Diving into Discovery: Water Jam 2024 Brings Salmon Education to Life

From Mid-Columbia Fisheries:

By Margaret Neuman

White Salmon WA, May 28, 2024 — Over 350 students will experience Water Jam 2024 on May 30 & 31 at Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery in Underwood, WA. Water Jam is an annual culminating experience for students rearing salmon in their classrooms on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge.

The event serves students from Mt. Pleasant to Goldendale to Trout Lake and schools in between. Hands-on learning about native salmon helps students understand a variety of important topics, including the importance of these iconic species in the Pacific Northwest. At Water Jam, students participate in fun activities to learn more about local watersheds, recycling, water safety, salmon migration, and much more. The event also includes a storyteller from Yakama Nation and a lunchtime concert by Recycleman.

The event brings together classes that have participated in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Salmon in the Classroom program. “These students start their salmon rearing project here at the hatchery in the fall and Water Jam is a great closure for that program right on the river. We are excited to host it at the hatchery again this year,” says US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Information and Education Specialist Cheri Anderson.

2024 will be the 14th year for Water Jam in the gorge. Water Jam is organized by staff from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and Mid-Columbia Fisheries, with support from Klickitat County. Presenting organizations also include the Yakama Nation Fisheries Program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the Underwood Conservation District, and the Columbia Riverkeeper.

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