Wheat Harvest kicks off In Morrow County
While the soft white wheat harvest is late in coming this year to Wasco County, one farmer in Morrow County is off and running.
JDR Farms began harvesting last week near Ione and are seeing a fairly good crop based on average yields in that part of the country, with some fields pushing 40 to 50 plus bushels per acre.
Well timed rains and a heavy snow from February 2019 charged the summer fallow with H2O to help bring fuller heads and plumper kernels. A little nitrogen and a resurgence of rod weeders to ward off stubborn Russian thistles are also helping to push crops to their potential.
In Wasco County, it is not unusual for harvest to begin around the Fourth of July, and grounds at the lowest elevation can be cut in late June at times. Combines should be leveling and sickle bars swathing soon in our neck of the fields.
Joe and Donna Rietmann seen here on Monday were harvesting a few miles north of Ione.