lee are here to help you navigate this months super moons.

by Wyld Lee Fempyre

This moonth we are blessed with TWO Super Moon Full Moons, one of which is a Blue Moon and the energy is POTENT!  Think shining a light on things we've been putting off, feelings we want to avoid, projects that frighten us when we consider completing them, home tasks and body self care tasks that have been on the back burner so long we feel guilty about them....all of it is UP for our attention in the moonth of August.  

I hope these Tarotscopes serve you well!  Let me know what speaks to you anytime with an email to wyldfempyre@gmail.com or visit my website at www.wyldfempyre.com

I've got a fantastic FREE quiz right now called "Do You Have Holy Boundaries?" that can really shine a light on your boundary blindspots...check it out HERE!

Your August 2023 Tarotscope

ARIES - Page of Pentacles

This moonth, you are invited to explore and investigate your safety foundations.  How are your finances? Your home environment?  Your future plans?  Your structure for mental and emotional health?  How have you set yourself up for sustainability for your future self?  This isn't always your strong suit Aries, I know, but the energetics this moonth give you a healthy hand up in the process.  Take advantage!

TAURUS - Justice

Dearest Taurus, this moonth you are called to clarify your boundaries.  Is life in balance or are there places where you are leaking energy and not receiving equitably for your giving?  Justice calls us forward into seeing what IS without emotion.  This moonth is a time to gather data, truly release any story and just look at your life, work and relationships.  With the scales of Justice, you can see clearly see what the balance of your life is and where you might need to readjust your expenditures to meet your personal needs.

GEMINI - King of Swords

This is a potent and sharp moonth for you Gemini.  The energy present is one of creating your container with ferocity and firmness.  What do I mean by that?  A container is another way of describing purposeful structure, habits or the bones of your daily life.  You are supported at this time to make the changes you know you need to make...especially the ones you have been putting off or avoiding.  The King of Swords gives you the fire needed to burn away the old version of you so the new more confident version of yourself can step forward!

CANCER - Five of Wands

This moonth marks a mental struggle for you sweet Cancers…a sensation of spinning thoughts, choices and opinions.  It’s time to breathe! Unplug from your calendar particularly on both of the Full Moons this August as you desperately need some space from the energy of others and their judgements.

LEO - Wheel of Fortune

This moonth is a time to shine and step fully into the path calling you forward- even if it is a challenging path.  The steps you have taken in your life have all led you to this moment- no more delay! Jump IN!

VIRGO - Page of Cups

Dearest Virgo, you are called deeper into the feelings you try so hard to suppress.  The potent Full Supermoons this August are pulling the waters of your body to the surface… you may find you are more sensitive and easily perturbed. These feelings are data showing you where a new boundary might be required.

LIBRA - The Sun

August is a glorious moonth of expansion dear Libra- a time of seeing what you are made of and attracting others into your field that are up for the challenge of meeting you.  Ask for what you need. Be clear in your goals and desires and above all…trust the process.

SCORPIO - Seven of Wands

Deep one, this moonth invites you to stand taller and keep going towards your dreams even if you have received criticism or partial successes.  What you desire just requires a bit more time. Eye on the prize and keep yourself sharp and grounded. Listen for the next right move… it comes from the heART.

SAGITTARIUS - Queen of Pentacles

Fiery beauty, this moonth requests an honest look inside at your self care discipline.  How exactly are you caring for your hardworking body?  How are you caring for your future through your finances? Get inspired by making an actual list accounting of these items!

CAPRICORN - Strength

The turbulence and ferocity of this moonth will be uncomfortable for you, as it will most likely undo some of your best laid plans.  The medicine of the Strength card lies in both balance AND flexibility.  Try your hand at flexing this moonth- it will change everything.

AQUARIUS - Ten of Cups

This moonth offers completion of an old emotional wound that is ready to be released!  What old story do you still carry that is harming your ability to be free? About that ex lover, or parent or boss?  This moonth you have the space to review it, own your part and then let that sh!t go.

