Hood River City Council Meeting May 22nd, 2023 at 6 p.m.

Hood River City Council will host a public meeting on May 22nd at 6 p.m.

The City of Hood River Council meetings can now be viewed live on YouTube. See link to connect to live meetings: https://cityofhoodriver.gov/administration/public-meeting-upcoming-and-archived-videos/

The recording of the meeting will be posted shortly after the meeting on the City’s website. Please check the City’s website for the most current schedule of City public meetings. https://cityofhoodriver.gov/administration/meetings/

Hood River City Council encourages community members to talk about issues important to them.  If you wish to speak during “Business from the Audience” there are three options to choose from:

  • If you wish to speak during “Business from the Audience”, and you are attending the meeting in person, please sign up when you arrive at the meeting by printing your name, contact information and topic/item on the sheet provided by the City Recorder.

  • Submit written comments to the City Recorder at j.gray@cityofhoodriver.gov by Monday, May 22, 2023, no later than 12 noon in order to distribute to the City Council in one packet for review by 3pm. All comments will be added to the record.

  • To address Council during Business for the Audience by Zoom, send an email (name of speaker and topic) to j.gray@cityofhoodriver.gov by Monday, May 22, 2023, no later than 12 noon. Please specify the topic your testimony addresses. Testimony will go in order of requests received. Attendees that have pre-registered will be given a Zoom link. The speaker will be promoted by the City Recorder to address Council. Audio and video to be turned on for 3 minutes to address Council.

At the Mayors discretion, public comments may be received prior to a specific topic of relevance during the meeting.  Please observe the time limit of three minutes/person

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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