Quick & Easy Wasco County Update: Covid-19 Cases Decreasing, MCCAC Requests Navigation Center Support from County, Public Works gets a New Excavator, and Tri-County Waste to launch new App
Meet the Wasco County Commissioners LEFT TO RIGHT: Steve Kramer, Scott Hege, Kathy Schwartz
By Cole Goodwin
Welcome to Quick & Easy Wasco County Commission Preview
Get the highlights from the recent Wasco County Commission Meeting without having to watch two and a half hours of public meetings.
The Wasco County Commissioners held its regularly scheduled meeting at 9 a.m. on February 16th, 2022.
Watch the meeting: Watch the Livestream here.
Read More: February 16th, 2022 Agenda & Board Packet.
Submit public comments: Your County, Your Voice.
Agenda Highlights
COVID-19 Update
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council Asks for Navigation Center Funds
Public Road Dedication Hearing
Tri-County Household Hazardous Waste Search App Subscription Approved
Public Works to Purchase a New Excavator
Brownfields Grant Agreement
$308,000 Set Aside for CenturyLink Refund Credit Requests
Mid-Columbia Center for Living and YouthThink Opioid Prevention Agreement
Approval of Association of Oregon Counties Membership and Dues
New Members Appointed to Local Public Safety Coordinating Council
Wasco County Uniform Fee Schedule Policy Approved
COVID-19 Update
Video Time: 0:56
Wasco County Chair Kathy Schwartz gave a short presentation on COVID-19 in Wasco County. Schwartz shared that
Case counts and hospitalization are rapidly declining.
Hospital beds are still heavily occupied. North Central Public Health District reported that seven of ten ICU beds are occupied and forty-four of fifty non-ICU beds were occupied in Wasco and Hood River County.
Indoor mask mandates are scheduled to be withdrawn on March 31, 2022. The lifting of the mask mandate will not apply to healthcare facilities, and businesses will still have the right to require mask usage.
State K-12 mask mandates are also scheduled to be revoked March 31st, 2022. Although at this time it is unknown whether local school districts will opt to require masks or not.
NCPHD will be hosting free vaccine clinics from February 21st - 28th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council and Navigation Center Presentation
Video Time: 1:35:21
Kenny LaPoint, Executive Director of Mid-Columbia Community Action Council asked Commissioners if they would contribute funds to support the building of a Navigation Center in The Dalles, OR.
The Navigation Center would help those struck with poverty, houselessness, mental and behavioral health issues as well as addictions. The project has already gained $2.75 million in funding as well as deeded property for its siting.
Commissioners said they were not ready to make a decision to help fund the project but had high praise for MCCAC, LaPoint and the project.
“It’s great to have Kenny as the new leadership for this organization because I feel like we really have a Community Action Program that is truly in action.” said Chair Kathy Schwartz, who also sits on the MCCAC board.
“You've obviously done amazing work in a short period of time on this issue,” said Commissioner Scott Hege “So, kudos to you and thanks for all the work that you do.”
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council also presented their 2021 annual report to The Dalles City Council Monday, February 14th. The report revealed that Mid-Columbia had provided over $4 million in services, housing, rent, utility, and bill pay assistance to community members in Wasco, Sherman, and Hood River Counties.
Background Information
To read a recent CCCNews story on the Navigation Center click here.
To read a recent CCCNews story about the MCCAC Annual Report click here.
Association of Oregon Counties Courthouse Initiative
Video Time: 24:00
Commissioner Steve Kramer championed lobbying the Association of Oregon Counties and Oregon Department of Justice for upgrades to the first floor, elevator and security of the Wasco County Courthouse. Kathy Clark will draft the letter to the AOC.
Public Road Dedication Hearing
Video Time: 30:07
Commissioners approved a request that a vacated section of Homestead Road in Wamic to be dedicated into a public road of local access which is not to be introduced into the county roadmap system. The proposed road dedication will provide public access to residentially developed and developable properties associated with the Pine Ridge subdivision
Tri-County Household Hazardous Waste Search App Subscription Approved
Video Time: 43:53
Commissioners approved an $6,972 annual subscription agreement with ReCollect for a hazardous waste and recycling education app that would help locals better understand where they can dispose of their trash and recycling.
Consent Agenda & Public Comment
Video Time: 39:45
Commissioners approved the last meeting minutes and no public comments were given.
Public Works Approved to Purchase a New Excavator
Video Time: 57:31
Commissioners approved a County Public Works purchase of a Gradall wheeled excavator for $471,873.50.
Arthur Smith Public Works Director for Wasco County said the Gradall was a tremendously important piece of equipment that the County used nearly everyday and that the purchase would essentially be a net-zero transaction.