PISCES - Four of Wands

A beautiful moonth for rest my sensitive friend. Let the mind rest and focus on one thing only- how best to enJOY this precious moonth of fun! You’ve had some heavy times the last couple years…let this gift be fully received and give yourself permission to play!

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

Your August 2023 Horoscope: Shine Your LIGHT and Shine it BRIGHT

Hi ya’ll! August is here as is Leo season meaning it’s time to dive into our most epic and unabashed selves!

Hi ya’ll!

August is here as is Leo season meaning it’s time to dive into our most epic and unabashed selves!

Your August Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Hey, Aries! Get ready to soar because the Lunar North Node is now in your sign, guiding you towards your true path. With Mars in Virgo all month, you're focused on figuring things out and enhancing your wellness and daily habits. Embrace the opportunities to fix and improve aspects of your life, especially from August 23 to September 15 when Mercury goes retrograde. Financial fluctuations should ease as Uranus goes retrograde from August 28 to mid-January. Enjoy the wind at your back, dear Aries!

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Exciting news awaits you, Taurus! The August 1 full moon brings opportunities related to creativity and work. With Venus retrograde all month, introspection is the key. Take time to contemplate your career and home situation. Clarity will surface around the August 16 new moon, but be cautious if an ex pops up during the last week. Seek healing and closure, but guard your heart. Trust yourself, dear Taurus, and let your inner compass guide you!

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Patience, dear Gemini! Retrograde Saturn in your career sector may bring delays, but view them as opportunities for growth. Think before you communicate, especially from August 23 when Mercury goes retrograde. Changes at home or with family might occur during this time, preparing you for future aesthetic changes. Embrace the process of growth and positive transformation, my thoughtful Gemini!

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Take care of yourself, lovely Cancer! The full moons on August 1 and August 30 are perfect for self-care. Watch your spending as Venus retrograde requests financial prudence until September 3. By August 23, you'll have a clearer picture of your finances. Be mindful of communication during Mercury's retrograde in your speech sector. Nurture yourself and let the moonlight guide you through this enchanting month, dear Cancer!

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Serious conversations may arise around August 1 with friends or partners, but remember that Venus retrograde in your sign is guiding you through a powerful reinvention. Expect downloads of insight during the August 16 new moon. Enjoy a break from work chaos until the end of the year, thanks to Uranus going retrograde on August 28. Embrace your inner journey, dear Leo, and let your authentic self shine!

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Dear Virgo, it's time to rest and connect with your intuition. Revamp aspects of your life by embracing a calmer pace and more sleep. Pay attention to messages delivered through subtle means. Magic awaits you from "behind the scenes" during the last week of August. The August 30 blue moon heralds an important ending or event. Trust your instincts and enjoy this period of rejuvenation, my intuitive Virgo!

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Speak your truth, lovely Libra! Drama in relationships might arise due to Venus retrograde. Allow yourself to feel anger and prioritize your needs. Shed people-pleasing tendencies, as the Lunar South Node enters your sign. Focus on yourself, especially during Virgo season and Mercury retrograde from August 23. Be true to yourself, dear Libra, and let your authenticity shine!

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You've changed, dear Scorpio, and now it's time to focus on your goals and community. Embrace delays as opportunities for growth, especially around August 1 and August 27. Soak in the powerful messages delivered during the August 16 new moon. Take a break from the rollercoaster of relationships as Uranus goes retrograde from August 28. Trust your path, my determined Scorpio!

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Patience is key, dear Sagittarius! Career delays may occur around August 1 and August 27, but view them as opportunities to test new strategies. Mercury retrograde from August 23 will help you review and revise your work processes. Exciting news awaits your home life during the August 30 blue moon. Go with the flow, my adventurous Sagittarius!

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Ups and downs, dear Capricorn, but remember that setbacks might be messages for change. Retrograde Mercury from August 23 to September 15 can assist you in your journey. Embrace rest and a stronger connection with your intuition. Prepare for an important ending or event during the August 30 blue moon. Trust the process of growth and learning, my determined Capricorn!

