WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEND -TDHS Girls X-Country takes district... again
As the silly string descended on their sweat and rain-soaked hair, the Riverhawk runners took in the moment at the 4A-2 Tri-Valley Conference Championship at McIver Park in Estacada. The memory of last year’s District and State championship had haunted this year’s teams like a specter - and it seemed a new championship was the best way to relegate old expectations to the past.
Fields, Forests, and Faster: The Last Three Weeks of Riverhawk Cross Country
While the results of the last three weeks have been heady and exciting, The Dalles runners know not to count their riverhawks or districts before they’ve hatched. If anything, their strong showing at the district preview and the 3k tuneup will likely motivate the other Tri-Valley teams to outwork and out-kick them this week.