Make a Difference to Seniors in Your Community with Circles of Care

There will be an informational meeting about Circles of Care for interested volunteers on Tuesday, January 10th at 1:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center in The Dalles, OR.

By Cole Goodwin 

If you are looking for a way to make a difference in your community, you might want to consider becoming a volunteer with Circles of Care to help older adults in your area.

About Circles of Care

  • Circles of Care, which was established by The AGE+ program, pairs seniors with local volunteers who provide assistance with everyday tasks such as friendly check-ins, transportation, and grocery shopping.

  • The program has a foundation of community-based care and offers opportunities for older adults to give back to their communities in meaningful ways.

  • The program was first introduced in The Dalles, OR in 2019, and has since expanded to the Hood River, OR with the help of the Hood River Valley Adult Center and Providence Hood River.

  • In 2023, additional Circles of Care are expected to be formed in Madras and Talent.

Volunteers can apply online at to learn more about how you can provide important support to older adults in your community or sign up yourself or an important Senior in your life to receive services. Volunteers have the option to choose how often and when they can volunteer. 

If you are interested in learning more about the program, there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 10th at 1:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center in The Dalles, OR. 

If you would like more information or to participate in Circles of Care, please contact the community liaison at or 541-397-0724.

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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