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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Project ELFF needs a huge turnout tonight

Project ELFF needs a huge turnout tonight

Food boxes from Tuesday’s drive were a bit short on the initial collection day of Project ELFF - everybody loves a firefighter.  Division Chief Fred Coleman is ringing the siren for big donations of food for local families tonight.

Food boxes from Tuesday’s drive were a bit short on the initial collection day of Project ELFF - everybody loves a firefighter. Division Chief Fred Coleman is ringing the siren for big donations of food for local families tonight.

Project ELFF could use a little of Santa’s magic tonight in the form of canned food, dry goods and cold hard cash.

The annual food drive started last night, but donations were about half of normal, according to Division Chief Fred Coleman.

“We’re way, way down,” he said this afternoon.

Due to the coronavirus, firefighters are taking donations at all local schools in The Dalles as well as at both fire stations. You can’t miss them. They have flashing lights.

They will be parked at The Dalles High School, Columbia Gorge Community College, The Dalles Middle School, St. Mary’s Academy, Chenowith Elementary, Dry Hollow Elementary and Colonel Wright Elementary.

They will be collecting between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.

So act like a firefighter and get prepared. Put some food in a bag or some cash in an envelope and plan which location you will drop your donation tonight.


TD Football 1947 - Tackle for The Miracle

TD Football 1947 - Tackle for The Miracle

 $700k in COVID relief to be granted to businesses this month

$700k in COVID relief to be granted to businesses this month

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