North Central Livestock Association says Thanks

To the Editor,

North Central Livestock Association extends our most heartfelt thank you to all that supported our most recent event, The Butchers BBQ.

On July 10th in Grass Valley Oregon, folks gathered for an emergency assistance fundraising event. The event was a community request to help a local business that had incurred some very unexpected and large expenses. NCLA felt that this business is crucial to the economy and commerce of our community and we wanted to help.

When the word got out that we were looking for donation items for our auction, people were more than generous, when people got word that we needed potluck items, they were more than generous, when it came time to bid on items, once again folks were more than generous. Some folks traveled from many miles away to help, support, and contribute.

NCLA set up an emergency fund at our annual meeting this last year, the fund was created to help in times of hardship or emergency. We at North Central Livestock Association have a vested interest in strengthening the communities that we serve, and we hope that the emergency fund lends to that. 

The outpouring of support for the Butchers BBQ event was nothing short of astounding. The words “thank you” don’t even seem to quite cut it.

Thank You,

North Central Livestock Association



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