Dufur School District Launches Building Ranger Health & Wellness Brick Campaign

From Ranger Pride Education Foundation and Cynthia Kortge:

Dufur Ore., April 10, 2024 — The Dufur School District is excited to announce that the new School-Based Health Center (SBHC) is nearing completion with an anticipated limited opening this summer and a grand opening in the fall of 2024. As final preparations take place, the Ranger Pride Education Foundation is supporting these efforts with the Building Ranger Health & Wellness Brick Campaign.

It has been proven that when students’ healthcare needs are met in school overall well-being, health, and academic success improve. Students get more time in the classroom; absenteeism decreases, and graduation rates increase. With a School-Based Health Center, students gain knowledge and skills to manage health conditions including health promotion, disease prevention, and illness management. At the same time, when a student’s health needs are met, educators can focus on teaching and parents/caregivers can remain at work.

Through this campaign, we seek to build a stronger foundation for student health by raising funds for vital resources such as medical equipment, mental health resources, educational materials, and staffing support. With your generous contributions, we can ensure that students have access to the care they need to thrive academically and personally.

Bricks will be placed in a new courtyard connecting the School-Based Health Center with the school and will showcase the desire of this community to leave a lasting legacy of health & wellness for generations to come. Every brick laid in this courtyard represents a step towards bolstering the health and wellness of the Dufur School District community. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and contribute to the creation of a healthier future for all.

Purchasing a brick is easy! You can choose from three different sizes at three different price points: 4”x 8”, 8”x 8”, or 12” x 12”, replica bricks are also available as a special gift or memento. A variety of clip art and logos are available to add to your custom-engraved brick, and most business logos can be added as well. You can find all of the information and place your order through our brick campaign website at https://polarengraving.com/rangerpride or contact the Ranger Pride Education Foundation to place an order by emailing rpef@dufur.k12.or.us or calling Dufur School at 541-467-2509 to pick up a brochure at the front office.

Join us in building Ranger Health and Wellness, one brick at a time. Your support is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

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