City of The Dalles looking to fill vacancy on Traffic Safety Commission

From the City of The Dalles:

The City of The Dalles Traffic Safety Commission is seeking to fill a member vacancy. The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 a.m.

Meetings are held at The Dalles Public Works Department 1215 W 1st Street, The Dalles, OR 97058.

All meetings are available to attend via Zoom.

The Commission works:

A. To coordinate traffic planning.

B. To conduct traffic surveys, studies, and investigations.

C. To prepare and publish traffic reports as requested.

D. To prepare and recommend proposals for improving traffic conditions, ordinances, and procedures.

E. To hold hearings relating to traffic problems and surveys, and to generally educate the public with respect to traffic control problems, solutions, and proposals.

F. To make recommendations to the Planning Commission or City Council on matters referred to the Traffic and Safety Commission for their review and input. (Ord. 94-1187; Ord. 909, 1973)

This position is appointed by the Mayor.

To apply, complete the online application here.


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Fire West of Dog Mtn Trailhead