City Crews Tackle Parking Lot job in East TD
This used parking lot at 602 E. Third Street and the property abutting it to the left are being turned into public parking through the magic of heavy equipment and astute leveling.
By Tom Peterson
The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 26, 2024 — City crews using backhoes and front loaders began a major parking project in east The Dalles last week and were hard at it again this morning, Feb. 26.
The City of The Dalles and The Gateway Urban Renewal District have teamed up on the project that will create some 20-plus spots of parking on the former Thomas Motors used car lot next to Sawyer’s Hardware on East Third Street.
The used car lot and the adjacent vacant piece of property were purchased and the construction is underway.
City Equipment Operator Kory Seibel said asphalt on the site is being reground and reused in the construction. In addition, the city will level the small sales office on the old Thomas lot. The two pieces of property will eventually be turned into a single parking lot.
The total cost for land purchase and construction has been projected at more than $900,000.
Seibel said sign specialists are being brought in to remove the massive letters that line the used car lot 12 feet above the ground so that they can be preserved and repurposed.
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