Red Cross Volunteers Report 31 Evacuees Sheltering at Shilo Inn in The Dalles
Pictured: Nick Widmer and Donda King of the American Red Cross, providing disaster relief services at Shilo Inn this morning.
The American Red Cross reports that 31 evacuated Mosier residents sought shelter with the American Red Cross at Shilo Inn in The Dalles.
Three Red Cross volunteers responded to the Shilo Inn to support those impacted by the wildfire following the request to open a shelter around 6 p.m. by county officials. Amy Asher took the lead last night while the logistics and teams were being put together. Once on-site, the volunteers began providing assistance to those who had been evacuated and worked through the evening to ensure that those affected by the fire had the support they needed, including providing breakfast this morning. Volunteers remained at the hotel overnight and were supported by additional Red Cross volunteers Nick Widmer and Donda King of the Eugene Springfield Oregon Pacific Chapter who relieved the three local volunteers, including Amy Asher, from their posts this morning. Local volunteers are now getting some much-needed sleep.
“Red Cross volunteers will be available for assistance for as long as it’s needed in the community,” said Chad Carter, Regional Communications Director for the American Red Cross, “Red Cross volunteers will be on-hand providing support and assistance to those who have been impacted by the fire. This includes providing meals, immediate basic needs like toiletries or helping to get prescription medication that may have been left behind, connecting them with local resources, and if necessary, identifying long-term recovery support if their home was damaged.”
Volunteers are ready to welcome anyone who has been impacted by the fire and they can simply show up to the Shilo Inn in The Dalles to receive assistance. Red Cross services are available to all residents regardless of the evacuation level. It is for all who have been impacted by the fire. “We hope they get to us before they get to Level 3, GO,” said Widmer, Disaster Program Manager at American Red Cross, “We want everyone to be safe.”
For more information on how to safely evacuate your home please visit this website. Individuals can also the free Red Cross Emergency App which provides tips, shelter information and other resources on your device.
Long time resident of Mosier, Charles Keller, who has been impacted by the Mosier Creek Fire expressed gratitude to the Red Cross to KGW earlier today, “I made the phone call and they took care of everything. The Red Cross helped out big time.”
Columbia Community Connection News would like to say thank you to all the volunteers who are currently working to keep our communities safe.
Updates from the local Red Cross can be found on the Red Cross Cascades Facebook.
Pictured: American Red Cross parked outside Shilo Inn in The Dalles.