2022 Oregon Midterm Election Results

UPDATED: Nov 9th, 2022 at 11:15 a.m.

For latest results click here.

A tight race between Darcy Long of The Dalles and Jeff Helfrich of Hood River for State Representative, District 52 remains extremely tight with just 452 votes separating the two in the contest. Helfrich is leading by 1.65%.

And even tighter is Measure 114 which creates additional firearm safety rules for gun owners. Currently, voters are passing the measure with a 21,348 vote lead in the statewide decision.

The following results are the unofficial midterm election results, according to the Wasco County Clerk’s office and the Oregon Secretary of State.

Wasco County closed out Election Night with 11,575 ballots for a 61.93% turnout, reported Wasco County Clerk Lisa Gambee. “For comparison, we had ended Monday night at only 44.91% turnout. In 2020 we were a 78.93% turnout with 14,343 ballots, and in 2018 there was a 68.43% turnout with 11,680 ballots.

“Per the new postmark law, we will continue processing ballots that arrive through USPS until Tuesday, November 15th. We will post updated results on November 14th, and final results will be posted when we certify - most likely around December 2nd,” she said.

Last night, Nov. 8, Members of the Wasco County Democratic Party gathered at Sunshine Mill for food, drink, and to await the results of the election on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.

“This election season has been fantastic we’ve had two strong women candidates running at the state level to represent us, progressive democrats in rural Oregon. The stakes couldn’t be higher, this is so important for our friends and neighbors. This is our neighborhood that we’re fighting for and we believe in progress,” said Serena Smith, Chair of the Wasco County Democratic Party.

Democrats and friends congregate at Sunshine Mill on Nov. 8th. Front and center: Democratic candidates Darcy Long and Raz Mason.

Members of the Wasco County Republican Party gathered at Zim's on Tuesday, Nov. 8, to have dinner and await the results of the national, state and local elections.

"The future or our economy (is at stake)," said Betsy Hage, Wasco County Republican Party chair. "We're riding high right now... but people are wondering why they should stick around. They're going to leave the state without any shared values."

Betsy Hage, Darlien France, Darrell France, Mike Courtney, Tyler Stone, Frank Pyles, and Scott Hage among others gathered at Zim's Brau Haus Restaurant and Sportsbar on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

She said Governor Candidate Tina Kotek was one of the most entrenched politicians in the state with decades in power... “She serves the agenda, not the people."

She said there needed to greater balance between Republicans and Democrats in Oregon to slow legislation down and to avoid unintended consequences and ensure the state remained friendly to businesses and laws did not encroach on the constitutional freedoms of Oregonians.

Election Results

Election results listed here are not final as the election has not yet been certified.

US Senator

Click above: Left to right, Perkins, Pulju, Wyden, Henry

US Senator Wasco County Statewide Votes

Jo Rae Perkins: 49.45% 41.61% 608,394

Dan Pulju: 1.26% 1.04% 15,218

Ron Wyden: 47.55% 55.57% 812,582

Chris Henry: 1.58% 1.68% 24,558

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10971 votes have been tallied in this race in Wasco County.

US Representative , 2nd Distirct

Cliff Bentz, left, and Joe Yetter

US Rep., 2nd District Wasco Co. Statewide Votes

Joe Yetter: 41.82% 32.81% 89,285

Cliff Bentz: 58.01% 67.03% 182,404

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10755 votes have been tallied in this race in Wasco County.


From left to right, Tina Kotek, Donice Noelle Smith, Betsy Johnson and Christine Drazan

Governor Wasco Statewide Vote

Tina Kotek: 35.47% 46.20% 683,385

Donice Smith: 0.42% 0.40% 5,874

R Leon Noble: 0.44% 0.33% 4,839

Betsy Johnson: 10.9% 8.77% 129,672

Christine Drazan: 52.69% 44.20% 653,746

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 11,073 votes have been tallied in this race in Wasco County.

State Senator, 26th District

Raz Mason and Daniel Bonham

State Senator, 26th Dist. Wasco Statewide Vote

Raz Mason: 43.70%. 43.63% 20,482

Daniel Bonham: 56.18%. 56.25% 26,406

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 8,094 votes have been tallied in this race in Wasco County.

State Representative, 52nd District

Darcy Long and Jeff Helfrich

State Rep, 52nd Dist. Wasco Statewide Vote

Darcy Long: 46.35%. 49.11% 13,433

Jeff Helfrich : 53.55%. 50.76% 13,885

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 8,114 votes have been tallied in this race in Wasco County.

Measure 111 

It amends the Constitution so that every Oregonian has the fundamental right to access cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care. The legislature will need to examine current policies and adopt any additional policies to ensure that people can receive care. Measure 111 does not raise taxes.

Wasco County Voters said:

Yes:  44.25%

No: 55.75%

Statewide voters said:

Yes: 49.91%

No: 50.09%

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10,721 votes have been tallied on this measure in Wasco County.

Measure 112

Removes Slavery from Oregon Constitution 

Oregon is 1 of 10 states that still allows slavery and involuntary servitude in the state Constitution. A bipartisan group of lawmakers referred Measure 112 to give voters the opportunity to remove this outdated language and affirm that slavery is not an Oregon value. Measure 112 does not change current prison work requirements.

Wasco County Voters said:

Yes:  42.59%

No: 57.41%

Statewide voters said:

Yes: 54.81%

No:  45.19%

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10,721 votes have been tallied on this measure in Wasco County..

Measure 113

Creates consequences for absent lawmakers

It holds politicians accountable for being repeatedly absent from votes in the Capitol. If an Oregon legislator has 10 or more unexcused absences on days they are supposed to be voting on bills, Measure 113 prevents that legislator from keeping their seat after the next election.

Wasco County Voters said:

Yes:  62.24%

No: 37.76%

Statewide voters said:

Yes: 68.01%

No:  31.99%

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10,777 votes have been tallied on this measure in Wasco County.

Measure 114

Strengthens rules relating to firearm safety

It closes the background check loophole by requiring completed background checks for all gun sales. It requires hands-on safety training and fingerprinting for firearm purchases and limits the sale and possession of high-capacity ammunition magazines. These are proven measures to reduce gun deaths and violence.

Wasco County Voters said:

Yes: 37.81%

No: 62.19%

Statewide voters said:

Yes: 50.73%

No: 49.27%

Of the 18,161 registered voters, 10981 votes have been tallied on this measure in Wasco County.

Non-Partisan Races

Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries

Wasco Statewide Vote

Christina Stephenson: 54.61%. 60.47% 458,975

Cheri Helt: 44.90%. 38.91% 287,158

Judge of the Court of Appeals, Pos. 10

Wasco Statewide

Kristina Hellman: 98.56% 98.13%

Local Races

From left to right: Rich Mays, Tim McGlothlin, Scott Randall

City of the Dalles

Mayor - Rich Mays: 94.95%

Council Pos. #1

Timothy McGlothlin: 98.01%

Council Pos. #3

Scott Randall: 97.87%

Chenowith Water PUD

Director Subdivision 2 - Karla Proffitt 97.96%

Director Subdivision 4 - Michael Elmore 100%

Northern Wasco County PUD

Director Sub. 4 

Rosemary Dicus  39.25%

Scott Taylor 60.23%

Director Sub.5

Daniel Hammel  98.60%

Soil & Water Conservation District

Zone 2 - Shawn Sorensen : 98.74%

Zone 4 - Stan Shepard: 98.78%

Director at Large No. 1 - Write-in Candidate Larry Powell 100%

Director At Large No. 2 - Phil Kaser: 99.18%