Election Day: Fill those circles, sign those secrets; don't stop 'til you make the drop
It ain’t over, ‘til it’s over. Come on people, dig in grab that pen and get after it. It’s election day! A day that people in autocratic nations can only dream about. Choice - you get to make a choice - you get to have power over the future of how things will turn out by putting the power in the hands of those you prefer. It’s unusual, and it’s awesome. Grab that pen. Feel that power!
Get those ballots in; Election day is tomorrow, May 16
Do you still need some information on candidates? Read CCCNews Meet the Candidates by clicking here.
Wasco County Republicans Endorsement of Frank Polehn "An Error"
UPDATED MAY 7th, 2021 to include comment from Wasco County Republican Committee Chair Betsy Hege “I put together a list of Republican candidates that were running and that list ended up on our website,” said Hege. “I deeply regret it because of what happened.”
Wasco County Special Election Update: Candidates in Short Supply
Looking for a way to serve your community? Wasco County is seeking candidates for the Wasco County Special District Election on May 18, 2021.