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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

Heave Ho! Make way for the mighty Columbia

Heave Ho! Make way for the mighty Columbia

By Tom Peterson

Sea Scouts tested their mettle against the mighty Columbia River on Friday afternoon in the groups first navigational feat of the season.

“This is for fun, literally fun,” said Logan Baumgarten, prior to launching several kayaks and canoes.

A unit of the Boy Scouts of America, the Sea Scout Ship Freedom 399 launched from Riverfront Park and made its way upstream along the inner channel, headed for the gulf of Lone Pine Village.

“I want to know more about how to maneuver in watercraft,” said Megan Lanardson, 16. 

But first you need a boat. Northern Wasco County Parks and Recreation District’s Executive Director Scott Baker made way for the SSS Freedom. He gave the land lubbers use of  several kayaks owned by the district.

Rymmel and Tedd Lovell also put a paddle in the water, bringing their own canoes for the expedition.

The Sea Scouts are led by Skipper Deidre Baumgarten. She is training the young salts - 14 and up - on maritime skills, navigation, communication, water safety and teamwork. The program is co-ed.

The group formed in October and have been learning skills such as tying knots while doing fundraising to make their maiden voyage. Concessions, pumpkin sales, and helping with US Flags on Memorial Day weekend have filled the captain’s log. 

“We’re always looking for new members,” said Skipper Baumgarten, noting the unit offers rank and advancement. To find out more go to Facebook SSS Freedom or call Baumgarten at (707) 363-5353 or sssfreedom399@gmail.com

They’re even going inland to avoid the scurvy. Splash, giggles and big water are planned for the John Day and the Deschutes rivers this summer.  

Sea Scouts have historically been strong in The Dalles area with Randy Cummings leading strong crews in the ‘90s and early 2000s. 

The unit had its own boat, the “Pathfinder,”  Baumgarten said. But alas, she went to Vancouver when the program hit a lul. Her goal is to bring her back to port. 

SSS Freedom 399 made their first voyage on Friday. The new unit of the Boy Scouts of America is looking for new members. Check them out on Facebook SSS Freedom.

SSS Freedom 399 made their first voyage on Friday. The new unit of the Boy Scouts of America is looking for new members. Check them out on Facebook SSS Freedom.

Homemade marathon: Jill Pearson finishes in 4 hours 39 minutes.

Homemade marathon: Jill Pearson finishes in 4 hours 39 minutes.

In our own backyard

In our own backyard

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