Devil's Butte Fire Destroys Two Fire Trucks; 3,500 acres of wheat
Photo Credit: Abby Phelps
UPDATED July 10, 2023 at 9 p.m.
By Cole Goodwin
Wasco, OR, July 10, 2023 - A 3,500 acre fire is burning in wheat fields near Cottonwood Canyon State Park. The fire began at approximately 10:35 a.m. on July 10th, 2023 and was reported to be in the are of Ajax Lane and highway 206 west of Condon, OR.
The cause of the fire has been determined to be a lighting strike.
South Gilliam Fire Department and Gilliam County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched and upon arrival they located a fast moving range fire in that area. Suppression efforts have continued through the day. High winds spurred the fire to grow rapidly. Winds are currently at 15-20 mph with 30 mph gusts.
According to a report from Gilliam County Sheriff’s Office, the fire has not threatened any structures and has burnt rangeland, CRP, and wheat fields.
In addition the fire has destroyed two fire trucks from South Gilliam Fire Department and North Gilliam Fire Department after they were overrun by wind driven fire. Fortunately, no firefighters were injured.
HWY 206 will remain closed near milepost 21 between Wasco and Condon due to the wildfire until further notice.
The next fire update will be available at approximately 10:30 a.m. July 11, 2023.
From Columbia Gorge Wildland and Fire Information Facebook Page:
COTTONWOOD CANYON STATE PARK FIRE - Gilliam County, Oregon - 07/102023 - 11:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Wheatfields near Cottonwood State Park / John Day River
GPS: 45.391000, -120.453667
% contained: TBD
PERSONNEL / EQUIPMENT / RESPONDING AGENCIES: South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District, North Sherman County, South Sherman County, Moro Fire, Bureau of Land Management, FB 829, FB 854, AC 90 (x2), Tanker 168, E-5621, E-5423, T-804, T-829, FT13, BC-5122, E-5628, AA-601, and private farmers.
WEATHER: 75°F | Humidity: 39% | Wind: 16 mph
FIRE GROWTH POTENTIAL: High due to winds
DO NOT FLY DRONES ANYWHERE NEAR THIS FIRE. Please stay away and let firefighters get in and do their work!
Fire Timeline:
3:06 p.m. Mutual aid request sent to Dufur and all of Wasco County agencies
2:56 p.m. Winds are now 20+ mph sustained in the area.
2:42 p.m. Hwy 206 is now closed at milepost 21 (Between Condon and Wasco). Fire resources from South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District, Bureau of Land Management, and local farmers are currently working at stopping this fast-moving fire. Air support and Sherman County mutual aid has being requested at the time of this posting.
2:39 p.m. 4 aircraft working the fire now, including Tanker 168
2:28 p.m. Sherman County Sheriff reports: Traffic Advisory-
Highway 206 near mile post 21 is temporarily shutdown due to a wildfire. This is between Wasco and Condon near the mountain identifier.
12:35 p.m. Air attack on fire; winds blowing now close to 20 mph from the west. Wind map attached.
12:30 p.m. BLM responding
11:49 a.m. Fire has jumped into Sherman County.
11:35 a.m. Cottonwood Canyon State Park being evacuated. (REDACTED: Cottonwood Canyon was not evacuated.)
More information is available at Columbia Gorge Wildland and Fire Information Facebook Page and Sherman County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page and Gilliam County Sheriffs Office Facebook Page.