Suze Riley’s Bold Move in Maupin
To meet Suze Riley is to meet a personality as bold as the dark roast coffee she proudly, passionately and meticulously roasts and retails from her small, but state-of-the-art facility in Maupin, OR.
800 Megawatt Solar Project Proposed in Wasco County
Wasco County Commissioners have received a notice of intent to build an ambitious 8,075 acre, 800 megawatt solar project, valued at over $1 billion, called Yellow Rosebush Energy Center.
Wasco County Preview: County to Deed Land to Dufur and Maupin, Tri-County Recycle Asks for An App, Coordinated Homeless Response Pilot Program Gets an Update, and the County Unveils a New Transit Plan
Get a sneak peek at the upcoming Wasco County Commission Meeting without having to read through 567 pages of an agenda. Topics for this week’s meeting include a Coordinated Homeless Response Pilot Program, the Expunction of Juvenile Records, Maupin and Dufur Land Purchases, the unveiling of a new plan for County transit and more.
Nice Walk to Work
Michael Whitaker, 26, of Maupin gets a pretty decent view on his way to work most days, like this one, Tuesday, March 2. Nothing like the Deschutes River to lift your spirits. It appears that March is coming in like a lamb. Get out and enjoy.