Updated April 11th - TD Citizens come to Rescue of flipped SUV Driver
This SUV flipped on Interstate 84 next to West Sixth Street near the Holiday Inn. Drivers on Sixth stopped to aid the driver after the wreck occurred at around 1 p.m. on Friday, April 8.
By Tom Peterson
Cassidy Guzman was driving on West Sixth Street in The Dalles near the Holiday Inn on Friday afternoon, April 8, when she noticed an SUV and its trailer fishtailing on Interstate-84.
The vehicle was driven by Frances Maire Nelson, 60, of Dufur, according to an Oregon State Police report.
The wind has been gusting today, up to 20 miles per hour, according to weather reports.
“It was going side to side, and then I watched it flip over and turn over until it was facing the other direction on the freeway,” she said.
At the same time, Jeanette Milberger was working at the Astro gas station inside the office, just across the street from the wreck.
“I heard tires squeeling on the pavement and looked out the window and saw the truck and trailer hit the dirt on the side of the freeway and it flipped over,” she said.
It looked bad.
Guzman, 26, of The Dalles, said she immediately pulled over and called 911 to get police and an ambulance coming.
“It was around 1 p.m.,” she said. A few guys also pulled over on Sixth Street next to Guzman and ran through the grassy ditch to reach the vehicle and assist the driver.
“At least six or more people pulled over and helped out,” she said.
“As soon as I pulled up I was already on phone with the police. I wish I ran over to help her out but the guys were already over there helping her out.”
Milberger said it was amazing that the SUV and trailer ended up off the asphalt portion of the eastbound lanes of the freeway, noting a semi hauling cars pulled over on the freeway after the accident.
Had the car ended up in lanes of traffic, it could have been hit by a second vehicle.
“She (the driver) was able to get out of the vehicle and walk around. She did not appear cut or scratched. I saw her stretching, Milberger said. “I was glad to see she was alright.”
Guzman, who has lived in The Dalles for Seven years, said the acts of kindness to help the driver did not surprise her.
“I really love The Dalles, and we have a lot of great people out here that like to help out,” she said.
Did they confirm that today?
“Yes they did,” she said.