Hilarity for Charity: Local Auto Dealership's TikTok Spurs Runners to Thanksgiving Event
A still from the TIktok video.
The Dalles, Ore., November 7, 2023 – As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, Columbia Gorge Toyota and Honda are harnessing the power of social media to promote the third annual Turkey Trot 5K Benefit Walk/Run with a comedic TikTok video that has captured the hearts and laughs of the community.
The video which was the idea of Matthew Ryan Thompson, who appears in the video. The video was first filmed in 2021 has made a resurgence on social media as the holiday season approaches.
“What we wanted to do was to showcase the run in a fun way. It’s a very laid back family friendly event. You can be a runner at all to be a part of it,” said Rachel Carter.
The dealership is inviting everyone to Lewis and Clark Festival Park on Thanksgiving morning, Nov 28 at 8 a.m, to burn off the impending feast calories and support the vital work of The Next Door which runs over two dozen programs that support and empower people in our community.
Trot for a Cause: Dress-Up Dash
The Turkey Trot isn't your average footrace. The event is for everyone, whether you are a walker or a runner and welcomes families, strollers, kids, and furry friends to join in the fun.
It’s also a costume contest. Human and dog participants alike are invited to dress up, with prizes being awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Getting into the Spirit of Giving Back
100% of proceeds will benefit The Next Door and Columbia Gorge Toyota and Honda has pledged to match every dollar raised by the event beyond the $5,000 mark.
Pre-Order Ticket Prices
0-12 FREE
13+ $20
Or bring the whole flock!
10 runners = $150
20 runners = $250
The last day to pre-order tickets is November 22nd.
Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-turkey-trot-benefit-run-tickets-723201123027?aff=erelexpmlt