All Smiles at Mosier Community School Family Night
By: Margit Elken
Mosier Community School students, teachers, families, and friends gathered together for Family Night on Thursday, May 18th as the Pre-K through grade 5 students unveiled, showcased, and expounded on their project-based creations. It was a frenzy of activity and information covering a myriad of topics. Check out the unit themes below!

Our Earth
The four (4) year old Pre-K Explorer students delved into the meaning of the 3 Rs: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. They started learning about the importance of caring for our planet. The young learners used recycled materials to create little globes, giant bugs, and self-portraits.
Kindergarten and grade 1 students brainstormed the important places that comprise a community, and made posters of their favorite place. Students took a walking field trip to the nearby Columbia River and made a map of their journey afterwards. The unit culminated in small multiage groups crafting buildings to place on their collaborative Mosier town map.
Plants & Pollination
Grade 2 students planted bean and sunflower seeds to discover and document the magical nature of plants. They witnessed what healthy soil, clean water, and sunshine can do to produce food and make the earth beautiful. Students learned about bees and their crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment.
Pacific Northwest Native Tribes & the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
Grade 3 students focused on Alaska and the history behind the Iditarod. They tracked mushers, learned about the dogs, and even met the real-life musher, Mosier resident Thad McCracken. These eager young minds learned about the importance of the salmon to the Pacific Northwest tribes and incorporated some of the traditional design features into their art projects.
Oregon Trail
Grade 4 students discovered facts about the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Sacagawea, and waterways of the Oregon Trails. They took a field trip to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, which brought their learning to life. Students researched, wrote essays, and prepared for an oral and visual presentation.
Secrets & the Columbia River Gorge.
Grade 5 students worked with the Ecology Outdoor Program from the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center on the center’s SECRETS Program. They learned about ecology, becoming stewards of the forest, and facts about local plants. At Family Night, students performed skits to demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge, and showcased their handcrafted representations of the Columbia River.
Mosier Community School’s biannual Family Night was an engaging and entertaining event! After the student-led discussions and presentations, families enjoyed the elementary spring drama performance of Rats!, directed by Ms. Savannah Rogan.
Mosier Community School is currently enrolling grades Pre-K through 8.
Check them out: