Celebrate International Owl Day at The Discovery Center on August 4th!

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum will celebrate International Owl Awareness Day (IOAD) Wednesday, August 4, 2021 with owl education, games, and pellet dissection clinics from 9:00 AM to 4 PM. The celebration will also mark the launch of a new temporary owl exhibit in the museum’s Ernest A. Kuck wing.

Meet Junior and Josephine the Great Horned Owls

Junior and Josephine are two of the owls that call the Discovery Center’s Raptor Project home. The two great horned owls will be the stars of two fun and educational raptor programs which will take place on at the Discovery Center on August 4th at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

Dissect Owl Pellets

When: August 4th, 2021 at 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.

Roll up your sleeves, and get ready!

Raptor educators will host three owl pellet dissection clinics for kids on August 4th.

(Owl pellets are small, often furry capsules, made of the undigested parts of the owl’s food such as hair, fur, and bones. Because the owl often swallows its prey in large bits, it needs to regurgitate the undigestible parts.)

Kids can sign up for just $5 per child and are free to members.

You can pre-register for the owl pellet dissection clinics at www.gorgediscovery.org or call 541-296-8600  ext. 201 to reserve your spot. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. There is a limit of 15 kids per session so be sure to reserve your spot now!

Play and Learn More About Owls!

There will also be lots of other owl themed activities, coloring pages, projects and scavenger hunts (with owl-themed prizes) happening at the Discovery Center to facilitate fun, learning, and raise awareness about the power and beauty of one of natures most iconic nocturnal creatures.

Owl Buttons featuring three of the owls who call the Discovery Center home. Collect all the Owl Buttons on August 4th!

Owl Buttons featuring three of the owls who call the Discovery Center home. Collect all the Owl Buttons on August 4th!

Want to Support the Discovery Center’s Raptor Project?

Buy a Mouse for a Raptor to Snack On

Everybody likes snacks and that includes owls. They just happen to like a different kind of snack than we do.

Help feed hungry beaks by donating to the Discovery Center’s Raptor Project.

Adopt an Owl

Help fund the stewardship of the birds that call The Discovery Center’s Raptor Project home.

Raptor educator and Junior, the Great Horned Owl visiting The Dalles Library for a presentation.

The program receives funding solely from donations, program fees, and grant support, all of which go directly to the care and maintenance of the raptors.

What is the annual cost to care for a raptor including food, supplies, housing, and medical care?

Bald Eagle: $1000
Great Horned Owl: $500
Red Tailed Hawk: $500
Rough Legged Hawk: $500
American Kestrel: $100
Pygmy Owl: $100

Learn the raptor’s secret name, and learn more about their daily lives when you symbolically adopt a raptor today.

About Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum is the official interpretive center for the Columbia  River Gorge National Scenic Area. Open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hands-on, multi-media exhibits illuminate the cultural and natural history of the Gorge, including Ice Age geology, Native American culture, Lewis and Clark, the Oregon Trail, trade, transportation, renewable energy, ecology, live raptor  presentations and more. The museum is wheel-chair accessible, and family friendly, with a Kids Explorer room. Riverfront Trail offers hiking and biking, and a native plant nature trail circles the pond next to the museum. The Discovery Center is located off I-84 exit 82, at 5000 Discovery Drive, The Dalles, Oregon, 97058. Museum adult admission is $9, seniors $7, kids 6 to 16 are $5, and children 5  and under free. Live raptor presentations are held Saturdays and Sundays at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The schedule may vary to accommodate tour groups, so call ahead to verify times if you are planning your day around the raptor presentation. The Columbia River Trading Company museum store is open daily.  For more information, phone (541) 296-8600 ext. 201, or visit www.gorgediscovery.org.

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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