Tell us the current name for this restaurant in TD and it could put $50 in your pocket

Irish Fried CHICKEN! Hmmm… Fried Chicken made in Ireland? Or maybe made by someone who is Irish? More than that. Apparently it’s a thing.

By Tom Peterson / Photos provided by John Foley

The Dalles, Ore., March 23, 2024 — We are starting a little game here at CCCNews because we like gaming the system and a local guy came by and inspired us with some of his historic photos in The Dalles.

These photos of the Irish Treat are pretty cool.

But it wasn’t always called that. Furthermore, there is another restaurant now where the Irish treat stood.

Two questions:

  • What was the name of this burger stand before it changed to the Irish Treat in 1956?

  • And what now stands there in its place?

Email your answers to by Sunday, March 24 at 6 p.m. - No slacking! I will enter the correct responders into a raffle- the winner gets $50. One small request: The winner sends us a selfie showing their ecstatic joy and a milkshake mustache might add a nice touch.

HINT: If you don’t know the answers, find somebody that does. I’m sure there is someone a stone’s throw away. And don’t go using your computers to go spelunkin’, talk, people, talk. But, I might add that there are answers out there crackling in fiberoptics.

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