Background Information
From a County staff memo from Arthur Smith, Public Works Director for Wasco County:
Back in May of 2021, the Counties 1993 Gradall all wheeled excavator suffered a catastrophic failure in the frame and the machine was deemed non-repairable. This equipment had been used almost daily for 28 years. The Gradall is the most versatile machine we have owned and has been a key to most every road maintenance. project we work on- ditch work, shoulder work, culvert repair and installation, bridge repair work, cutting slopes, sorting rock, wildfire cleanup, clearing brush and fallen trees, flood repairs, pavement dig-outs, etc. At the time, we looked at purchasing a new machine, but the cost and delivery timeframe (12+ months) was a deterrent.
After careful consideration, we decided to explore several options to replace this essential piece of equipment, with limited success: Equipment rental - this is a very specialized machine and there were no rental units available in the Northwest area. The nearest rental unit was in California and cost $15,000 per month. Purchase used equipment - the quality of machines were very limited- we found two in California and one in Colorado- but all were overly priced and lacked any warranty.
Borrow equipment as needed - we were able to borrow a Gradall from Hood River county for a few weeks, but that machine is also very old and we have had mechanical issues with it. This is not a long term solution, but their generosity did get us through last summer and fall.
The Gradall dealer we worked with last year (Pape Machinery) notified me that they took shipment of a new machine this year. They were going to use it for sales demo's, and limited rentals, but they are extending us the opportunity to purchase the machine now. The federal infrastructure bill has added the needed funding for this equipment, so in the 2023 budget, I would be adding back the funds spent this fiscal year to the Road Equipment Fund. This would be a net zero transaction.
I am requesting to use approximately $472,000 from the public works Road Equipment Fund to make this purchase ASAP - see attached quote. Per the Wasco County public contracting regulations, I will be utilizing a cooperative procurement exemption under a Sourcewell awarded contract. Sourcewell is a national public procurement site that allows government entities to "piggy-back" their contracts. No additional competitive selection process is needed. Thank you.
Arthur Smith
Public Works Director
NCPHD Annex A Asbestos Cleanup Brownfields Grant Agreement Approved
Video Time: 1:08:17
Commissioners approved an Oregon Business Development Department Brownfields Redevelopment Fund Grant Contract for Asbestos Cleanup at North Central Public Health District’s Annex A.
Background Information
From a County Staff Memo:
Utilizing the results of a Phase I environmental study conducted on the Annex A building (North Central Public Health) staff applied for and was awarded a grant from Business Oregon’s Brownfields Redevelopment Fund in the amount of $60,000 with an $8,000 dollar cash match. These funds will be used to remove asbestos containing materials from the basement, first, and second floor of Annex A. A contract to finalize this grant award has been reviewed by legal services and has been included in your packet for approval and signature. The Phase I environmental study completed last year through the support of the City of The Dalles Brownfield Revitalization Coalition.
$308,000 Set Aside for Refund Credit Requests
Video: 1:14:01
Pursuant to ORS 305.286, commissioners approved setting aside $308,000 in Potential Refund Accounts representing an additional $200,000 for Century Link and $108,000 for Gas Transmission Northwest.
Mid-Columbia Center for Living and YouthThink Opioid Prevention Agreement
Video Time: 1:21:50
Commissioners approved the Memorandum of Agreement between Wasco County and Mid-Columbia Center for Living for Opioid Abuse Prevention Services.
Association of Oregon Counties Dues
Video Time: 10:03
Commissioners agreed to pay their dues and retain their membership to the Association of Oregon Counties.
New Appointments to the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council
Video Time: 12:46
Commissioners appointed Oregon Youth Authority Supervisor, Eric Barrera and HAVEN Acting Director, Marcee Manning to the Wasco County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council.
Barrera is stepping into the position currently held by Donna McClung, who is retiring from the Oregon Youth Authority.
Marcee Manning has stepped into the role of Director of HAVEN and will be serving in the currently vacant position.
Wasco County Uniform Fee Schedule Policy Approved
Video Time: 16:00
Commissioners approved Policy 22-001 to guide updates to the Wasco County Uniform Fee Schedule. The purpose of the fee schedule policy is to standardize review of and increases to Wasco County’s Uniform Fee Schedule Ordinance.
The approved policy is as follows:
I. Wasco County shall review the Uniform Fee Schedule annually in July.
II. All fees shall be adjusted according to the Consumer Price Index for the Western Region of the United States.
III. Fees may be increased beyond the Consumer Prices Index rate if justification can be demonstrated to the Board of County Commissioners.
IV. The Amended Fee Schedule Ordinance shall be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval annually in September to achieve an effective dates in the first week of January of the following year.
V. This policy does not preclude updates to the Uniform Fee Schedule, approved by the Board of County Commissioners, at other times of the year as needed.
Background Information
During the 2021 Fee Schedule process (9.15.2022/10.6.2021) as well as at a work session (9.29.2021), the Board discussed formalizing the process of adjusting County fees through a policy. The policy developed by staff is intended to provide general guidance to departments while still allowing the Board some latitude in setting fees.