Boil Water Warning in effect for Mosier residents due to system pressure loss
Due to the loss of water pressure in the city’s distribution system on July 22, 2024, potentially harmful bacteria could be in the water supply. If these bacteria are present, they could make you sick and are a particular concern for people with weakened immune systems.
Bickleton/Big Horn Fire Evacuation Update, July 23, 4 p.m.: Klickitat County
As of 7/23/2024 at 12:30 PM and most current:
Level 3 "GO NOW" for North of Alder Creek, West to Crider Valley, East to Peterson; and from East Road to Sand Ridge Rd to the East and Alder Creek south to the Columbia River.
Level 2 "GET SET" for Middle Rd to the West, Coleman Rd to the North, Klickitat County Line to the East; and from Sand Ridge Rd to the Klickitat County Line.
Level 1 "GET READY" Evacuation for North of Coleman Rd to Stegeman and Van Horn, West to East Rd, East to Klickitat County Line.
Larch Creek Fire Evacuation Update, July 11, 4 p.m.
Level 3 - GO NOW evacuation from Wamic & Pine Hollow. Wy'East Middle School (3000 Wy'East Rd) in Hood River is the designated shelter for people. The Hood River Fairgrounds (3020 Wy'East Rd) is still a shelter for livestock. Leave without delay. It is unsafe to stay and threatens the safety of you, your family, and emergency responders. Your life could be in great danger. Emergency services personnel may not be available to help you if you choose to stay.
Newell Road Wildfire burns structures, 30,000 acres in East Klickitat County
Bickleton, Wash., July 22, 2023 - The Newell Road Wildfire has burned through multiple structures and more than 30,000 acres creating a hazard to homes, farm structures, crops, livestock, wind farms, the Roosevelt Landfill and the Williams Natural Gas Pipeline.