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Relationships may require work, dear Aquarius. Embrace seeing things differently from August 12 to August 17. Mercury and Mars will help you through this process. Focus on finding true intimacy and healing. Embrace the transformational energy and enjoy a break from chaos at home as Uranus goes retrograde at the end of the month. Trust in the power of growth, my open-minded Aquarius!

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Face the truth, dear Pisces! Retrograde Saturn brings messages from the past around August 1 and August 27. Mercury retrograde in your relationship sector calls for revising give-and-take in your connections. An important message or project culmination awaits during the August 30 blue moon. Embrace your inner strength and intuition, my compassionate Pisces!

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

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Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

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Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

Your July Horoscope Just Got Revamped

This month the horoscopes are getting revamped! Take a look around and let us know what you think!

Hi ya’ll!

This month we’re doing revamping the horoscopes! Take a look around and let us know what you think!

Crystal of the Month: Sunstone

Crystal of the Month is brought to you by Starseed Curiosities & Gifts an ethically sourced crystal and gift shop for the spiritual, witchy, and curious in downtown The Dalles, OR.

Sunstone is the perfect stone to help you make the most out of July.

  • promotes leadership abilities

  • inspires clear thinking

  • offers warmth and strength to help stress

  • boosts vitality and longevity

  • attracts abundance

  • provides protection from evil spirits

Get this supportive crystal at Starseed Curiosities & Gifts!

Your July Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Exciting news, my fiery friend! Brace yourself because destiny is knocking on your door. On July 17, the North Node of Destiny enters your sign after 17 long years, setting the stage for hyper-speed growth over the next two years. It's time to fasten your seatbelt and embrace the adventure that awaits. Buckle up and let the magic begin!

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Explore the layout of your birth chart and get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Hey there, cozy Taurus! As the radiant Leo season arrives on July 22, you might find yourself craving some homey comforts and quality time with your favorite TV shows, your favorite jammies, and your favorite raw foods. It's the high days of summer, after all! So, snuggle up, relax, and give yourself permission to enjoy some well-deserved downtime. You deserve it!

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Hello, lovely Gemini! The month kicks off with a burst of emotions as the illuminating full moon in Capricorn on July 3 reveals where you've been investing your energy. Are those investments aligned with your higher self? Take a moment to reflect and let go of anything that no longer serves you. You deserve to shine your brightest!

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Dearest Cancer, get ready for a journey of self-discovery! Your cosmic ruler, the Moon, dances with transformative Pluto, unearthing hidden aspects of your shadow self for personal growth. But fear not, because amidst the excavation, a sprinkle of enchantment awaits your love life with a dreamy lunar trine to Neptune. Keep your heart open, and let the magic find you!

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Roar, magnificent Leo! Your season is finally here, starting July 22. Get ready to celebrate and show the world your incredible confidence and unique charm. But wait, Venus retrograde also begins on the same day, urging you to reevaluate your values, love life, and even your appearance. Embrace the opportunity for growth and watch your truest self shine!

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Hello, powerhouse Virgo! July begins with a magnificent full moon in Capricorn, bringing your creative ideas, passion projects, and romantic endeavors toward a thrilling climax. And guess what? Warrior planet Mars enters your sign on July 10, igniting your energy levels and empowering you to pursue your desires. You've got this!

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Hey, beautiful Libra! Brace yourself for a fateful shift as the South Node of Karma enters your sign on July 17 after 17 long years. It's time to release the past, and make room for new connections and fulfilling commitments. Embrace the journey of becoming the person you're meant to be. Let go of what no longer serves, raise the ceiling on your dreams and give yourself room to grow!

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Courageous Scorpio, take a deep breath and rejoice! As the South Node of Karma bids farewell to your sign, a powerful cycle of transformation and recentering within your identity and relationships comes to an end. You've shed old versions of yourself and emerged from the ashes, ready to embrace growth with fertile ground ahead. Embrace the new chapter!

