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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

OMG: Beauty of the Block; Dwyer goes yard in TD

OMG: Beauty of the Block; Dwyer goes yard in TD

Theresa Dwyer’s home at 909 Union Street was recently given the Beautification Award for August in The Dalles. The home provides a thing of beauty for passer’s by, and I am sure the neighbors don’t mind the site through their windows, either.

Theresa Dwyer

Theresa Dwyer and her gorgeous cottage at 909 Union Street is August’s Beautification Award Winner.

The Dalles Beautification Committee bestowed the award recently after seeing the gorgeous red flowers, grasses, and unique bee-friendly clover in the front yard. Some beautiful blue base color on the house accented with white trim and a natural wood door helped provided a perfect backdrop for the well-manicured landscaping.

Red Rover, Red Rover, that’s some gorgeous clover, where lawn would normally be, bee.

Well rounded - roses and sunflowers flow around the side of the home along the alleyway.

Living Undocumented Part 1: A local woman's path to empowerment

Living Undocumented Part 1: A local woman's path to empowerment

The Lost Interview with White Salmon's Wayo Hogan

The Lost Interview with White Salmon's Wayo Hogan

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