Chase suspect also under scrutiny for burglaries in Mid-Columbia

Brian Tracer Peoples mug shot circa 2014 taken by Mutlnomah County Sheriff’s Office. He is now 46 years old.

By Tom Peterson

The Dalles, Ore., March 5, 2025 — A police chase that started in The Dalles on Monday spanned three counties before the driver drove his vehicle on three tires into a ditch on NE Skidmore and 102nd streets near Ikea and the Portland Airport.

Police arrested Brian Tracer Peoples, 46, of Gresham, and he was later charged with possession of burglar tools, reckless driving, attempt to elude a police officer and identity theft in Multnomah County, according to court documents.

Peoples has convictions related to theft dating back 26 years, according to Oregon Judicial Information Network records. He was first convicted of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in 1998.

And he was tied to a drug and theft ring that was breaking into vehicles along trailheads in the Mid-Columbia in 2014, according to a story written by the Portland Tribune.

The same year, Peoples pleaded guilty to three counts of identity theft, court records state.

After Peoples’ arrest on Monday, The Dalles police recovered several pieces of suspected stolen personnel property in the Multi County Law Enforcement Operation, according to The Dalles Police Chief Tom Worthy.

“Unfortunately, many pieces cannot be connected to their rightful owners. We encourage anybody in Wasco, Sherman, and Klickitat Counties and surrounding areas to report any recent thefts and car prowls. Contact Detective Perez with The Dalles Police Department if you were a victim in a theft over the last few days and have not yet reported it,” was posted on the TD Police Facebook page.

Chase and Arrest on March 3

The incident started at 1:20 a.m. on March 3 when officers attempted to stop a silver Dodge Dakota near West Sixth and Pomona streets for failure to yield and missing license plates, according to a report from The Dalles Police Department.

The driver did not stop, prompting a pursuit that continued westbound on Interstate 84 at speeds reaching 90 mph.

Hood River County deputies were alerted and positioned spike strips near mile marker 63, though the attempt to stop the vehicle was unsuccessful. Authorities identified the truck as having a Hinkay Auto Trader dealer plate and established reckless driving as probable cause for the chase.

During the pursuit, the driver attempted to brake-check pursuing officers, according to dispatch reports. Wasco County deputies discontinued the chase at mile marker 62, but law enforcement in Multnomah County took over.

Multnomah Deputies successfully used a spike strip at exit 14 west of Troutdale to flatten one of the Dodge Dakota tires. The pursuit then led deputies northbound on Highway 205 before the Dodge took Exit 23A.

The Dodge on just three tires had slowed to 30 mph, according to the report and eventually lost control and drove into a ditch at 102nd and Skidmore streets.

After Peoples was arrested and read his Miranda rights, deputies searched the Dodge and located a large set of bolt cutters, a flute, multiple new racquetball rackets, a crowbar and two camera tripods and an Oregon Driver’s License for Jennifer Fitzsimmons, according to a Multnomah Distirct Attorney’s charging document.

Peoples was booked and held at the Multnomah County Detention Center on Monday and appeared to be in custody on Tuesday. However, he does not appear on the jail roster today, Wednesday, March 5.