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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

North Wasco County School Board meets Dec. 16 at 6 p.m.

Click here for the agenda.

December 10, 2021 – The Dalles, OR - The North Wasco County School District School Board will be moving its monthly board meetings to a virtual format until further notice. Recent board meetings have been over capacity with many attendees disregarding social distancing and masking requirements.

These mitigation practices are critical in allowing us to continue to meet safely and in accordance with state requirements. Due to these factors, it has been determined that the safest course of action is to return to a virtual format, as was used during the spring and fall of 2020.

In accordance with ORS 192.610 and 192.670, live streaming will continue to be available via our School District

Youtube and Facebook accounts. The school board recognizes the value of public input on matters involving the school district and will continue to receive public comment during its regular meetings. As such, we will continue to open the floor to public comment as part of our agenda. Comments will follow district policy, with up to 3 minutes per person for comments. Interested parties can sign-up to speak by emailing Cindy Miller at millerc@nwasco.k12.or.us or by submitting a written comment to publiccomments@nwasco.k12.or.us.

TD Planning Commission meeting set for Dec. 16 at 5:30 p.m.

Historic Landmark Commission Special Meeting Dec. 15 at 4 p.m.

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