Too Many Taxes; 'I will not vote for an additional tax'
To the Editor,
In 1990, Oregon property taxpayers had had enough! Our elected officials did not listen, so the people voted in limitations on property taxes.
In 1991, City of The Dalles implemented Urban Renewal, as a method of encouraging economic development and blight removal. The agency was supposed to sunset after 25 years, with the increase in taxable value added to the tax base, and thereby, causing property tax rates to be reduced. You can see how that worked. Urban renewal has done some good things, but we’ve not seen the value increase added to the tax base. The promised tax reductions haven’t happened. The 25-year life of Urban Renewal was extended. Will it ever end? Maybe someday??
In 1985, Oregon launched the Enterprise Zone fiasco, to encourage certain types of economic development. As an incentive to locate a business, certain tax breaks, or deferments were granted. The idea was that these new developments would increase the taxable value of property, and allow local governments to reduce tax rates because the tax base would be larger. Sounds like a great idea. The great ideas have gotten us Google, The Granada, Last Stop, street trees, etc. It didn't get us property tax relief!
The new found revenue, from increased tax base, power and water revenues, etc. have gone, and continue to go into additional spending. Enough is enough. The combined governments don't know how to reduce spending. Every time they get a new dollar, they spend it. Now, they want to spend $140 million on a new school!
Until our governments get a handle on spending, and reduce tax rates, I will not vote for an additional tax!
-Mike Courtney