An Open Letter to Rep. Helfrich, Rep. Smith, and Senator Bonham
Dear Representative Helfrich, Representative Smith, and Senator Bonham,
I am writing to express my support for a bill that will adjust public notice law and existing ORS 193.010 and 193.020 to explicitly allow local digital newspapers to become the "newspaper of record" in which legal and public notices are required to be posted.
Since the first U.S. Congress public officials have known that newspapers are essential for distributing news of official matters due to their accessibility, third-party status, verifiability, and archivability.
Digital newspapers can provide all that and more. Digital news decreases the carbon footprint of news, and increases equitable access to news thanks to screen readers for the visually impaired and language translation softwares.
Local news needs your help. As you are aware, the decline of local news and the expansion of news deserts are becoming an increasingly pressing issue. There are many hardships currently facing the news industry-which is becoming increasingly digital-as rising printing costs make it increasingly difficult for traditional newspapers to continue publishing in print. Meanwhile, data shows that the loss of local news sources worsens economic, cultural and political divides.
It is crucial that we support digital local news in their mission to provide communities with access to relevant and reliable local news sources for the sake of democracy, accountability, and Oregon's communities.
By updating the ORS to explicitly allow digital news sources to become the "newspaper of record" the legislature will be supporting local news and promoting community wellbeing by ensuring that all residents have access to the information they need to stay informed and make informed decisions.
I urge you to consider proposing a bill to allow digital news sources to become the "newspaper of record" and to support the growing number of small regional news organizations, chains and private news agencies such as Columbia Community Connection News ( that are stepping forward to provide an invaluable service to our communities.
In addition I urge you to find ways to support (or provide funding to) local news in areas (such as ours in The Dalles, OR) where poverty rates exceed the national average. A lack of reliable local news is a barrier to rural economic prosperity and compounds issues surrounding poverty.
In that same vein I would urge you to find ways to support (or provide funding to) new and existing local news agencies which cover news in Sherman and Wheeler Counties which currently have no official "newspapers of record" to speak of. Any support the legislature can give to local news agencies in ensuring these communities have access to local news would be a significant boon to our rural area. For context, currently, despite our best efforts at, we have only been able to provide spotty coverage at best to these two news deserts. This is due to compounded issues of broadband access, physical distance, lack of funds, and lack of staffing.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cole Goodwin
Journalist and Co-Founder of