Hypnotist Joe Black Mesmerizes Crowd at Wasco Public Library

By Joshuah Albert

The Dalles, Ore. Feb. 3, 2025 –  A full house gathered at The Dalles  Wasco County Public Library on Friday night, Jan. 31, for an evening of mind tricks and mystery as hypnotist Joe Black took the stage.

The America’s Got Talent finalist put on a show that left the audience in awe—some quite literally under his spell.

Black, an award-winning magician, and two-time “Rising Star” honoree, has been performing since 1996. He kicked off the event with a brief introduction to hypnotism, describing it as a state of hyperfocus, almost dream-like. Then, it was time for volunteers.

Eager hands shot up as audience members jumped at the chance to experience hypnosis firsthand. Once selected, they quickly found themselves at the mercy of Black’s suggestions. Suddenly, they were shivering from the cold, then fanning themselves from the heat. Laughter rippled through the crowd as participants forgot the number three, lost memory of someone they had just met and even believed—for a moment—that Black was none other than Hollywood star Tom Holland who played Spider Man in the Marvel Universe movies.

At one point, two volunteers became secret agents on a mission, searching the room for enemy spies. The grand finale? A dance party, with hypnotized participants grooving to the music before being gently brought back to reality.

As the night wrapped up, the audience left the library buzzing about what they had just witnessed. Was it real? Was it magic? One thing was certain—it was an unforgettable night at the library.

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