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Adventurous Sagittarius, you're hungry for fresh experiences and expanding your knowledge. It's time to dive into new studies or connect with people who can broaden your worldview. Don't let fears or insecurities hold you back from embracing life's abundant offerings. Remember, your fears belong to the past, but your future is full of limitless possibilities!

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Hello, determined Capricorn! Relationships take the spotlight this month, but let's start with you. The powerful full moon in your sign on July 3 urges you to work through personal hang-ups, take accountability, and prioritize your needs. Remember, investing in yourself pays off in remarkable ways. You're worth it!

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Dear Aquarius, get ready for some changes that will add some tools to your already innovative toolkit, especially in your love life. As Leo season and Venus retrograde arrive on July 22, your heart's desires become crystal clear. Take this month to review your commitments, reevaluate your romantic relationship values, and perhaps even encounter a blast from the past. Embrace the journey of love and self-discovery!

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Hey there, dreamy Pisces! The month begins with a splendid full moon in Capricorn, shining a light on your friendships and connecting you with kindered spirits who share your mission and vision. It's the perfect time to collaborate on creative efforts or seek community support for your passion projects. Together, you can achieve wonders!"

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

Want more astrology?

Check out what’s happening right now

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator.

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Create your Birth Chart to get unique insights into the strengths and challenges of your chart.

Click here to check out the Astrological Themes of 2023.

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Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

This story was developed with the help of AI.

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Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection Horoscopes, Home Page, The Dalles Columbia Community Connection

Your June 2023 Horoscope: Reflecting on your inner and outer world

Find out our what four retrogrades, Gemini season, and Venus in Leo means for your sign!

Hello dear ones,

Here are the major astrological influences of this month:

Jupiter in Taurus
May 16, 2023 to May 25, 2024
The most positive longstanding transit of 2023 is here. Jupiter, planet of blessings is in the home of love, sensuality, indulgence, luxury, talent, personal values, and personal resources. The result is a boost of optimism, success, generosity, and luck in career, material ventures, love, and personal growth.

Mars in Cancer
May 10th-July 1 2023

Mars, the fiery God of War, motivation, libido, and action is sharing space with Cancer the watery, emotional domestic goddess this month. As a result, the tides of our emotions take on a significant role in our productivity, motivation, drive and sex life and our ambition focuses on our family, home, and heart.

The shadow side of this transit comes into play during difficult conflicts. While Mars takes a head on aggressive approach, Cancer, like the sea prefers a protective, passive approach as a result an uptick in emotional outbursts, relationship imbalances, and personal life difficulties can have you running off the road if you don’t have the proper emotional guardrails in place.

Full Moon in Sagittarius
June 3rd, 2023

The full moon in truth-seeking Sagittarius sheds light on the big picture. Sometimes no matter how good your aim, as an archer, life throws you an unexpected headwind that sends your arrow on a twisting and turning journey. That’s what makes life an adventure.

Venus in Leo
June 5th, 2023 to October 8th, 2023

The Goddess of Love gets feline in Leo, bringing lively catwalk worthy style, theatrical level plot twists, a love for luxury, charismatic leadership, creative expression, and grand gestures of loyalty, and love.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius
May 1, 2023 to June 11, 2023
Pluto is a generational planet that takes, give or take 248 years to complete its orbit around the sun. 

As a collective this shift is encourageing us–literally.
There is a boldness to Pluto's placement in Aquarius, that brings out the weird, the wacky, and the innovative solutions to solve social problems. Aquarius is very focused on equality and revolution. Which is probably why throughout history we’ve seen this retrograde cause the toppling of monarchies, the rebellion of colonies, and the ratification of the American Constitution. 

On a personal level, this retrograde represents chaos or turmoil followed by major change and rebirth. Your focus shifts to your Time to consider what work you still have to do before your true rebirth can begin.

