TD Survey Results released: High School, Affordable Housing top priority list

Locals want to see an upgraded high school in The Dalles and at the same time want to see more affordable housing, according to a City of The Dalles local survey recently completed for the 2040 visioning process.

About the Survey

The online community survey gathered ideas for the future of The Dalles between Nov. 8 and Dec. 9, 2021. 434 participants shared their ideas and collective vision to sustain and grow the unique character of The Dalles. The Spanish version of the survey received 5 responses between November 23 and December 9, 2021.

Why it is important to read these results, get informed, and speak at future meetings

The City of The Dalles will be coming into a much larger revenue stream in years to come with the ending of Google property tax abatements for its first three data plants. In addition, if Google moves forward on building two additional plants on former aluminum plant property, the City and region as a whole will have to make difficult decisions on how to best spend millions of dollars in fees to the city. Schools, supporting small businesses, parks, trails, for example, could get a financial boost if included in the adopted 2040 Vision.

Now is your chance to have some input. Those who engage with the City Council and can put forward persuasive arguments for improvements for the betterment and progress of the community will get an open ear from local leaders.

To continue the flow of dialogue, City Council will hold a virtual town hall on Feb. 23, 2022, from 5:30-7 p.m.
It will conduct a community vision priorities survey from March 2-16, 2022.
A Council work session will be tentatively held on March 28, 2022.
And, the final vision plan adoption is tentatively slated for April 11, 2022.

Below is the survey released. Here is a tip. Click on the pages below to expand them to a larger type.