They're Here: 'Demo Devil' staging for Tony's Tear Down
Josh Konell, seen above maneuvering the Caterpillar Excavator weighing in at around 55,000 pounds made its way into the staging area behind Tony’s Town and Country off of First Street. Demolition of the building at 401-407 E. Second Street will begin shortly.
Vroom, Vroom: TD Urban Renewal putting the pedal down on new grant program
A new grant program for reutilizing older buildings in The Dalles downtown has property owners making upgrades as Urban Renewal looks to breath new life into the commercial district. Also updates on the Recreation Building, Blue Building, Tony’s Town & Country and First Street upgrades.
Recreation Building Work Continues This Morning, Aug. 19
Pro Motions had it in high gear this morning as they were set to pour some 20 plus yards of concrete into a 10-foot vertical foundation wall at the Recreation Building downtown The Dalles.