There is a boldness to Pluto's placement in Aquarius, that brings out the weird, the wacky, and the innovative solutions to solve social problems. Aquarius is very focused on equality and revolution. Which is probably why throughout history we’ve seen this retrograde cause the toppling of monarchies, the rebellion of colonies, and the ratification of the American Constitution. 

On a personal level, this retrograde represents chaos or turmoil followed by major change and rebirth. Your focus shifts to your Time to consider what work you still have to do before your true rebirth can begin.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
June 11th, 2023 to October 10, 2023

Rebel Pluto, God of crisis, death, decomposition, and reconstitution and rebirth, leaves their placement in innovative and free-spirited Aquarius for a brief visit with ambitious and boundary oriented Capricorn. New perspectives, new beginnings, and the fall of false power abounds. Fake public personas and corruption begin to crumble, curtains lift, and sometimes painful truth is revealed. It’s up to us to decide whether to remain wounded, or to become wise in the face of an uncertain and uncomfortable reality.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
June 17th, 2023 to November 4th, 2023

The God of reaping what you sow in the fields of space and time, goes retrograde in the realm of the soul, karma, and hidden strength and weaknesses. This is a time to review, reflect and hold yourself accountable to how well you’ve tended to the cultivation of your spirit, your personal growth, your habits, and your responsibilities.

New Moon in Gemini
June 18th, 2023

The new moon in Gemini is a black mirror, showing you the ways in which you have (or need) space in your life for spontaneous change, connection and vulnerability.

Sun in Gemini
May 21st- June 21st

The powerful and all-illuminating sun shines through Gemini, firing up our social lives, social connections, communication and intellect.

Sun in Cancer
June 21st, 2023

The radiant star of self, ego, and confidence, shines through Cancer, illuminating your emotions, roots, home, and family.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces
June 30th, 2023 to December 6, 2023

God of the deep places of our psyche, the unconscious mind, intuition, dreams, and underwater volcanoes, goes retrograde in Pisces brings a reality check that reveals how we engage our imagination and the ways in which imagination can be both a boon and a curse depending on how you utilize it. Is your imagination focused on baseless optimism and doomsday prediction? Neptune retrograde invites us to reassess our dreams.

Now is the time to remain open to possibility and avoid making judgements. Come to understand that impartial judgment exists as much in the realm of fantasy, disconnection, addiction, and over-indulgence in escapism as playing pretend. After all, it’s a complex, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional reality we live in. Neptune challenges us to engage our senses, and intuition to reach flexible actionable decisions, rather than immovable judgements.

Crystal of the Month: Jasper

Crystal of the month is brought to you by Starseed Curiosities & Gifts an ethically sourced crystal and gift shop for the spiritual, witchy, and curious in downtown The Dalles, OR.

Jasper is a multi-faceted stone that comes in a variety of unique colors, patterns, and shapes. It’s versatility makes it ideal for helping us stay grounded, balanced, and calm.

A piece of picture jasper that has been heat treated and ground into a perfect sphere.

And if love gemstones as much as we do then you might be interested to know that a rare form of Jasper can also be found right here along the Columbia River! It’s called Biggs Jasper or “picture jasper” for its unique chocolate brown coloring and layer like patterns resembling a seashell or tree rings. The stone is a result of heated and compressed mud, volcanic ash, and basalt. If you live the area chances are you may have seen this kind of gemstone before!

Jasper uses:

  • grounds and stabilizes

  • comforts and strengthens

  • reduces stress and speeds recovery time

  • balancing

  • promotes honesty, openness, and peace

  • stimulates the imagination

  • banishes negativity and nightmares

Get this supportive crystal from Starseed Curiosities & Gifts in The Dalles!

Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Astrology is a tool we can use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond to what’s happening both internally and externally in the world. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions.

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2023

Looking for an Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Dear Aries,

The month starts off busy and full of relationships, easy conversation, opportunities for some spice in your love life, and lofty goals. Creativity is your middle name this month…or maybe enthusiasm is your middle name this month? Either way things seem to be rocketing forward until mid-month when Cancer season hits and you have to tap the breaks a bit to spend some time connecting with your feelings, showing yourself care, and indulging in some deep introspection.

