The Start of Something Great
Lillie Wadsworth, 6, receives an embrace from her mom, Kim, out front of Colonel Wright Elementary this morning, Monday, March 15. Lillie was starting her first day of kindergarten in-person at the school. Screeners asked Lillie several questions about how she was feeling and then gave her a sticker for her jacket, clearing her to go inside. A big hug from Mom and she climbed the stairs and walked into the school, which must appear huge on a day like this.
She was all smiles.
“She loves it,” Kim said of Lillie’s first chance to get into her classroom.
Kindergartens and sixth grade are the first to return to in-person learning. This gives kindergarteners who are attending school for the first time, and 6th graders who will be setting foot in the middle school for the first time, a little additional time to get used to building and classroom changes before the other grades return to in-person learning later in the month.
To learn more about reopening, read the CCCNews story here.
Screeners at Col. Wright Elementary ask Lillie Wadsworth several questions about how she felt before giving her the green light to go to her first day of In-person kindergarten this morning, Monday, March 15.