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Columbia Community Connection was established in 2020 as a local, honest and digital news source providing meaningful stories and articles. CCC News’ primary goal is to inform and elevate all the residents and businesses of the Mid-Columbia Region. A rising tide lifts all boats, hop in!

TD Kiwanis delve into parks, chamber and senior center this month

TD Kiwanis delve into parks, chamber and senior center this month

By Karl Vercouteren

The Dalles, July 2, 2023 - KIWANIS PROGRAMS: Kiwanis meetings are held every Thursday at noon at Spooky’s and visitors are welcome. This week’s events include:

— July 4 Kiwanians organize the parade (check-in starting 8 a.m., parade 10 a.m.)

— July 6 Scott Baker and Annette Byers bring Parks & Recreation update.

— July 13 Chamber of Commerce happenings with Lisa Farquharson.

— July 20 Bob Garret reports on the Senior Center.

— July 27 Kiwanis social at Sherry Munro's (no noon meeting)

For more information go to www.thedalleskiwanis.org/ or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook.

TD Parade prances into a dazzling finale filled with Oohs and Ahhs

TD Parade prances into a dazzling finale filled with Oohs and Ahhs

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Fire personnel more than doubles to 372; Fire grows by 13 acres

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Fire personnel more than doubles to 372; Fire grows by 13 acres

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