Student Superintendent Roundtable Commences at D21

Meet the Roundtable. Calvin Evans, Valentina Leos, Keri Claussen, Maisie Bandel-Ramirez, Fiona Dunlop, Dr. Carolyn Bernal, and Austin Halewa pose for a photo in front of the North Wasco County School District 21 office. Photo Credit: NWCSD21

by Stephanie Bowen

Students from both The Dalles High School and Innovations Academy for the first Student Superintendent Roundtable led by North Wasco County School District Superintendent Carolyn Bernal on February 23rd, 2023.

The roundtable group was created for the purpose of opening the lines of communication and facilitating ongoing conversations between D21 students and the school administration, and also to empower students to drive their own learning and discuss ways to enhance the student experience.

Enhancing the student experience was identified as one of the top 5 priority areas in the District’s 5-year Strategic Plan, completed late last year. Capturing student voices and empowering students to drive their own learning were both key initiatives in addressing the goal and in turn lead to the creation of the roundtable.

Six student representatives in total make up the new committee. Two students representing Innovations Academy and four from The Dalles High School.

The application process for students to apply to the committee opened late last fall. Rather than being selected based on grades, school attendance or academic skills, the students were selected based on a passion for making change, their unique perspectives, and their dedication to improving their schools.

The result was a well rounded group of vibrant students, all with various backgrounds, areas of interest, and experiences - all eager to get started.  

And while there was a lot of positivity flowing in Thursday's group, the conversations prompted the students to think critically about the state of their school - and what they hope to see for future students. 

 “I want to be a part of the Student Advisory Group so I can bring a positive impact to fellow peers and be an advocate for my classmates,” said group member Maisie Bandel-Ramirez, “I am very passionate about helping my community and I want to use that passion and focus to work for positive change at the school.”

Valentina Leos speaks to different leadership styles during the roundtable meeting. Photo Credit: NWCSD21

While some of the committee work was around teambuilding and identifying personal leadership styles, the group spent a substantial amount of time focusing on hot topics at their schools sites. Topics included school community and culture, curriculum, accessibility, social justice, student opportunities, and yes, even homework. 

Unsurprisingly, facilities took up a substantial portion of the discussion.  

“Honestly, it’s embarrassing…but I probably shouldn’t say that,” one student remarked when asked how they felt about The Dalles High School. 

Several pointed out what it was like visiting other area high schools for athletics and other activities and how it is hard to take pride in their own school in comparison. Half of the students at the table shared personal accounts of injuries that left them facing accessibility issues like navigating multiple sets of stairs and doors, as well as missing class time due to the size and spread of the building. They empathized with peers facing lifelong disabilities, and how limiting the building must be.

Students were also able to celebrate some wins.

Keri Claussen, one of the Innovations Academy representatives, remarked how the smaller learning environment and different approach to learning at Innovations Academy was helping her find success. She shared that she hoped the two high school student bodies would be able to work together more in the future, uniting the students at the two schools.

In a follow-up meeting slated for this spring, the group will work on narrowing down their top priorities. As well as collectively brainstorm potential solutions, that will inform goals and strategies for District initiatives. These recommendations will also be considered by the Superintendent and School Board. They collectively agreed that they should focus on two or three key issues. 

“We want to ensure that our students’ voices are being heard. This gives them the platform to share their thoughts and unique experiences,” said Superintendent Bernal “I think this was an incredibly powerful first meeting. The group not only came ready to discuss some really deep issues, but they were also ready to offer what they thought may work as a solution.”

Bernal speaking to the roundtable. Photo Credit: NWCSD21

Wrapping up the meeting the group was asked to each share a closing thought, Sophomore Calvin Evans ended with “We’ve introduced a lot of problems, I’m excited to start finding solutions.” 

North Wasco County School District 21

Educate. Motivate. Graduate.

Mission Statement 

“Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering

them to be healthy and productive citizens.”

Vision Statement

“North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous

and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5%

of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly

effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates

citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential.

North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.”

Board & District Goals

1. Provide a safe and healthy educational environment.

2. Provide curriculum choices that challenge every student.

3. Increase academic achievement district-wide with special emphasis on reading, writing and mathematics gains for each student.

4. Provide involvement strategies that engage all parents. 5. Encourage effective community partnerships.

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