Aries 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is healing, and learning to balance your spiritual ideals with the reality of the mundane.  

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Dear Taurus,

You’ve been on a crash course in personal growth for a hot minute now and I know you’re asking: when do I get my filler episode full of light hearted fun instead of constant hard hitting drama? Not to worry, the fates, destiny, karma, the universe, whatever you want to call it, is on your side until May of 2024. The thing about transformation is that unexpected turns in the road are an inevitable part of the process. The best advice I have for you is to buckle up and keep driving forward. Your heart is your compass, so listen to what it has to say, and trust yourself and the universe to make your dreams into plans that become a reality. The wisdom you are seeking is already inside you. The solar intensity of this month also makes it a great time to connect with your roots and loved ones, make big moves, and big investments.

Taurus 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is balancing external and internal maintenance of the mundane aspects of life.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Dear Gemini,


The start of this month starts off with the radiant and confident Sun going strong in the sign of Gemini right alongside Venus in the sentimental Cancer. It is a great time to get on the same level in your love life with some heart to heart conversations that leave you feeling seen and connected before you dive into the rest of your busy social calendar. Mid month it’s time to assess the finances and get good with where you’re at and where you want to go. The end of the month brings you some career opportunities and opportunities to grow your wealth. It’s a good time to ask yourself: what does success look like to me?

Gemini 2022 Overview: The theme of your life this year is balancing forward momentum with rest. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Dear Cancer,


The month starts off with a sweet romantic vibe that has you loving life, everything seems to be in harmony thanks to Venus in your sign. Next up the full moon in Sagittarius brings a wild streak that has you assessing your lifestyle and habits. Towards the end of the month you’ll be chilling hard and dreaming big. If you’ve got psychic powers, be on the lookout for visions, dreams, and chances to attune spiritually. That way once your season begins on the summer solstice you’ll be fresh faced and clear on the path ahead.

Cancer 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to expand and innovate.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Dear Leo,

The summer sun is charging your engines this month! Your tank is full of inspiration, networking, career success, and passion projects. And at the start of the month there’s some opportunity for some sparks to fly in your love life thanks to Venus, planet of love, courting your sign starting June 5th. Remember love isn’t a race to the finish line though, take your time and get to know that person before making big commitments. Get some quality time with friends and enjoy the rest and relaxation that the end of the month brings your way.

Leo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is to address insecurities, debts, and seek meaningful connections with yourself and others. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Dear Virgo,

Are you a Star Trek-era ship? Because you are cruising at light speed with a hyper focus on your goals this month. Thankfully Gemini season is opening doors left and right on career and connection opportunities. Prioritize your roots, your home, and your closest people first though or you might be headed for a pretty off-balance month. The middle of the month brings new people into your circle And lots of feelings and a slow down to the pace of life permeate the end month giving you a chance to rest and integrate your progress.

Virgo 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is commitment, mutual support, mind-body-soul connection and career evolution.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Dear Libra,

The start of this month gets off to a connective and communicative start. This has your brain and your social calendar working overtime on new ideas, new information, and new adventures. You’re not too worried about the details right now, instead you’re invested in dreaming up the big picture. The rest will sort itself out later anyway and if it gets overwhelming, come back to the breath and just sit in the present moment for a while. Now is the only moment that really exists so dive into what you love doing! Towards the end of the month opportunities to further your career and reputation give you a chance to launch in some new directions.

Libra 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is self-acceptance, wellness, intimacy, and abstaining from passing judgment on others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Dear Scorpio!

