Don't be this guy; Outdoor burning permitted starting Oct. 16th


Burn Season isn’t for everyone. ;)

Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue in The Dalles is lifting the fire ban on Oct. 16, allowing for locals to do outdoor burning.

Burn permits can be purchased now at the MCFR website for $5. Click here.

Residents should check weather conditions before lighting off a pile of brush as wind and heat can greatly influence the intensity of a fire and the ability to contain it. Burners should also make a courtesy call to 911 dispatchers with the location and timing of the fire before starting a burn to prevent unnecessary fire calls. Charged water hoses or buckets of water, shovels and other forms of fire suppression should be kept handy while burning outdoors. And don’t leave fires unattended - the number one cause for escaped flames.

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This is more like it - shovel, rake, hose, bucket, ethical fire, and no burning man!