Column: Imagine there's no fireworks; it's easy if you try

Wikimedia Commons - File:John Lennon en zijn echtgenote Yoko Ono op huwelijksreis in Amsterdam. John Lenn, Bestanddeelnr Created: 25 March 1969

A column by Nancy Turner

On the 4th of July, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono released a single called 'Give Peace A Chance'. It quickly became the anthem of the anti-war and counterculture movements worldwide. That was fifty-five years ago.

Instead of all the ruckus of fireworks, I'd like to hear this sung from our rooftops. 

The airwaves have been quiet. The ban on fireworks is wonderful. Firework noise causes many dogs to panic, run away, and get lost. Vets from our ongoing wars have a rough time with the sounds-provoking PTSD.

Whatever the fireworks are made of end up littering our environment. Do you have any idea how disturbing it is to nesting birds? Isn't there some other way we can celebrate gaining freedom from the rule of England? The Brits levied unfair taxes, but they didn't attempt to control health care for women. 

Think about what freedoms you cherish and which ones we don't care about. Maybe, in the future, instead of lighting fireworks we'll get a bang out of dinner parties and street dances. Rather than the sounds of a war zone, we'll hear music. Let's start with 'Give Peace  A Chance.'

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