This month you’re diving deep into your subconscious to mine wisdom from the light and dark places in your soul, your psyche, and the deepest desires of your heart. As you soul search and get into your shadow work you may take a look around and discover that the life-long love and happiness you’re seeking is right in front of you. All you have to do is put a ring on it (so to speak). You’ll also need to put some time into your outward needs such as finances, career, and physical pleasure. Mid-month your psychic powers get a power up bringing some clarity to the emotional depths.  Towards the end of the month the intensity eases up a bit and your attention turns to the enjoyment of summer fun and adventure.

Scorpio 2023 Overview: The theme of your 2023 is devotion, integrity, growth and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Dear Sagittarius,

This month is all about connection, communication, romance, and experimentation. Your social, romantic and interpersonal life is expanding. There’s chances for some big transformations and big steps forward in your relationship to others and yourself this month. You’re getting aligned with what you’re seeking in life through daily habits and listening and trusting in yourself. But while it may seem that a lot is going on externally, a lot is happening internally for you too, especially towards the end of the month as you process and integrate your wins and losses and the fluid ever-evolving nature of life, love, needs, wants, and identity.

Sagittarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life this year is self-love, growth, and the opportunity to share your talents with the world.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Dear Capricorn,

This month you’re being called to rest, relax, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Take it easy, go on vacation, sleep in a little, add massage, meditation, or prayer to your self-care routine, whatever it is that feeds your soul that’s what the universe wants for you. By mid-month you’ll be feeling ready to express the truth and clarity you receive from your inner journey or care and compassion towards yourself and others. Towards the end of the month romance, relationships, and family conversations come into play. Now is the time to use your well honed values of integrity, open heartedness, and commitment to find common ground to stand on.

Capricorn 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is personal growth and new opportunities for love, career advancement, and strengthened relationships. New years resolutions are getting done this year honey! Simplify your goals into one word motivators and stick to it. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Dear Aquarius!

The month starts off with some reality checks and a need to be accountable to your inner child. It’s time to priorite play, passion, and creativity, and put your inner critic on the backburner. Transformation is brewing and by mid-month your  renewed sense of fun will help you align to your values, which inevitably paint the path to your personal definition of success. Being the rebel that you are, it's likely you’re going to be coloring outside the lines and defying definition of your identity.  There is a pull to liberate yourself from the labels of who you were yesterday or who you thought you would be tomorrow. This liberation comes from the new understanding that who you are in the current moment in time in which you stand is influenced by many factors, but that ultimately, who you are is not a static thing, but rather a fluid unfolding of becoming who you can be in a sea of infinite possibility. Of course, this new way of seeing the world may also make some things kind of awkward as you navigate both the trauma and nostalgia of your past selves. So towards the end of the month it’s time to tap into mindfulness, and get good with your mind, body, and spirit.

Aquarius 2023 Overview: The theme of your life in 2023 is focus on finances, transformation, and expressing your authentic self. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dear Pisces!

This month you’re starting off on the path to healing and recuperating from past traumas and wounded ways of walking in the world. Your dreams and values hold the key to transforming your suffering into bliss. There is light inside of you but even light casts a shadow. When you integrate your duality and commit to conscious participation in transformation new dimensions of reality will open to you. All the retrogrades this month make it the perfect time for shadow work, reflection, and deep dives into your subconscious, your past, your roots, your family, and your triggers. Release the idea of victimhood and embrace your karma as a survivor. It’s time to embrace the fact that you are both incredibly sensitive and incredibly strong. You are capable of doing this emotional heavy lifting because of all the practice you’ve put in. Towards the end of the month your inner world will brighten and you’ll be grateful for the clarity and rejuvenation. Now is the time to re-center on that inner child, and let yourself be transformed by that  inner knowing that life is just more fun if you can approach everything you do as a form of play. Use the revelations you receive to rewire your brain, your subconscious, your habits, your lifestyle, and your spirit.

Pisces 2023 Overview: The theme of your year is personal growth, self-reliance, hard-work and patience.

Support Our Horoscope Section

These monthly horoscopes take twelve working hours to research, write, and format for your enjoyment. If you enjoyed this content please consider supporting CCCNews’ astrology section by making a donation today.

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