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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Feeling plucky? Try out a harp on Saturday at this workshop in TD

Feeling plucky? Try out a harp on Saturday at this workshop in TD

Lisa Lynne and Aryeh Frankfurter

Hands on Harp Review

By Jim Drake

A fun and informative music workshop is coming up on Saturday, April 23, when Lisa Lynne and Aryeh Frankfurter bring a hands-on Harp Workshop to The Dalles Library.

Approximately 15 Harps are available to participants who sign up and pre-register for the event. (Can you imagine traveling around with 15 Harps in your car?)

Even if you don’t sign up and you have an interest in this instrument, it’s OK to just sit and listen (that’s what I did!). 

Lisa Lynne will provide instruction on note and chord patterns, and seriously, in less than an hour a class of rank Harp beginners were cranking out tunes like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” a free-form piece called “Medevil Drone,” “Greensleeves,” and more. The class was full -  with every age group represented.

The Harp is tuned in “C” for this session, and the strings are arranged bass to treble, with various strings having distinctive physical colors (red, blue, etc) for identification (I always wondered how Harpists kept track of that stuff).  Lynne will explain the notes, how to play chords, minor chords, and different options for playing along with the songs. The group will also try playing in an orchestral style with different rounds and harmony playing.

Bottom LIne: If you’ve never been in a room with 15 harps playing at the same time, you’re missing out - It’s a Wonderful Sound Experience!

Question of the Week: How do you love the Earth?

Question of the Week: How do you love the Earth?

Habitat for Humanity looking to add two homes at Kelly and 13th streets

Habitat for Humanity looking to add two homes at Kelly and 13th streets

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