Local Lessons & Adventures in Learning Feb. 16

From North Wasco County School District:

By Stephanie Bowen
Over at TDMS, the Associated Student Body government delivered conversation heart Friendship-grams for Valentine’s Day!
For the entire month of February, Paws-itive Recognition pawprints are being created for staff and students and posted in the hallways. 

Paws-itivity Grams at TDMS

Mary Boyden at The Workshop in downtown The Dalles shows off some of the Chenoweth Elementary artwork from its This is What Love Looks Like project today, Feb. 16.

Chenowith Elementary's "This is What love Looks Like" project was a great success! Student artwork was delivered to 8 local businesses last week, just in time for Valentine's Day. Much of the artwork focused on family and community elements that make The Dalles a great place to live.

A big thank you to all the local businesses who participated:

  • The Workshop

  • Zim’s Brau House

  • Sunflower Vision Care

  • The Dalles Discovery Center

  • The Civic Auditorium

  • Columbia Bank

  • Habitat for Humanity Restore

  • Columbia Gorge Honda

Students at Chenowith Elementary School practiced what to do during their earthquake drill.

On Friday, students, and staff at Chenowith Elementary had an earthquake training through ODE and the Columbia Gorge ESD. Students learned all about what to do in the event of an earthquake AND got to meet 'Rocket' the earthquake safety dog! 

In District News…

Last Thursday, District team members had their first meeting with a team from the Public Consulting Group to kick-off the strategic planning process! The group, which has extensive strategic planning experience in schools across the nation, will help facilitate the process for our district over the coming months. We are eager to get started as we look toward the future of D21.

Why is strategic planning important? A strategic plan helps give a clear sense of direction and purpose for the future. Not only does it help get everyone on the 'same page' but also helps define:

  • WHAT we want to achieve (district goals)

  • WHY we want to achieve these things (philosophy, vision and mission), and

  • HOW we will achieve it (the strategic plan).

We will be seeking out input from all our stakeholders very soon, so stay tuned on how you can get involved!

Superintendent Dr. Carolyn Bernal and Jack McLaughlin from Public Consulting Group.

Before the meeting, Dr. Bernal had the opportunity to give Public Consulting Group Manager, Jack, a tour of The Dalles and a walkthrough of TDHS.

Summer School Positions are now open!

I know it's hard to believe, but we are already thinking about summer. We recently posted our Summer School positions, including Teachers, Educational Assistants, Secretaries, Site Coordinators, and student interns.

This is a great opportunity to dip your toe into the education world, or for college students at home for the summer.  Job postings can be found here: https://nwasco.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

Last but not least…

We are hosting an Innovative Programs Forum this Thursday!

This is an open community forum to meet the new Director of Educational Success and Innovative Programs, Dr. Kim Tyskiewicz, and discuss program planning for the future.

What are our innovative programs? These include Riverbend, the Youth Corrections Education Program at NORCOR, Alternative Learning Center at Wahtonka Campus and the K-8 elementary virtual students.

When: Thursday, February 17th at 6:00 pm

Where: Wahtonka Cafeteria and access via Zoom for those who wish to participate remotely.

Zoom Info:


Meeting ID: 727 436 8432
Passcode: D21

For more information, please email rebecca.anderson@nwasco.k12.or.us

North Wasco County School District 21

Educate. Motivate. Graduate.

Mission Statement 

“Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering

them to be healthy and productive citizens.”

Vision Statement

“North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous

and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5%

of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly

effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates

citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential.

North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.”

Board & District Goals

1. Provide a safe and healthy educational environment.

2. Provide curriculum choices that challenge every student.

3. Increase academic achievement district-wide with special emphasis on reading, writing and mathematics gains for each student.

4. Provide involvement strategies that engage all parents. 5. Encourage effective community partnerships.
