Old World Carpenter digging into the "Father of Dalles City"
Old World Carpenter Tobias Ammon has dug into one of the oldest houses in The Dalles in his effort to restore the porch. The house’s original owner N.H. Gates known as the Father of Dalles City carried the incorporation of the City of The Dalles through the legislature in 1857 - two years before Oregon gained statehood.
Putting some Pop on Top: Restoration on Fourth St.
George and Terri Robertson are making a good impression. The couple from Portland is well into a restoration of the Wilkinson House at 207 Fourth Street in The Dalles.
600 Goats Munch Down in Maupin; Salmon Habitat Restoration Underway
600 goats descended on Maupin on Aug. 4th in an effort to restore Bakeoven Creek in its first two miles. Maupin’s Randy Klettke was able to build a team around the idea, bringing the Goat King from Pendleton and some pretty amazing Peruvian goat herders and their trusty guard and herding dogs. It’s the beginning of a long process, but one that could restore salmon spawning beds.