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Not-so-clever version of censorship: Goldendale Library "study"

In the United States and other Western democracies, LGBTQ acceptance and equality has grown enormously over the past 30 years. In response, resistance to LGBTQ rights has greatly intensified in conservative religious communities. In the US, this homophobic minority is found primarily in the MAGA Republican Party, and the anti-LGBTQ agenda is prominent in Trump supporter’s Project 2025.

In a recent Goldendale Sentinel news article, it’s stated the Goldendale homeschooling community objects to and wants to regulate books it deems inappropriate for young children at the Goldendale Library. An “anonymous resident” made a study of how infrequently “objectionable” LGBTQ content is checked out, and claimed they contain “explicit content not fit for children to be reading,” which appears to refer to any relationship that isn’t heterosexual. The argument seemingly is that lack of demand should result in lack of availability.

This simply is a not-so-clever version of censorship and book-banning.

As a former parochial school graduate who actually believes in human rights, I too have concerns about books with content not fit for children to be reading.

The most prominent of these books is the Bible. It contains countless atrocities, including fratricide, infanticide, child abuse, child marriage, murder by stoning, torture, the rape of women, promoting slavery, dismemberment, mass murder and genocide – all sanctioned by God. In the great flood an angry God killed every single human being – including countless unborn fetuses – save one family and a few land-based animals. I guess sea creatures were OK.

But while it is deeply disturbing, I do not object to children knowing the reality of such morally and ethically bankrupt religious perspectives, and also demonstrating where conservative religious cults want to cherry-pick the stories and morals they wish to promote.

Will religious conservatives advocate removing the Bible from public library access for children, and unsuspecting motel guests?

Only when a non-existent hell freezes over.

Bob Yoesle, Goldendale, WA

The Dalles Police Log Aug. 30 Through Part of Sept. 2, 2024

The Dalles Police Log Aug. 26 through part of Aug. 30, 2024

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