Little Art City Strikes Again: Annex seeks mural artists to mark west downtown entrance
Project to create a welcoming environment at The Annex, while joining in the rich mural tradition in downtown The Dalles. MCCAC looks to families and emerging artists to inspire people to collectively reimagine spaces that serve as the heart of their community.
Grand Opening of The Annex Transitional Housing and Shelter
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) is pleased to announce the grand opening of The Annex Transitional Housing and Shelter, formerly the Oregon Motor Motel. The formal grand opening event will take place at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 12th at 200 West 2nd St. in The Dalles, in the Annex’s west parking lot.
Annex completion in sight: transitional housing in downtown TD shaping up
Rocky Schultz of Lyle shows off her rock and landscape work at the Annex, or former Oregon Motor Motel at 200 W. Third St., in The Dalles on Tuesday, Sept. 26. Schultz works for Mountain Services owned by James Smasne. Completion of the Annex is coming into view as final touches are being made to the building.