The Dalles Main Street and Northwest MuralFest response to community's input "leaves a lot to be desired" - Dylan McManus
Dear The Dalles Main Street Program and Northwest MuralFest this response leaves a lot to be desired as it contains the same gaslighting and gatekeeping that you have used for the last two years to prevent community feedback.
Mural Suggestions and Feedback for Northwest Mural Fest and Wall Dogs Event from Nik Portela, Latino Advocate
Let me start this off by saying, I love a mural. Art is a unique way a community can express its values, remember its past, and envision its future. While many of the murals in The Dalles currently could use a little love (and a lot of updating), some of them are beautiful artistic expressions of our local flora, fauna, and historical community figures. With such a rich history and so much imagination for how our town can improve and grow, it was so disappointing to see the list of suggestions presented by the Walldogs for the upcoming Northwest Mural Fest Voting Event taking place on October 15, 2021. Not a single one of their suggestions highlighted historical or current figures in our diverse LGBTQ+, Latino/Hispanic, or Black communities. I ask, why are we so stuck telling the same story of a town whose truth and future are more interesting than we’ve allowed ourselves to explore?