Shannon’s Trivia Winner: Bigfoot Believer tracks down answer
This picture above was taken in Spooky's parking lot looking west, Peter Byrne had the Big Foot information center there from 1970 to 1979, wrote John Foley. Spooky’s is at 3320 W. Sixth St.
By Tom Peterson with background and photos from John Foley
Evelyn Biggs is this weeks winner!
The Dalles, Ore., May 13, 2024 — Evelyn Biggs of Dallesport walked all over this week’s trivia question about the location of the Bigfoot Exhibition in TD.
She hit it Biggs if you will.
She had a lot of good company as people all over the Gorge were tracking down the answer and sending it in. In all, we had 30 correct answers.
“I believe the Bigfoot place was somewhere near Spooky’s,” Evelyn said in her email.
Right, you are, Evelyn.
Did you ever take a tour?
“No, my Dad and Uncle told me about it.”
Have you ever seen Bigfoot?
“I haven’t but I completely believe. My husband has seen it.”
Do you want to see it?
“I don’t know. I’m not really sure. My husband said it is very very peaceful. You neveer see them because they just want to be left alone.”
Well said, Evelyn.
And for your efforts come by and pick up your Shannon’s Ice Cream $25 gift certificate. You better bring a Big Hand for that Big Waffle Cone.
Here’s to you Evelyn Biggs. Shannon’s Ice Cream is at 318 E. Fourth Street, The Dalles. Open Daily, noon to 9 p.m.
And congratulations to all our winners who got the question right: Greg Johnson, Anne Huteson, Dennis Gallagher, Keith Flatt, Jeff Davis, Denise Ellis, Nate Munsen, Pam Stafsholt, Oscar Johnson, Robert Catlin, Jill Russell, Cathay Kiser, Cindi French, Amy Manzella, Ayla Justman, Jamie Paiser, Diana Compton, Donna Troxel, Pat Kenslow, MIchael Bright, Larry Hoctor and Kim Birge.
Peter Byrne with Bigfoot casting
In the early 1970s, the Bigfoot craze hit The Dalles with the opening of The Bigfoot Exhibition brought to us by Peter Byrne of Dublin, Ireland, who wrote the book “The Search for Bigfoot.”
Geg Johnson offered this little tidbit on Byrne: “Peter Bryne worked as an orchard harvest crew leader for my Grandfather, Dick Renken. I was his assistant as a teenager that summer.”