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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

How does practicing your Spirituality impact those around you? An Interfaith Perspective from Nana I Ke Kumu

How does practicing your Spirituality impact those around you? An Interfaith Perspective from Nana I Ke Kumu

Introduction by Cole Goodwin

Welcome to The Spiritual Roundtable, an interfaith roundtable featuring a diverse range of spiritual belief systems in the Gorge Community.

Each week, spiritual leaders and learners will share their take on some of humanity's biggest questions, starting with: What does your spirituality mean to you? And ramping up into discussions about the nature of existence, the soul, the divine, and of course…a question as old as time itself: why are we here? 

Roundtable writings will be published each Saturday and Sunday of the month. So look forward to new installments every Saturday and Sunday morning!

Take a deep breath… Meditate for a moment…And when you’re ready…keep reading to explore the diverse faiths, belief systems, and philosophies that exist in our communities.

This Month's Question: How does your spirituality impact those around you? How does your spirituality encourage healthy relationships with other people, animals, and the earth? What is love? How can we be more loving?

Why this question was chosen: This question asks us to examine the basic principles and values that guide our Spirituality and expand our understanding of the many paths one can walk to live a Spiritual life.

About Imma Royal and Theo Ward

Imma Royal began her journey with 15 plus years in the mental health field. A near death experience propelled her to seek the occult, that which is hidden, with fervor. She found peace at a Buddhist meditation retreat before meeting her kindred spirit, Theo. In 2004, Imma and Theo joined to form a partnership where they studied Astrology, Tarot and Meditation. Imma continued her studies to receive a Master of Social Work and became a Registered Yoga Instructor in 2018. She brings a focus that is trauma informed with a lens of attachment theory.

Theo Ward began his journey on the largest family owned ranch in the United States, where he spent most of his life on a horse, herding sheep. He learned to walk with the Earth and understand the rhythm of the seasons as it relates to the life and birth cycles of the sheep. His gentle nature found another purpose after retirement from ranch life, when he stumbled upon an experience of continuous peace for six hours. From this point forward, he began to study the ancient wisdom to articulate that experience. His studies brought him to Hawaii for six years, where he studied Neuro Linguistic Programming, wisdom of ancient Hawaii from the lineage of Kahunas and the natural rhythm of death through hospice work. Theo holds certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Timeline Technique, Master Hypnosis and Huna.

An Interfaith Perspective

by Imma Royal and Theo Ward

I met a Dog Yesterday… 

Love is a practice of self. Unconditional is a presence.  Think of your relationship with your dog. Spelled  backwards. Hello? Are you paying attention. 

Extend this loyalty, joy, compassion, patience, attention to  self. 

From here you can lead. The decision to be present is a  choice. 

I met myself. It wasn’t fun or pretty. But because I can  accept all unconditionally. I can love humanity. 

Sometimes I am afraid. Sometimes I act out. At the end  of the day I come back to my practice. I love to serve. It fills me up.

Our non-profit at Nana I Ke Kumu offers an open door. We will  commit to your journey. This is an offer for you to journey with us for one year with  the common purpose to know oneself as a perfect and magnificent part of  creation manifest here on earth for the sole purpose of having an experience

If this intrigues you, visit us at our space, call or email.  

Nana I Ke Kumu 

413 E 2nd ST 
The Dalles, OR 97058 
(541) 980-7286

Want to contribute to the Spiritual Roundtable? Read this first. 

The Roundtable Mission and Vision

The goal of these roundtable writings is to:

  1. Bring the spiritual community together.

  2. Share ideas that elevate the human spirit.

  3. Elevate the conversation around the spirit. 

  4. Embrace what is universal to all, while honoring what is special about each spirituality.

  5. Center inclusivity and equity.

  6. Promote our collective enlightenment. 

  7. Nurture civility and friendship between those with diverse belief systems in the Gorge.

  8. Engage readers and spiritual seekers.

The Spiritual Roundtable IS NOT…

This is not a place for arguing about dogma.
This is not a place for ‘hating on’ or putting other belief systems down.
This is not a place for excluding, discriminating, or promoting fear or violence towards other people based on their race, color, ethnicity, beliefs, faith, gender, sexuality, ability.
This is not a place for hatred.
This is not a place for fear.

The Spiritual Roundtable IS..

This IS a place for hope.
This IS a place for joy.
This IS a place for comfort.
This IS a place for big questions.
This IS a place for learning.
This IS a place for sharing.
This IS a place for caring.
This IS a place for sharing what is special about your beliefs.

CCC News reserves the right to not publish any content that breaks with our mission, vision and values.

If you are interested in being included in the roundtable please email cole@columbiacommunityconnection.com

What is God? A Sufi Perspective

What is God? A Sufi Perspective

What is God? Thoughts from Reverend Lea Mathieu

What is God? Thoughts from Reverend Lea Mathieu

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